Hawk Roosting Flashcards
No rhyme scheme shows that he is free and with no rules afforded to him
Dramatic monologue - silent audience illustrates how everything else is powerless against him
First person narrative emphasises narcissism but also gives sense of authority
End-stopping gives lines a decisive feel, especially last stanza
Only rhyming couplet is ‘feet and eat’ showing how killing is perfect to him and comes naturally
Monosyllabic language illustrates how killing is simple to him
Dashes slow the pace, sadistic, he likes to draw out the pain
Cyclical - shows how nothing will ever change and the power will remain his
Stillness at the beginning and end, violent and sadistic movement in the middle
Ending with a statement about the future illustrates insurmountable confidence.
‘Eyes closed’ -> meditative, no worries
Framing device -> beginning and ending with ‘I’ emphasises hubris
Arrogant, assertive and selfish
Overuse of personal pronouns
Frequent use of negative statements suggest the hawks rejecting of rules of society and perhaps a deeper disdain
top of the wood
Imagery of superiority
Symbol of his conquering nature
Hooked head and hooked feet
Repetition insinuates that he is crooked -> morally
Perfect kills
The convenience of the high trees!
Are of advantage to me
Orator , powerful
Arrogant -> the world has been created around him
It sounds as if nature was made for him
Exclamation shows he enjoys his power, sadistic
Suns ray
Light imagery juxtaposes the dark content
face upward for my inspection
inferiority -> looks down on them literally and figuratively
Inspection sounds sinister and emphasises superiority
through the bones of the living
Juxtaposition - he views others a material which is simply for his consumption- ironic constant shows his constant pursuit and view that anything he sees as living is already dead
Violent image of the hawk swooping
The sun is behind me
The beginnings of nature worked with him, now he ruled
Corporeal imagery
‘Eyes closed’ ‘Hooked head and hooked feet’ ‘feet, foot’ ‘No sophistry in my body’ ‘My eye’
It is perfectly adapted to be powerful
Reflection on human nature
Tyrannical leaders (Nazi eugenics)
More radically, the tyrannical humanity
Locked up on the rough bark
Harsh consonance shows his brutality