hays Flashcards
Information and Communication Technology
Deals with the use of different communication technologies such as smart phones, telephone, internet, etc. to locate, save, send and edit information.
► Used in video call, send text (SMS), calls, telephone networks, and Internet
Several International companies dub the Philippines as the “_______” (Call center) or
BPO – (_________) Centers)
ICT hub of ASIA
Business Process Outsourcing
ITU –___________:
______ cellphones per 100 Filipinos average.
International Telecommunication Union
____ – ICT Industry Shares ____% of the total employment population.
2010 –
Time Magazine: Philippines “________”
The Selfiest Cities Around the world
2 answer only
Web __ ,_____ Web pages
► Web ____ When WWW was invented most web pages where ___.
► ___ (also known as flat page) in the sense that the page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user.
Web ____, ____Web pages (_____,____)
► Evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages.
2.0, Dynamic
january 1999
► User is able to see a website differently than others.
► Social Networking sites, blogs, Wikis, Video sharing sites, and web application.
web 2.0
dynamic web pages
► Allows users to interact with the page. (able to comment or create a user account.
► Most websites that we visit today are web ___
web 2.0
dynamic web pages
Features of Web 2.0
►___ – Allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely chosen keywords. Ie: Tagging (#)
►______ – content is dynamic and is responsive to users input. (Log in accounts.)
►______ – The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put a content.
Comments, reviews, and evaluation.
►_____ – services that are offered on demand rather than on a one – time purchase.
►________ – Users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them.
►____ – Diverse information sharing through universal web access.
Rich user experience
User Participation
Long Tail
Software as a service
Mass participation
Features of Web 2.0
► – Allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely chosen keywords. Ie: Tagging (#)
features of web 2.0
► – content is dynamic and is responsive to users input. (Log in accounts.)
Rich user experience
features of web 2.0
► – The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put a content.
Comments, reviews, and evaluation.
User Participation
features of web 2.0
►– services that are offered on demand rather than on a one – time purchase.
Long Tail
features of web 2.0
► – Users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them.
Software as a service
features of web 2.0
► – Diverse information sharing through universal web access.
Mass participation
Web ____ and the _____ web
► The ___ web is a movement led by the ________ (W3C)
► ___ Web provides a common Framework that allows data to be shared and reused
across application, enterprises, and community boundaries.
► For example: If you search the internet for “where is the best place to go shopping?” Web ___ will aim to give you results depending on how you made choices in the past.
semantic ,
World Wide Web Consortium
Web 3.0 several issues and problems
►_____ – HTML files and current web browsers could not support web 3.0 at all times.
►____ – Machine is saving his or her preferences.
►____ – The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.
► _____ – Certain words are imprecise. The word “old” and “small” would depend on the user.
►_____ – Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given time.
Trends in ICT
► 1._______ – is using several technologies to accomplish task conveniently.
► 2.______ – is a website, application, or online channel that enables user to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.
Social Media
trends in ict
1._______ – is using several technologies to accomplish task conveniently.
trends in ict
► 2.____– is a website, application, or online channel that enables user to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.
Social Media
Six types of Social Media
►______ – facebook, friedster, and google +
►_______ – store and manage links to various websites and resources. Ie:
pinterest, and stumble upon.
►________ – allows user post their own news. Examples: reddit and digg.
►_______ – upload and share media. Examples: youtube, flicker, and Instagram.
►____ – sites focus on short updates from the user. Examples: Twitter, and plurk
►_____ – allows user to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the said topic.
Social Networks
Bookmarking sites
Social News
Media sharing
Blogs and forums
Media Technologies
►___ – Used in apple devices.
►____ – An open source OS developed by google.
►______ – Used in blackberry devices.
►______ – A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
►______ – the original smartphone OS, used by nokia devices.
►____ – originally used for smart phones; now used for smart TV’s
►_______ – Developed by Microsoft for smartphones and Pocket PC’s.
Blackberry OS
Windows Phone OS
Web OS
Window Mobile
► Is a non profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
Assistive Media
Internet Services
►______ – or __, is worldwide system of sending and receiving mail in electronic format.
►________– Enables you to talk or chat to individuals or group of people, usually using aliases or screen names to send typed messages.
►____ – Is a remote login application that permits your computer to log on to another computer and access it as if you were actually there.
►______ – An early text-based method for accessing documents on the internet.
►_________ – a system of linking documents together even if they are on different computers and located in different countries. It incorporates all the services listed above, and includes the ability of viewing videos, or listening to sound recordings.
Electronic Mail or email
IRC – Internet Relay Chat
World Wide Web – WWW
basically a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files.
World Wide Web
inventor of www
Tim Berners-Lee
HTML meaning
hyper text mark up language
______– set of rules that allow for inter-machine communication.
► HTTP –_______, Standard means of transmitting files written in HTML over networks. Main Protocol of the World Wide Web.
Web Protocol
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
–_________, Standard format for sending email messages and attached files to one or more electronic mailboxes.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Allows transfer of files between and FTP server and a computer.
File Transfer Protocol
Allows delivery of voice communications over IP networks.
Voice over Internet Protocol
► Is a software which allows you to access and display the information or HTML files that are on the World Wide Web.
Web browser
Parts of a Web Browser
► Title Bar
► Tool Bar
► Address Bar
► Search Bar
► Status Bar
►_______ – Text that appears at the top of the browser. Describes the content of the web page.
Title Bar
►_____ – Includes menu bar and command buttons.
Tool Bar
►_______ – Displays the address, or URL of the web page.
Address Bar
►_____- Includes a selection of some search engines and subject guides. – search phrase box also.
Search Bar
– Appears at the bottom of your web browser. Shows the browser’s progress.
Status Bar
► Is a formatted text string used by web browsers, email clients and other software to locate a network resource on the internet.
Uniform Resource Locator
► Network resources are files that can be ordinary web pages , other text documents, graphics, or even programs.
► The ____ specifies the unique address of every file on the internet.
URL Four parts
• http://www.mabinicollegesportal.com/index/about-u.html
Protocol - http
Host name- mabini
Directory - .com
File name/about u.html
► Static (Flat page or stationary page)
► Page cannot be manipulated by the user.
► Content is the same for all use
Web 1.0
► Dynamic Web pages
► Coined by_______ – January 1999 “_______”
► User is able to see a website differently than others.
► Includes Social Networking websites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted Services and web applications.
► Allows user to create account, interact with the page.
Web 2.0
Darcy Dinucci
Fragmented Future
► Semantic web movement led by World wide web consortium (W3C)
► Provides common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across
application, enterprise, and community bounderies
► The Internet is able to predict the best possible answers to your question by learning from your previous choice.
Web 3.0
what is computer
computer is an electronic programme device that can restore, retrieve and process data
_____ has input, process, data
- consist of devices, programs, and operating aids
in general term hardware.
computer systems
4 ware
operating aids-___
program aids-____
father of computer
charles babbage
computer system examples
laptop, oven, washing machine, camera, smartphone etc
create collect consolidate, communicate, manage and process
allow/access html files on www
web browser