Harmonies Flashcards
What is harmony?
Combination of sounds that go together and create a pleasing tone.
When to use harmonies?
- To support the melody
- During the chorus/hook
- Various locations during a melody
Harmonies are expansion of a melody.
Chord progressions are not specifically tied to the melody, but if you build chord from a melody it will not have any tension and be fluid
For what can be harmony designed?
- For the chorus/hook
Because we raise the energy when we get to the hook.
We like harmonies in chorus/hook because it’s fun to sing along and feel others singing.
- Also, can be used for variation or in different locations.
Your number thing to bring to the melody, nobody likes to listen to same thing
How can we use harmony to support melody?
We can support with harmony by creating emotional shifts/states, to support verse, hook energy or top line melody.
Harmonies are for adding more emotion.
What is required for harmony support?
Using harmony support required space in the musical beat. You have to make sure that you’re not stacking chords on each other.
This is why you don’t always add melody to the beat.
Why use harmonies during the hooks?
We can elevate energy by adding harmonies to the chorus. Songs are just a journey of up and down energy movements. Harmonies give illusion that people are singing in tune along with the artist
How to make a chord progression?
You can either create chord progression from a melody to support your melody.
Or you can create chord progression with a top melody.
Those can clash overtime and that’s called tension.
Chord progression that support the melody will be constant while, harmony suppoer of the melody may not.
Because it’s your melody that creates an energy not chord progression.
When to use harmonies 2?
Harmonies are best utilized in a vocal performance.
You can use harmonies in any instrument/synth which sounds proper for note layering
What can harmonies do for you?
Treat harmonies like a variation tool, just like you could change a musical note or two here and there to create a variation in the melody, you can use harmony on similliar melody themes to create varitaion without necessarily changing the notes.
Harmonies are a variation tool.
What can harmonies do for you?
Treat harmonies like a variation tool, just like you could change a musical note or two here and there to create a variation in the melody, you can use harmony on similliar melody themes to create varitaion without necessarily changing the notes.
Harmonies are a variation tool.
What can harmonies do for you?
Treat harmonies like a variation tool, just like you could change a musical note or two here and there to create a variation in the melody, you can use harmony on similliar melody themes to create varitaion without necessarily changing the notes.
Harmonies are a variation tool.
How to create harmonies?
Harmonies are chords which support a melody.
You must first know how to create a chord:
A chord is 2 or more notes which combine to create a pleasing sound
Harmony creation?
- Write your melody first
- Work your way backwards from the melody to “finish the chords”
- Reference chord codes to get started
- Reverse engineer the melody into a chord by creating a
Major chord (0-4-7) and process of elimination to a minor chord (0-3-7). Assuming , the melody note is the top note in the chord
What is a pseudo-leading tone?
Pseudo leading tone is the note who you hear the most, it’s the not that everyone recognizes when they hear chord. Mostly top chord note
Chord codes
Major 7th 0-4-7-11 Minor 7th 0-3-7-10 Diminished 0-3-6 Augmented 0-4-8 Dominant 7 0-4-7-10