Hazmat 5 CPC Units Flashcards
Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) Units have been formed to augment the Hazardous
Materials Group in incidents where contaminated victims are encountered. Their purpose is to assist in performing search, rescue, and removal of victims, both civilians and emergency responders. What functions can they perform and what are they not allowed to do?
They are trained and certified to operate in Level “A” and Level “B” CPC and can perform required decontamination. However, they are neither trained nor equipped to perform mitigation. They can be used at any incident where the Incident Commander feels their training and equipment might be beneficial.
At least how many CPC trained members have to be under proper supervision before entry is made?
CPC Unit entries into a contaminated area require a coordinated team effort by at least
five (5) CPC trained members: Entry (2), Backup (2), and Decon (1), under the proper supervision.It is not necessary that all team members be from the same CPC Unit. However, the necessary number of trained individuals must be assembled.
What needs to be established before entry is made by a CPC unit?
A decontamination station must be established and staffed before entry is made.
Who is responsible to assign an adequate # of CPC units to ensure that 1 CPC trained Officer and 5 CPC trained FF’s are responding?
If a CPC Unit is requested to respond, the dispatcher will assign an adequate number of
CPC Units to ensure that one CPC trained Officer and five CPC trained Firefighters are
What are the initial responsibilities of the CPC Officer upon arrival at the incident?
On arrival, the CPC Unit Officer shall report to the Incident Commander for a briefing. The first arriving CPC Unit Officer will recommend to the IC the ENTRY POINT into the Hot Zone (based on their training, initial briefing and size-up), and then establish the CPC Unit Assembly Area adjacent to the entry point. The CPC Unit Officer will brief
unit members of the objective and required tasks and must continually maintain both immediate and functional supervision over them to ensure their safety during the operation.
When should a CPC Officer don their chemical protective suit?
The CPC Unit Officer shall not don a chemical protective suit unless the situation indicates that a suit is required in order to properly supervise the unit’s operation. Examples of this would be where the Entry team would not be in line of sight, a complex Entry team operation, or where the operation requires a number of Entry teams.
How many members make up the entry team of a CPC Unit?
Must consist of two CPC trained members attired in the appropriate level of CPC. They shall perform the actual search, rescue, and removal of victim(s) from the hazardous area
to a CCP. Both members must be radio equipped, and for both safety and operating efficiency, they
must work in close proximity of one another at all times (buddy system). If one member must leave the operating zone the other team member must also leave.
If one member of the entry team goes down for an UNKNOWN reason what should the other entry team member do?
If one of the Entry team members goes down for an unknown reason, the other team member must leave the operating area to insure notification is made to the Back-up team for the need of an
immediate rescue. A major concern of this Entry team member must be whether the released material has over time permeated the CPC of the downed team member and if so, their own suit may be vulnerable. The Back-up team will be performing only one task, the removal of the downed member, and their operating time should be less than that of the Entry team’s. The team will be under the functional supervision of the CPC
Unit Officer at all times
8 Bullets on the responsibilities of the CPC Entry team:
6.2.1 Responsibilities:
♦ Coordinate and verify “On Air Start” time with their CPC Unit Officer
♦ Immediately notify their CPC Unit Officer upon reaching operation point
♦ Verify “On Air Work and Exit” time with CPC Unit Officer
♦ Monitor “On Air” time
♦ Maintain radio contact with CPC Unit Officer
♦ Always operate as team in sight of one another (Buddy System)
♦ Determine their order of decontamination
♦ Re-hydrate and follow any recommended treatment
Note: In areas of limited or no line of sight with the CPC Unit Officer, the Entry team members shall give a detailed description of the areas they pass through and work in. This will provide a visual mapping of the Hot Zone for the CPC Unit Officer and the Back-up teams in cases where the Entry team requires assistance
7 Bullets on the duties of the CPC Entry Team:
6.2.2 Duties:
♦ Enter Hot Zone when directed to by their CPC Unit Officer
♦ Locate victim(s). Perform Noxious Stimulus Triage* (NST) at multiple victims incidents
♦ Remove Non Ambulatory victims to CCP if established
♦ Direct Ambulatory victims to appropriate Decon Corridor
♦ Report any obvious cause(s) of incident
♦ Note and immediately report any possible evidence or clues
♦ Immediately report any pertinent information Material/Device discovered
What is Noxious Stimuli Triage?
- NST - A triage method used when encountering multiple unconscious victims.
Member nudges victim to determine level of responsiveness.
How many CPC members make up the Back-up Team?
Must consist of two CPC trained members dressed to the “standby position”* in the appropriate level of CPC. They shall be ready to enter the Hot Zone, when directed to do so by the CPC Unit Officer, to rescue and remove an Entry team member(s) should the need arise. Both members of the team must be radio equipped.
What is the CPC standby position?
CPC Standby position – Both legs in suit, outer boots and surgical gloves on SCBA donned, cylinder opened, facepiece on, but regulator disengaged from facepiece, right arm in suit and identity tag in place.
When more tha 2 entry teams are expected to be put to work what shall the IC do?
Note:The Incident Commander shall special call a CPC Unit or Haz-Mat Technician Unit as a FAST unit to the scene if more than two entry teams are expected to be put to work.
What must be established prior to any entry of CPC personnel into a Hot or warm Zone/
A Decontamination Station must be established prior to any entry of CPC equipped personnel into the Hot or Warm Zones.
What is the primary function of the Decontamination station?
The primary function of this station is to provide
immediate and adequate decontamination to Entry team members so they can be safely removed from CPC with minimum exposure to any material they may have had contact with. As a secondary function, it can be used to decontaminate First Responders and/or civilians until FDNY shower units arrive on the scene.
How many victims in the Hot Zone would be considered MULTIPLE victims requiring additional entry teams?
An incident, involving multiple victims (three or more) in the Hot Zone, requires different tactics than for an incident that involves one or two victims. A single Entry team will be able to handle removing one or two victims from the Hot Zone to a safe area. However at an incident where there are numerous ambulatory and/or non ambulatory
victims, a single Entry team will not be able to complete this task with their limited “On Air” work time. These incidents will require additional Entry teams.
At large incidents with multiple victims who should be addressed 1st and where should they be directed to?
At large incidents with multiple victims, ambulatory victims should be addressed first.
These victims are generally farthest from the release and have experienced the smallest
exposure dose and require the least amount of time to remove. They should be directed to a predetermined CCP where they can be decontaminated and then treated in the Cold
Zone by medical personnel who are not restricted by having to wear CPC.
After all the ambulatory victims have been directed to the proper CCP, the Entry teams shall then turn their attention to which victims performing what task?
After all the ambulatory victims have been directed to the proper CCP, the Entry teams shall then turn their attention to any non-ambulatory victims. Equipped with triage tags,
Entry team members shall perform NST upon any unconscious victims. Using the triage tags, any victim with no response to NST shall be black tagged.