Hashing Flashcards
Largest continuous sequence with 0 sum
Unordered map m Int presum=0 Maxlen=0 Int left=-1 , right=-1 For i from 0 to n Presum+=a(i) If presum==0 Left=0 right is i Maxlen =i+1 If(m.find(presum)!=m.end()) If(i-m(presum) > maxlen) Then left=m(presum)+1 Right=i Maxlen=max(maxlen,i-m(presum)) If(m.find(presum))==m end ()) M insert(presum,i)) If left is -1 and right is -1 return v Else for i from left to right Add a(i) to v And return v
Longest subarray length
Given an array of 0s and 1s, find the length of the longest subarray such that the count of 1s is more than the count of 0s
Vector int a If v(i) is 0 then push -1 to v else 1 Int sum =1 Unordered map s Presum =0, res=0 For i from 0 to n Presum+=a(i) If presum==sum, Res=i+1 If(s.find(presum-sum)!=s.end()) Res=max(res, i-s(presum-sum)) Else if it is not already in the map S.insert(presum,i) Return res
2 sum
Unordered map m Int second=infi Int first=infi Stores first kccurances of different numbers. For i from 0 to n If m.find(b-a(i))!=m.end() Auto it=m find(b-a(i)) Auto prev=it.second If (iprev) First=prev If(m.find(a(i)==m.end()) M.insert(a(i),i) If first and second are within bounds Then push them res and return
4 sum
A+b+c+d = target?
Given num array and target
For i from 0 to n Int target3 =target-num(i) For j from i+1 to n Target2=target3 -num(j) Int front = j+1 Int back =n-1 While (front
Valid soduku
Vector > rows, col, grid Pair:: iterator,bool> ret For i from 0 to 9 For j from 0 to 9 Charc= board(i,j) If c is . continue Int gridIDx= coordtogrididx(i,j) Ret=row(i).insert(c) I(!ret.second) return false Ret=col(j).insert(c) If(!ret.second) return false Ret=grids(gridIDx).insert(c) If(!ret.second) return false
Return true
Coorto grid i/3*3+j/3
Pairs with given xors
If a xor b is c , then a xor c is b and b xor c is a. Now the problem is similar to finding pair with given sum Unordered set s Int count=0 For i from 0 to n If (s.find(a(i) xor b)!=s end()) Count++ S.insert(a(i))
Return count
Given an rray of strings, return all groups of strings that are anagrams
Vector> Sol For i from 0 to n Temp=a(i) Sort(temp begin(), temp.end()) M.push_back(i+1)
Auto it=m.begin() While (i!=m.end()) Sol.push_back(it.second) It++ Return Sol
Equal a+b=c+d? Multiple solutions, return lexographically smallest
Map(int, pairs(int,int)) sum Vector int ans For i from 0 to n For j from i+1 to n Auto sumab=a(i)+a(j) If(sum.find(sumab)==sum.end()) Sum(sumab) =make_pair(i,j) Else Pair p = sum(sumab) If (p.first<i>temp(t) Ans.clear() Ans=temp Break
Return ans</i>
Check palindrome
Unordered map m Stores frequencies of elements in map Int count is 0 For auto it: m If it.second%2 is 1 Count++ If(n%2 is 1 and count<= 1 ) Ret 1 Else if (n%2 is 0 and count is 0) Ret 1
Ret 0
Increment problem
Given a stream of numbers a , on arrival of each number increase the first occurance by 1 and include in the stream
Unordered map m For i from 0 to n If a(i) is not already present in the map M(a(i)+1)=m(a(i)) M(a(i))=i
For auto it in m
Ret a
Subarray with given xor
Long long ans=0 Create xorarr Unordered map m Create a prefix xor sum array such that xorarr(i) has value equal to xor of all elements form arr(0,i) Create a map that stores number of prefix array elements corresponding to xor value Xorarr(0)=are(0) Computing xor array For i from 1 to Xorarr(i)= xor(i-1) and a(i)
Calculate answer For i from 0 to n Int temp=m xor xorarr(i) If above xor exists in map, then there is another prefix with same xor , that is there is subarray ending at i with xor equal to m Ans+=m(temp) If this subarray has xor equal to m itself If (xorarr(i)==m) Ans++ Add xor of this subarray to map M(xorarr(i))++
Return ans
Subarray with b odd numbers
Find the total number of subarrays having exactly b odd number
Change even numbers to 0 and odd numbers to 1 Now problem reduces to finding largest subarray with sum b Unordered map m Int count=0 Int presum=0 For i from 0 to n Presum+=a(i) If presum==b Count++ If(m.find(presum-b)!=m.end()) Count+=m(presum-b) M(presum)++ Return count
Given a string find the length of the longest substring without any repeating char
Map char, int seen
Used to store last position of occurrence
Int max_len is 0
Int start=0
For end from 0 to n If (seen.find(s(end))!=seen.end()) Start=max(start,seen(s(end))+1) Seen(s(end))=end Max_len=max(max_len,end-start+1)
Return max_len