harry potter vol1 chap1 Flashcards
nguyền rủa
nguyền rủa
to completely full of st
feeling great pleasure and attraction, especially because st is beautifull; or st that í thought to have magical power over someone
stumble into something
to start doing something by chance, without having intend to do it
sinister(adj) /ˈsɪn.ə.stɚ/
making you feel that something bad or evil might happen
a person between 30 and 39 years old
to pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know
narrative (n)
câu chuyện, văn tường thuật
Niệm chú
cast a spell
not hold with something (phr.v)
to not approve of idea or activity.
beefy (adj)
if a person is beefy, he strong, heavy and powerfull
crane (v)
nghển (cổ)
spy on sb/st
to watch sb or st secretly
good-for-nothing (n)
a person who is lazy and useless
shudder (v) /ˈʃʌd.ɚ/
to shake suddenly with very small movement because of and unpleasant thought or feeling