Hazmat Chapter 11 Decon Flashcards
The physical and or chemical process of reducing and preventing the spread of contamination from persons and equipment used at a hazmat incident.
Performing Decon to a As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Contaminate is
A hazardous material that physically remains on or in people, animals, the environment or equipment, thereby creating a continuing risk of direct injury or a risk of exposure outside of the hot zone.
Contamination is
The process of transferring a hazardous material from its source to people, animals the environment or equipment which may act as a carrier.
Decontamination corridor.
A distinct area within the warm zone that functions as a protective buffer and bridge between the hot and cold zone where Decon stations and personal are located to conduct Decon
Decon officer
A position within the hazmat branch which had responsibility for IDing the location of the Decon corridor, assigning stations, managing all decon procedures.
Degradation is
A chemical action involving the molecular breakdown of a protective clothing material or equipment due to contact with a chemical
The molecular breakdown of the spilled or released material to render it less hazardous
Disinfection is
The process used to destroy the majority of recognized pathogenic microorganisms.
Direct contamination is
Occurs when a person comes in direct physical contact with a contaminant or when a person comes in contact with any object that is the contaminant on it
The process which people etc are subjected to or come into contact with a hazardous material
Gross Decon
Initial phase of the decon process during which the amount of surface contamination is significantly reduced
3 types of decon
Mass decon
The process of decontaminating large numbers of people in the fastest possible time to reduce surface contamination to a safe level
Safe refuge area
A temporary holding area for contaminated people until a decon corridor is set up.
Secondary decon
The second phase of the Decon process designed to physically or chemically remove surface contamination to a safe level