Hardware- Binary Logic Flashcards
AND gate
A logic gate that has two inputs. If both inputs are ‘1’ it
will output ‘1’, otherwise it will output ‘0’.
Binary digit
The digits ‘0’ and ‘1’.
Binary number
A number consisting only of binary digits.
Denary number
A number that uses the denary digits from 1 to 10.
Digital circuit
An electronic circuit based on binary numbers, where
the presence or absence of electricity in any part of the
circuit is represented by the digits ‘1’ and ‘0’.
Logic gate
A special circuit that allows a specific outut depending
on the inputs. A processor is made up of millions of these
NOT gate
A logic gate that has one input. If the input is ‘0’, its
output is ‘1’. If the input is ‘1’, its output is ‘0’.
OR gate
A logic gate that has two inputs. If either or both of the
two inputs is ‘1’, its output is ‘1’.