Harbor, Pilot, and Customs Rules Flashcards
Foreign vessels and Us vessels engaged in foreign trade. Optional for Coastal trade with licensed onboard pilots.
Pilotage is compulsory for:
PSPA puget sound pilots association
Pilotage is provided by
Name the safety and security zones:
Pier 91 Cruise Ship Safety and Security Zone - 100 yards from the pier when ships present or by authority of the COTP. At the mouth of the West Waterway - Active at certain times.
As a port of entry, what is available in Seattle?
Immigration, quarantine, customs, agricultural quarantine through a ships agent.
regulations enforced by Seattle police
Harbor regulation enforcement
Considerations approaching Pt. Glover
Sound one prolonged one prolonged blast within .5 miles from the point.
Located in Slip 4 off Duwamish waterway
Name the Regulated Navigation Area
Colregs 1972 enforced by the USCG
Name overriding Regulations applying to mariners
Immigration, quarantine, customs, agricultural quarantine through a ships agent.
As a port of entry, what is available in Seattle?
Name the security Zone
Elliot Bay west of Pier 36. Passage required by COTP
Elliot Bay features how many major regulated zones?
4 - Two security, 1 safety, and 1 Regulated Nav. Area.
Name overriding Regulations applying to mariners
Colregs 1972 enforced by the USCG
VTS operates on which channel in this region
Pier 91 Cruise Ship Safety and Security Zone - 100 yards from the pier when ships present or by authority of the COTP. At the mouth of the West Waterway - Active at certain times.
Name the safety and security zones:
Sound one prolonged one prolonged blast within .5 miles from the point.
Considerations approaching Pt. Glover
Harbor regulation enforcement
regulations enforced by Seattle police
4 - Two security, 1 safety, and 1 Regulated Nav. Area.
Elliot Bay features how many major regulated zones?
Pilotage is provided by
PSPA puget sound pilots association
Elliot Bay west of Pier 36. Passage required by COTP
Name the security Zone
VTS operates on which channel in this region
Name the Regulated Navigation Area
Located in Slip 4 off Duwamish waterway
Pilotage is compulsory for:
Foreign vessels and Us vessels engaged in foreign trade. Optional for Coastal trade with licensed onboard pilots.