HB104 WK2 SYMPTOMS Flashcards
Shan Yao (Rz Dioscorea)
1)Tonifies and augments the spleen and stomach- for spleen and stomach deficiency with such symptoms as diarrhea, fatigue spontaneous sweating and lack of appetite, menstral dysfunction, vaginal discharge, and vaginal discharge a) loose wastery stool due to Spleen qi deficiency b) thin clear profuse vaginal discharge due to kidney and spleen weakness c) poor appetite due to spleen qi deficiency d) cooked w/ rice into porridge for fatigue listlessness or spontaneous sweating due to spleen deficiency 2)Tonifies Lung Qi augments Lung Yin - for chronic cough or wheezing due to lung qi deficiency a)fatigue weak dry hacking cough dislaike of talking due to ling qi or yin deficiency b) cough or wheezing w/ absent or scany sputum throat soreness due to heat scorching the lung 3)Tonifies the kidneys, stabilizes and binds - benefits both the yin and the yang of the lung and kidneys. it is therefore often used in treating wasting and thristing disorder. it also secures the essence and treats sprematorrhea, urinary frequency and vaginal discharge a) loose watery stools in the early AM, fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness in the lower back and knees due to kidney and spleen deficiency b)night sweats premature ejaculation due to kidney yin deficiency c)excessive clear white vaginal discharge due to kidney deficiency d)excessive urination sweating thrist excessive appetite due to wasting and thristing syndrome
Bai Zhu (Rz Atractylodes Macrophyllae)
1)Tonifies the Spleen augments the Qi - for spleen or stomach deficiency with such symptoms as diarrhea, fatigue, sallow complexion and lack appetite a) reduced appetite gas due to middle Yao deficiency b)diarrhea loose stool fatigue due to spleen and stomach deficiency c) diarrhea due to middle jiao damp accumulation 2)Dries dampness promotes and improves fluid metabolism - for accumulation of fluids affecting dgestion as well as edea and reduced urination due to spleen deficiency and its failure to transform and transport; auxillary herb for damp painful obstruction a)pain and impeded movement of joints, joint swelling or abundant clear vaginal discharge due to damp acculmulation in the middle burner b) edema due to spleen and kidney defieciency c) acid reflux w/ white clear fluid cough w/ abundant clear fluid due to damp accumulation in the middle burner 3)Stabilizes the exterior stops sweating - for spontanuos sweating due to qi deficiency a) excessive sweating propensity to catch colds and flu easily que to Wei qi deficiency b) nightsweats due to lung yin deficiency c) excessive or relentness spontanuous sweating due to qi defceincy 4)calms the fetus - for restless fetus disorder esp when due to spleen deficiency a)restless fetus due to spleen qi deficiency b)restless fetus due threatened miscarrige due to kidney deficiency
Gen Cao (Rx Glycyrrhizae)
1)Tonifies the spleen and augment the Qi - for spleen deficiency w/ shortness of breath, lassitude and loose stools. Also for qi or blood deficiency patterns with an irregular or intermittent pulse and or palpitations a) fatigue lassitude loose stool due to spleen defceincy b) palpitations slow heart heat restlessness due to heart qi deficiency 2)moistens the lungs and stops cough- for cough and wheezng, can be used for either heat or cold in the lungs and for either productive or nonproductive cough a)cough chills difficult to expectorate dry phlegm due to external phlegm aggravating the lungs b)cough fever scanty yellow sputum wheezing due to wind heat c) cough thick sticky yellow sputum high fever and thrist due to extreme heat in the lungs 3) clears and resolves fire toxins - unprepared for carbuncles sores or sore throat due to fire toxin a)red sores that have not opened due to fire toxins b)extreme sore throat, throat lesions due to fire toxicity 4)antidotes toxic substances - internally/ topically a) various types of toxins antidotes toxins in formulas 5)moderates and harmonizes the harsh toxic properties of other herbs - moderates hot and cold herbs mitigates harsh properties a)moderates hot natures of the herbs b)moderates cathartic action of herbs 6)moderates spasms and alleviates pain - for painful spasms of the abdomen or legs a) pain muscle and tendon spasms soreness and achiness due to blood, jin or ye not noursishing the tendons and sinews
Yi Tang (Maltose)
1)tonifies the spleen augments the Qi - overexcertion of the spleen a) reduced appetite fatigue due to spleen deficiency 2) Tonifies the middle burner alleviates pain - abdominal pain due to cold deficiency a) sharp abdominal pain due to cold 3)Moistens the lungs stops cough - for dry nonproductive cough with labored slow breathing, wheezing on slight exertion due to lung deficiency a)cough wheezing low voice shortness of breath due to lung deficiency
Ci Wu Jia (Rx Acanthopanacis Senticosa Eluethrococus)
1)Tonifies spleen and stomach to aid in transformation of transportation warms kidney or spleen deficiency -for weak lower back and legs, a sense of heaviness and fatigue insomnia with many dreams and poor appetite a) dream disturbed sleep for heart deficiency b)fatigue, weakness back or knees, diarrhea due to kidney or spleen deficiency 2)Invigorates the blood unblocks the channels and collaterals -for problems due to poor peripheral circulation with signs of blood stasis a)impeded movement in the joints due to qi and blood stasis 3) Augments the Heart qi and calms the spirit- heart qi deficiency manifested as poor concentration or mild depression a) poor concentration, depression due to heart deficiency
Shu Di Huang (Rx Rehmaniae Preparatae)
1)Tonifies the Blood - for blood deficiency, facial pallor, dizziness, palpitations and insomnia a) dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, pallor, menstral irregularties due to blood deficiency b) excessive uterine bleeding due to blood deficiency c) palptations depression insomnia due to blood deficiency 2)Nourishes the Yin kidney and Liver - for liver and kidney yin deficeincy with such symptoms as weak lower back and limbs, tinnutis, tidal fevers night sweats nocturnal emmisions a) dizziness, tinntus, insomnia, afternoon fever due to liver and kidney yin deficiency b)nightsweats, tidal fever nocturnal emmisions premature ejaculation due to yin deficiency 3)Strongly enriches the yin, alleviates wasting and thristing - esp usefully for lower burner wasting; relating to exhaution of kidney yin a)toothache mouth pain due to kidney yin deficeincy w/ heat b)excessive painful urination, weak back or knees, thrist due to wasting or thristing disorder 4) Nourishes blood and tonifies the Jing essence - for problems w/ both blood and essence such as delayed developed during childhood, premature aging, memory loss and greying of hair a)premature graying or hairloss due to Jing essence deficiency
Zhi He Shou Wu (Rx Polygoni Multiflora)
1)Tonifies Liver and Kidney, nourishes blood, augment the essence - for patterns of yin or blood deficiency with such signs as dizziness, blurred vision, premature greying; tonfies and preserves and is neither cold drying nor to cloying a) premature greying of the hair due to Jing essence deficiency b) dry red eyes blurred vision dizziness due to Liver blood deficiency c)weakness of the back or knees numbness and tingling of the extremitries due to yin and blood deficiency 2)Expels wind from the skin, nourishes blood -for wind rash due to blood deficiency a)dry red itchy skin w/ weeping due to wind damp w/ concurrent blood deficiency b)dry red itchy skin due to wind dryness w/ blood deficiencies