Hardware #3 Flashcards
non-impact printer
a printer that creates images without mechanically impacting the page, as an ink-jet or laser printer.
output device
any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form.
a device connected to a computer to provide communication (such as input and output) or auxiliary functions (such as additional storage)
power supply
a device providing power to electronic equipment and sometimes designated A, B, or C according to its function of heating vacuum tube cathodes, causing a flow of electron current in plate circuits, or applying a direct voltage in grid circuits
a computer program (such as a compiler) that puts another program into a form acceptable to the computer
the plunger of a hydrostatic press or force pump
retina display
a marketing term developed by Apple to refer to devices and monitors that have a resolution and pixel density so high – roughly 300 or more pixels per inch – that a person is unable to discern the individual pixels at a normal viewing distance.
a machine with a revolving vertical spindle and cutter for milling out the surface of wood or metal
a device for sensing recorded data
secondary storage
storage, as on disk or tape, supplemental to and slower than main storage, not under the direct control of the CPU and generally contained outside it:
a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
serial port
computing (on a computer) a socket that can be used for connecting devices that send data one bit at a time; often used for connecting the mouse or a modem
sound card
a circuit board in a computer system designed to produce or reproduce sound
surge protector
a device that prevents an electrical surge from damaging electronic equipment
toggle keys
a short rod of wood or plastic sewn to one side of a coat or other garment, pushed through a hole or loop on the other side and twisted so as to act as a fastener.
video card
a circuit board in a computer system designed to generate output for the system’s video display screen
a camera used in transmitting live images over the World Wide Web
an area with equipment for the performance of a specialized task usually by a single individual