Hawk Roosting vs Ozymandias plan Flashcards
Themes and links in Hawk Roosting
-Power and control
How is power presented in both HR and Ozymandias?
-Both poems depict nature as all powerful and immortal
Quotes about power HR
‘I am going to keep things like this’
‘My eyes have permitted no change’
‘I am going to keep things like this’ HR
The Hawk’s control over everything
‘My eyes have permitted no change’ HR
‘Permitted’ implies the Hawk has a high level of authority.
In HR, what is the hawk a symbol of?
The hawk is a symbol for the violence, force and struggle that is in nature.
How is OZY about power?
Because nature in Ozy proves that mankind, tyranny and egotistical leaders are a small fraction of time, and how their significance gradually is forgotten.
OZY - The statue ‘decays’.
Mortality of mankind
OZY- ‘Sands stretch far away’
-Endlessness of nature, infinite reign,
Other than power, both HR and OZY are about ______?
How does Hawk Roosting present power differently?
It presents it as A ruthless power
How does Ozy present power differently?
It presents human power as mortal and insignificant and how an egotist only lasts a finite amount of time.
OZY - the statue is a ‘______ _____’
‘Colossal wreck’ with ‘trunkless legs’ - Nature is causing the human statue to decay as it overpowers it.
OZY - ‘Shattered visage’
Verb ‘Shattered’ implying that nature is destroying this symbol of human power
Quotes for nature as a ruthless power HR
‘Tearing off heads’
‘Allotment of death’
‘Bones of the living’
HR- ‘Tearing off heads’,
pure violence and dominance from the hawk, dismembering
HR- ‘Allotment of death’
The hawk decides who lives and dies
HR- ‘Bones of the living’
Violence is instant, direct and dismembering.
Format of OZY
Ozymandias is a sonnet written in iambic pentameter.
Quotes and notes for structure of OZY
-‘The hand that mocked them’
The octave is about the statue, the sestet is about Ozymandias himself
The volta is about the sands rolling away
‘The hand that mocked them’ OZY
Could be referring to OZY being a tyrant or the sculptor’s hand mocking Ozymandias.
Use of synecdoche in ‘hand’ refers both to cruelty of ozy but also the subversive character of art.
Comparison in structure between HR and OZY
-The two poems are very different structurally
-But both use structural devices to reinforce their visions of nature/Power.
Structure in HR
The use of ceazura throughout HR (commas or full stops mark the majority of its lines) means that each line is a statement.
Context in OZY
-The statue is Ramses II, Shelley visited the british museum and saw the mummy of Ozymandias
-Shelley was a poet laureate and a romantic poet, she wrote about the power of the natural world and opposed political tyranny.
Context in HR
-Ted hughes was a poet laureate who died in 1998. He was known as a ‘new romantic’.
-Shamanism - The idea that nature is a thinking thing (From a Hawk’s pov)
-Ted Hughes thought the poem was not about cruelty.