Hanja Lessons 11-15 Flashcards
명 = Name
(Korean name: 이름 명)
Common words using this character: 서名 = signature 名함 = business card 名사 = noun 大名사 = proper noun 名단 = list of names 유名하다 = famous
품 = Thing
(Korean name: 물건 품)
작品 = some sort of work/art piece 제品 = some sort of product/goods 상品 = some sort of product/goods 식品 = some sort of food product 물品 = some sort of product/goods 약品 = some sort of medical product 品목 = item 品질 = quality (of a product) 화장品 = cosmetic product
김/금 = Common Surname, Gold/Money
(Korean name: 한국식한자성 김, 쇠 금)
Common words using this character: 金연아 = Yuna Kim (famous Korean figure skater) … I could go on and on listing Korean people with the family name “金” 요金 = charge/fare 황金 = gold 出金 = a withdrawal 현金 = cash 金속 = metal 金리 = interest rate 金요日 = Friday 장학金 = scholarship
이/리 = Common Surname
(Korean name: 오얏나무 리) (recently referred to as 자두나무 이/리)
Common words using this character:
李슬기 = (Seulgi Lee) My girlfriend’s name
… Again, I could go on and on listing Korean people with the family name “李”
정 = Right/Proper/Correct
(Korean name: 바를 정)
Common words using this character:
(Don’t be alarmed if you know none of these words. Most of them are fairly difficult)
개正 = revision
正상 = normal
교正 = proofreading
부正 = corruption
正四각형 = square (correctly shaped four-sided shape)
무 = To not have
(Korean name: 없을 무)
Common words using this character: 無조건 = unconditionally (without condition) 無료 = free (without money) 無의식 = unconscious (without conscious) 無작정 = blindly (without a plan) 無제한 = unlimited (without restriction) 無관心 = indifference (without relation)
부 = to not be
(Korean name: 아니 부)
Common words using this character: 不족 = shortage 不당 = unfair 不正 = corruption 不동산 = real-estate agent
용 = To use
(Korean name: 쓸 용)
Common words using this character: 用品 = goods, articles 家정用 = something for family use 家정用品 = household articles 학생用 = something for student use 군用 = something for military use 用어 = terminology 사用하다 = to use 승用차 = car
반 = Half
(Korean name: 반 반)
Common words using this character: 절半 = half 半도 = peninsula (half an island) 후半 = the second half 下半기 = the second half of a year 上半기 = the first half of a year 半年 = half of a year 半月 = a half-moon
백 = White
(Korean name: 흰 백)
Common words using this character: 白人 = a person with white skin (white person) 흑白 = black and white 白조 = swan 단白질 = protein
학 = Learn/School
(Korean name: 배울 학)
Common words using this character: 學年 = one’s grade (year) in school 學생 = student 入學 = to enter a school (admission) 學父母 = parents of students in school 學교 = school 學자 = scholar 學원 = Hakwon (study academy) 장學金 = scholarship 과學 = science 수學 = mathematics 고등學교 = high school 中學교 = middle school 초등學교 = elementary school 大學생 = university student 방學 = a break from school (vacation)
생 = Life/Born
(Korean name: 날 생)
生활 = life/living 學生 = student 大學生 = university student 男동生 = younger brother 女동生 = younger sister 一生 = one’s entire life 男學生 = male student 女學生 = female student 生日 = birthday 발生 = to occur/arise 生물 = biology 生맥주 = draft beer
교 = School
(Korean name: 학교 교)
學校 = school 女學校 = girls school 男學校 = boys school 大學校 = university 中學校 = middle school 校內 = inside a school 下校하다 = to leave school (the opposite is not 上校) 校감선生님 = vice principal 校장선生님 = principal 校육 = education 校복 = school uniform
선 = First
(Korean name: 먼저 선)
Common words using this character: 先生님 = teacher (there is no way to write “님” using 漢字) 우先 = first, above all 先배 = one’s senior in school 先착순 = first come first served
사 = Teacher
(Korean name: 스승 사)
Common words using this character: 강師 = lecturer/instructor 요리師 = chef/cook 의師 = doctor 간호師 = nurse 韓의師 = Korean/Oriental doctor 약師 = pharmacist
공 = Public/Shared/Equal
(Korean name: 공평할 공)
Common words using this character: 公원 = park 주人公 = leading role in a story 公연 = performance 公평 = fair/equal 公주 = princess 公공 = public (the other “공” is 共, which you have not learned yet) 公무員 = somebody who works for the government 公개하다 = to make something public/announce
시 = City
(Korean name: 저자 시)
Common words using this character: 市民 = citizen 市內 = downtown 大도市 = big city 小도市 = small city 서울특별市 = the (special) City of Seoul 의정부市 = the City of Uijeongbu 안山市 = the City of Ansan 市장 = market(place) 도市 = city
구 = District/Division
(Korean name: 지경 구)
Common words using this character: 區분 = division 區별 = distinguish 區역 = area/district 서울특별市 江南區 = the City of Seoul, Gangnam district 區간 = section
동 = Neighborhood
(Korean name: 골 동)
Common words using this character:
서울특별市 江南區 水西洞 = the City of Seoul, Gangnam district, Suseo neighborhood
洞內 = inside a neighborhood (not to be confused with 동네, which actually means “neighborhood”)
洞口 = the entrance to a neighborhood
명洞 = the name of a popular neighborhood in Seoul
합 = Combine, Unite
(Korean name: 합할 합)
Common words using this character: 合의 = agreement 종合 = put together 결合 = combine 合리적 = rational
장 = Place/Location
(Korean name: 마당 장)
Common words using this character: 市場 = market 공場 = factory 현場 = the site/place that something happens 운동場 = exercise yard 극場 = theatre 직場 = workplace 직場人 = office worker 주차場 = parking lot 매場 = store 농場 = farm
실 = Room
(Korean name: 집 실)
室內 = inside/inside a room/house 王室 = a king’s room/house 교室 = classroom 美용室 = beauty parlor 교무室 = a teacher’s office 연구室 = research room 병室 = a room in a hospital 화장室 = bathroom, restroom 사무室 = office (for work)
식 = Food
(Korean name: 밥 식)
Common words using this character: 外食 = eating out 食品 = food products 食中독 = food poisoning 食당 = restaurant 회食 = work dinner 음食 = food 食사 = meal
지 = Land, Earth
(Korean name: 땅 지)
Common words using this character: 地下 = underground 地上 = above ground 地방 = area, region 地역 = area, region 地구 = Earth 토地 = land, ground 농地 = farmland 地리 = geography
방 = Area, Region, Side
(Korean name: 모 방)
Common words using this character: 地方 = area, region 一方 = one side(d) 四方 = in every direction (four sides) 北方 = northern region 方향 = direction 方면 = direction 方법 = method 方식 = method