Hasell - case studies and basics Flashcards
What are crosslinks?
- a small region in a macromolecule from which at least four chains emnate
- formed by reactions involving sites or groups on existing macromolecules or by interactions between existing macromolecules
- normally irreversible
- usually don’t melt or dissolve
what are the three types of polymer structures?
linear, branched, crosslinked
what material types are crosslinks characteristic of?
thermosetting materials
what is ‘curing’?
the crosslinking of thermosetting resins
what are thermoplastics?
normally linear
can be melted and remoulded by heating
examples of thermoplastics?
polyethene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene
what are thermosets?
usually crosslinked and insoluble
can’t be melted or remoulded by heating
stronger due to crosslinks
need to be moulded into final form before curing (reactive injection moulding)
difficult or impossible to recycle
what is DCPD
use of DCPD
to product automobile body parts
properties and description of DCPD
good impact and corrosion resistance
1) first forms a linear polymer (thermoplastic) by ROMP
2) then crosslinked by reacting the other double bond (thermoset)
3) done by reaction injection moulding
what is ROMP?
ring-opening metathesis polymerisation
what are the two arrangements for polymer chains?
amorphous, crystalline
what is amorphous v crystalline arrangement?
amorphous chains are randomly ordered (wet spaghetti), crystalline chains are arranged in an orderly manner (dry spaghetti)
what type of arrangement are lamallae?
what is the result of crystallinity?
density (crystals closer together)
solvent resistance (harder for solvent to enter in-between molecules)
opacity (the crystallites scatter more light)
what does crystalline melting point depend on?
1) molecular weight (will be a mixture)
2) crystallite size
3) presence of co-monomers
4) impurities (solvents, plasticisers, monomers)
How is crystal melting temperature denoted?
How is crystal melting temperature measured?
How is degree of crystallinity denoted?
How is degree of crystallinity measured?
What does PXRD measure?
angle and intensity of scattering from the sample
eq for Xc?
Intensity of the crystalline regions/ (intensity of the crystalline + amorphous regions)
intensity measured from the area under the curves of the PXRD graph
amorphous = broader peaks along the bottom
what is the glass transition temp?
only for the amorphous phase of polymers
above the Tg the polymer is rubbery (chains can move over each other)
below the Tg the polymer is glassy (chains lack thermal mobility) - will shatter like glass if cold
how is Tg measured?
How does Tg change with chain length?
longer chains = higher Tg
what is considered high temp for high performance polymers?
greater than 150C
what are high performance polymers?
retain desirable mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties when under harsh conditions (high temp, pressure, corrosive chemicals)
Is polyimide (PI) amorphous or crystalline?
Is polyethylenimide (PEI) amorphous or crystalline?