Hanja Lessons 16-20 Flashcards
시 = Time
(Korean name: 때 시)
時간 = time 당時 = at that time 동時 = the same time 잠時 = a moment 時기 = time 時계 = clock 一時 = the same time 時절 = the “time” or “days” one used to do something (my school days, university days, etc)
기 = Time, Period
(Korean name: 말날 기)
Common words using this character: 時期 = time 下半期 = the second half of a year 上半期 = the first half of a year 學期 = semester 四分期 = a quarter (of a year in business) 후期 = the latter part of something 초期 = the beginning part of something
간 = Space, Interval, Between
(Korean name: 사이 간)
Common words using this character: 時間 = time 期間 = period 中間 = the middle of 人間 = man, human 순間 = moment 공間 = space/room to do something 年間 = in the span of a year 區間 = section
동 = Same
(Korean name: 한가지 동)
Common words using this character: 同時 = same time 同期 = same time 同一하다 = to be the same as 男同生 = younger brother 女同生 = younger sister 合同 = joint, congruent 공同體 = community 同의 = agreement
백 = One Hundred/Everything/Total
(Korean name: 일백 백)
Common words using this character: 一百 = one hundred 百화점 = department store 百과사전 = encyclopedia 百日 = one hundred days (the 100th day birthday of a child, or the 100th day of a couple’s relationship.
부 = Division, Part
(Korean name: 떼 부)
Common words using these characters: 大部分 = most 部分 = part, section 一部 = one part 內部 = inside part 外部 = outside part 本部 = headquarters (original office) 部品 = components of a product
分 = 분 = Division, Part, Minute
(Korean name: 나눌 분)
Common words using these characters: 大部分 = most 部分 = part, section 一部 = one part 內部 = inside part 外部 = outside part 本部 = headquarters (original office) 部品 = components of a product
다 = Many/Most/All
(Korean name: 많을 다)
Common words using this character:
多수 = majority
大多수 = the vast majority
多양 = variety
수 = Number
(Korean name: 셀 수)
Common words using this character: 多數 = majority 大多數 = the vast majority 數學 = mathematics 점數 = score 數十 = tens of 數百 = hundreds of 획數 = the number of strokes in a Chinese character
전 = Whole, All
(Korean name: 온전할 전)
Common words using this character: 全體 = the whole of something 全國 = the whole country 全部 = all parts 全員 = all people 완全 = perfect, complete
신 = New
(Korean name: 새 신)
Common words using this character: 新入生 = freshman (new student) 新人 = rookie 新도市 = new city 新제品 = new product 新문 = newspaper 新부 = bride 혁新 = innovation
현 = Current
(Korean name: 나타날 현)
Common words using this character: 現대 = Hyundai Corporation 現대 = modern times 現재 = current 現金 = cash 現場 = the scene of something
대 = Generation, Representative
(Korean name: 대신 대)
Common words using this character: 時代 = a time, age, generation 現代 = modern times 代표 = representative 現代人 = modern man 세代 = generation 新세代 = new generation 고代 = ancient times
문 = Culture, Writing
(Korean name: 글월 문)
Common words using this character: 文화 = culture 文學 = literature 漢文 = Chinese characters 人文 = humanities/liberal arts 公文 = an official (public) document 文명 = civilization
화 = Change
(Korean name: 될 화)
Common words using this character: 文化 = culture 변化 = change 化장室 = restroom, washroom 化學 = chemistry 化장 = make up 化장品 = make up products 大중文化 = popular culture
력 = Power
(Korean name: 힘 력)
Common words using this character: 人力 = manpower 體力 = one’s physical strength 노力 = effort 기억力 = one’s memory 폭力 = violence 능力 = ability 압力 = pressure
강 = Strength
(Korean name: 힘쓸 강)
Common words using this character: 强化 = strengthen 强자 = strong person 强하다 = strong 强조 = emphasis 强점 = one’s strong points 强大國 = a powerful nation (not common in conversation, but its meaning is easy to understand now that you know the three component characters within the word)
약 = Weak
(Korean name: 약할 약)
Common words using this character: 弱化 = weaken 弱자 = weak person 노弱자 = the old and weak 弱점 = one’s weak points 弱小國 = a small and weak (not powerful) nation
화 = Fire
(Korean name: 불 화)
Common words using this character: 火요日 = Tuesday 火山 = volcano 火力 = firepower 방火하다 = to burn something
신 = Trust/Believe
(Korean name: 믿을 신)
Common words using this character: 信用 = credit 信뢰 = faith, confidence 信앙 = faith/religious belief 배信 = betrayal
토 = Earth
(Korean name: 흙 토)
Common words using this character:
土地 = land, ground
土요日 = Saturday
國土 = a country’s land, territory
세 = Man/Humankind
(Korean name: 인간 세)
Common words using this character: 世上 = the world 世代 = generation 新世代 = new generation 中世 = the Middle Ages
목 = Tree
(Korean name: 나무 목)
Common words using this character:
수목 = bush
木요일 = Thursday
구 = Ball, Circle
(Korean name: 공 구)
Common words using this character: 地球 = Earth 축球 = soccer 축球場 = soccer field 야球 = baseball 야球場 = baseball field 농球 = basketball 배球 = volleyball
립 = To be Set up/Established
(Korean name: 설 립)
Common words using this character: 國立 = national 國立公원 = national park 國立고등學校 = national high school 國立大學 = national university 사立 = private 독立 = independent