Harrison's Ch 118: Antiplatelets, anticoagulants, fibrinolytics Flashcards
What is the most common cause of MI, ischemic stroke, and limb gangrene?
Arterial thrombosis
What is the danger of DVT?
Pulmonary embolus
Where do venus thrombi usually originate?
#Valve cusps of the calf #Muscular sinuses
They’re triggered by stasis so get to walkin’!
What are 3 classifications of anti-thrombotic drugs?
1) Antiplatelets
2) Anticoagulants
3) Fibrinolytics
In vascular injury, what activates platelets?
Exposure of subendothelial collagen & von Willebrand factor (vWF)
The most widely-used anti-platelet agent in the world is…
What does aspirin do that makes it all antiplatelet & stuff?
Irreversibly acetylating & inhibiting platelet cyclooxygenase (COX-1)!
Platelets need COX-1, but aspirin gets in the way. Does that make it a COX block?
Indications for aspirin as a SECONDARY anti-platelet?
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with: #coronary artery disease #cerebrovascular disease #peripheral vascular disease
Indications for aspirin as a patient’s PRIMARY anti-platelet?
Patients whose annual risk of MI is > 1%. This basically means: #Pts > 40 yrs with 2 or more major risk factors for CAD #Pts > 50 yrs with 1 or more risk factors
Aspirin is more effective in men or women?
Neither! Aspirin is equal opportunity awesome.
Women get another benefit from aspirin, though. What is it?
In women, it lowers the risk of stroke!
The COX-block is more helpful to the ladies. :)
Aspiring: the higher dose the better, right?
NOPE! #Doses are 75-325 PO daily #Bigger is NOT better: higher doses are not more effective #Side effects are dose-dependent though
When you want RAPID antiplatelet effect, what dose?
Initial dose of AT LEAST 160 mg.
Aspirin side effects
GASTROINTESTINAL! Ew. #Erosive gastritis #Peptic ulcers (possibly bleeding!) #Side effects are dose-related, so keep it low when you can
But we can use enteric-coated aspirin to eliminate that risk?
No, buffering aspirin does not completely eliminate the risk
Aspirin’s side effects are particularly worrisome when you combine it with another specific drug. Which one?
Warfarin! Patients be bleeding all over the place.
When a patient must be on dual warfarin-aspirin therapy, what do we know about the aspirin dose?
KEEP IT LOW, Y’ALL. 75-100mg daily.
Hard question: if someone has aspirin allergy with bronchospasm, should we be giving them aspirin?
That is a negative, captain. This is most common in patients with chronic urticaria or asthma, particularly those with nasal polyps or chronic rhinitis.
So: asthma+chronic stuffy nose? BEST KEEP AN EYE ON THAT TROUBLEMAKER.
What is aspirin resistance, anyway? Is it a helpful thing to know about?
#Clinically: failure of aspirin to protect patient from ischemic events #Biochemically: failure of aspirin to produce expected inhibitory effects #Pretty much not useful, as we only ever know about it after the fact #No good standardized tests for it #Aspirin resistance is a research tool basically
What are the thienopyridines?
#Ticlopidine #Clopidogrel #Prasugrel
How do the thienopyridines work?
Block P2Y12, a key ADP receptor on platelets
True or false: the thienopyridines are prodrugs.
True. All must be metabolized by the CYP450 enzyme system in the liver before they become active.
Prasugrel has one major benefit over the other 2 drugs in its class. What is it?
It’s waaaaaaay faster. Even though it also requires metabolism by the CYP450, its quickly & completely absorbed in the gut & it has more efficient activation pathways.
How long might it take for ticlopidine & clopidogrel to start working at their usual doses?
Several days. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Why don’t we use ticlopidine much anymore?
Clopidogrel is more potent & has a better safety profile
What are some considerations when choosing between aspirin & clopidogrel?
#Clopidogrel reduced the risk of CV death, MI, & CVA by 8.7% compared with aspirin #Aspirin is a LOT cheaper
Should we ever combine aspirin & clopidogrel?
Yes! This combo is recommended: #For 4 weeks after implantation of a bare metal coronary stent #Longer than that in a drug-eluting stent #Patients with unstable angina: 9.3% risk on the combo, but 11.4% risk with aspirin alone
Okay, so what is the catch when you combine aspirin & clopidogrel?
It’s BLEEEEEEEEDING! Of course it’s bleeding.Increases the risk of major bleeding to about 2% yearly. Even when you drop the aspiring dose to 100 mg.
So when is it NOT worth it to combine aspirin & clopidogrel?
#Not proven superior to clopidogrel alone in acute ischemic CVA #Not proven superior to aspirin alone for PRIMARY prevention for those at risk for CV events.