HB103 wk2 Symptoms Flashcards
Zhu Ru (Caulis Bambusae)
Cough, copious yellow phlegm, heat in the lungs; Insomia, paplitations, bitter taste in the mouth, irritabilty, anger, wiry puplse, red tongue, yellow coat due to gall bladder phlegm heat; vomiting of sour fluids, greasy yellow tongue due to hot phlegm in the stomach, nausea, red face, morning sickness due to heat
Hai Zao (Sargassum)
Neck nodules & goiter due to phlegm fire, scrofula; leg qi, edema of the lower extremeties due to damp heat, inhibited urination due to damp heat in the bladder
Zhi Ban Xia (Rz Pinelliae Prep)
Cough w/copious white phlegm or thin lear white mucous, aversion to cold due to cold damp phlegm retention in the lungs; chest constriction, pain restricted cough w/ clear phlegm due to Lung qi stagnation; nausea, vomiting of clear fluids, abdominal distention bloating or gas due to cold damp obstruction; morining sickness; vomiting of yellow fluids or bile; For nodules, pressure, distention/pain for focal distention in the chest & epigastrium; stiffling or clumped sensation in th epigastrium; chest constriction, cough w/ yellow viscous sputum due to clumping of hot phlegm in the upper burner
Zhi Tian Nan Xing (Rz Arisaematis)
cough, white clear phlegm that is persistent or difficult to treat, chest constriction and sensation of cold in the upper back due to phlegm cold in the lung; Cough w/ persistent or chronic yellow phlegm due to phlegm heat in the lung; dizziness, vertigo, seizures, spasms, facial paralysis, headache, tentany, lockjaw, stroke, paralysis, coma due to wind phlegm; ulcer, carbuncles, sores, powered and applied to phlegm nodules, swelling, & bruises from traumatic injury
Bai Jie Zi (Sm Sinapis)
cough, copious clear frothy sputum, chest distention & pain due to phlegm cold clogging the lung; chest constriction/ difficult exhalation due to qi stagnation in the lung; joint pain w/ restriction movement & heaviness due to damp cold or painful obstruction; flat abscesses & yin type sores; numbness, pain, & stiffness in the upper arms & shoulders due to cold stagnating qi & blood
Jie Geng (Rx Platycodi)
Cough, aversion to wind or heat, chills, bodyaches, copuious, clear phlegm difficult exhalation due to wind cold; yellow mucous, fever, headache due to wind heat; sorethroat; cough w/ yellow phlegm putrid pain & yellow abscess ulcerations in the throat; lung abscess w/ cough; sore throat painful w/ putrid phlegm; difficult exhalation due to impeded dispersal of the lung; dry raspy throat due to lung deficiency