Haydn Symphony No.104 - Movement I Flashcards
Some quick fire questions about Movement I
This symphony was Haydn’s last, written at the ___ of his career. It represents the culmination of years of experimentation and stylistic evolution.
Haydn’s symphony premiered in this city during his second visit to England (hence its nickname).
Haydn worked under the patronage of this family for almost 30 years, in which he perfected his approach to the symphony.
Esterházy family
Haydn composed over [this number] of symphonies; during their composition, the genre evolved significantly, and his works trace these changes.
What is the structure of Movement I?
Sonata Form
What is the key of this movement?
D major
Which instrument doesn’t have a solo role?
What is the texture of the introduction?
What is the rhythm from the intro called and where is it from?
Double dotted rhythm from the French overtures
What is the most common texture of this movement?
Melody+accompanyment/ Melody dominated/Homophonic
What year was the work composed?
How does the reinstatement of the 2nd subject in the recap differ from the original in the exposition?
New material which focuses on the head part of the original motif-creates variety
What happens in the exposition?
The composer exposes their ideas through ‘subjects/themes’ 1 and 2.
What key is the 1st Subject in?
D major
What key is the 2nd Subject in?
Subject 2 = Subject 1 in A major