Hanja Lessons 6-10 Flashcards
동 = East
(Korean name: 동녘 동)
Common Words using this Character: 東양 = the “East” (the orient) 中東 = the Middle East 東해 = the East Sea 東아시아 = East Asia 東大門 = “Big East Gate.” Dongdaemun (area and monument in Seoul)
서 = West
Korean name: 서녘 서)
Common Words using this Character: 西大門 = Seodaemun (area and monument in Seoul) 西양 = the “West” (North America/Europe) 東西 = east and west 西해 = the West Sea
북 = North
(Korean name: 북녘 북)
Common Words using this Character:
탈北자 = A North Korean defector
北한山 = A mountain range in the North of South Korea 北한 = North Korea
北극 = the North Pole
남 = South
(Korean name: 남녘 남)
Common Words using this Character:
南大門 = Namdaemun (area, famous market and monument in Seoul)
강南 = Gangnam area (South of the river) 오빤 강南 스타일!
南北한 = North and South Korea/The Koreas
南극 = Antarctica
왕 = King
(Korean name: 임금 왕)
Common Words using this Character: 王 = king 세종大王 = Sejong the great (“big king”) 女王 = queen (female king) 王비 = queen
천 = Heaven
(Korean name: 하늘 천)
Common Words using this Character: 天국 = heaven (heaven country) 天下 = the world (below heaven) 天사 = an angel 天주교 = the Catholic Church
수 = Hand
(Korean name: 손 수)
Common Words using this Character: 실手 = mistake 手술 = surgery 선手 = player/athlete 세手하다 = to wash one’s face with one’s hands 박手하다 (usually said as “박手 치다”) = to clap one’s hands 악手하다 = to shake hands 手건 = towel 手표 = a check 가手 = singer
자 = Letter/Writing
(Korean name: 글자 자)
Common Words using this Character: 글字 = letter, character 大문字 = upper-case letter 小문字 = lower-case letter 한字 = Korean Chinese characters
원 = Person
(Korean name: 수효 원)
Common Words using this Character: 직員 = employee/staff member 공무員 = government worker 회員 = member (of a gym, for example) 사員 = employee/staff member 종업員 = employee/worker 人員 = number of people 연구員 = researcher 의員 = member of some important government position (congress or something similar)
한 = Korea
(Korean name: 나라이름 한)
Common Words using this Character: 韓국 = Korea 大韓민국 = The Republic of Korea (official name of Korea) 韓복 = traditional Korean clothing 北韓 = North Korea 南北韓 = North and South Korea 韓국人 = a Korean person 韓국어 = Korean language
국 = Country
(Korean name: 나라 국)
Common Words using this Character: 韓國 = Korea 中國 = China 天國 = heaven 國제 = international 大韓민國 = The Republic of Korea 母國 = one’s homeland (motherland) 母國어 = one’s mother tongue 전國 = a whole country 韓國人 = Korean person 外國 = a foreign country 外國人 = a foreigner 國內 = inside a country
민 = The people (of a country)
(Korean name: 백성 민)
Common Words using this Character: 大韓民國 = The Republic of Korea 國民 = the people of a country 시民 = citizen 주民 = resident 民주주의 = democracy
미 = Beautiful/United States
(Korean name: 아름다울 미)
Common Words using this Character: 美國 = the United States 美國人 = an American 美술 = Art 美人 = a beautiful person 美女 = a beautiful woman 美용실 = beauty parlor 美男 = a beautiful man (pretty boy)
한 = Korea/China
(Korean name: 한나라 한)
Common Words using this Character:
漢문 = writing Korean in Chinese characters
漢字 = Hanja
漢양 = Hanyang (an old name for the city of Seoul)
漢성 = Hanseong (an old name for the city of Seoul)
漢강 = Han River (the river that goes through Seoul)
北漢山 = Bukhansan (mountain range in the north of Seoul)
강 = River
(Korean name: 강 강)
Common Words using this Character: 江 = river 漢江 = the Han River 江北 = north of the river 江口 = a mouth of a river (estuary) 江南 = popular district in Seoul (Gangnam) “south of the river”
수 = Water
(Korean name: 물 수)
Common Words using this Character: 음료水 = drink/beverage 향水 = perfume 생水 = natural/spring water 호水 = lake 홍水 = flood 水분 = moisture 폐水 = waste water 水해 = water damage 水영 = swimming 水요日 = Wednesday 下水 = sewage 上水 = water that one uses through plumbing (it comes up [上] through the pipes)
천 = Stream
(Korean name: 내 천)
Common Words using this Character:
인川 = the city of Incheon
개川 = a small stream
청계川 = the name of a (man-made) stream in the center of Seoul
냉/랭 = Cold
(Korean name: 찰 랭)
Common Words using this Character: 冷면 = Naeng-myeon (cold noodle dish) 冷장고 = refrigerator 冷동실 = freezer 冷방 = air conditioning
본 = Origin
(Korean name: 밑 본)
Common Words using this Character: 日本 = Japan (day origin) 日本人 = Japanese person 本래 = originally 원本 = an original document 기本 = basic/fundamental 근本 = root, basis 자本 = capital (in business)
심 = Heart/Emotions
(Korean name: 마음 심)
Common Words using this Character: 心장 = heart (organ) 中心 = the center 핵心 = the main point/focus 心리 = mentality 호기心 = curiosity 의心 = suspicion
신 = Body
(Korean name: 몸 신)
Common Words using this Character: 자身 = oneself 身분 = position/status 당身 = you 心身 = mind and body
체 = Body
(Korean name: 몸 체)
Common Words using this Character: 體육 = physical education 體험 = experience 體력 = strength/stamina/physical ability 전體 = everything/all of 身體 = physical 생명體 = an organism 단體 = group/organization
감 = Feeling/Emotion
(Korean name: 느낄 감)
Common Words using this Character: 感정 = emotion 感각 = sense/feeling 感동 = impression 자신感 = confidence 感기 = the flu 예感 = to sense something beforehand 불안感 = an uncomfortable feeling
가 = Family/House
(Korean name: 집 가)
Common Words using this Character: 國家 = country 家족 = family 家구 = furniture 小설家 = novelist 화家 = painter 전門家 = specialist 작家 = author 家정 = family