hanging drop Flashcards
deamination of acetamide results in a ______ color
(+) blue
(-) green (no color change)
Acetamide Utilization Test
POS Control
NEG Control
P. aeruginosa
E. faecalis
N. gonorrhea
POS Control: P. aeruginosa
NEG Control E.coli
Differentiate organism based on their ability to use acetate as a sole source of carbon. Generally differentiates Shigella from E. coli
Acetate utilization
POS result for acetate utilization
NEG result
(+) blue
(-) no color change or green
Acetate Utilization
POS control
NEG control
Shigella sonnei
S. pneumoniae
E. coli
B. mallei
POS control: E. coli
NEG control: Shigella sonnei
Test is used for the presumptive identification of Strep Grp A (S. pyogenes) from other b-hemolytic strep
Staphyloccoccus from Micrococcus
Bacitracin (0.04 unit Taxo A)
POS control: S. pyogenes, Microccus luteus
NEG control: S. agalactiae, S aureus
This test differentiates enterococci and group D streptococci from non-group D viridans strep
acetate utilization
bile solubility test
butyrate disk
bile esculin test
Bile esculin test
Positive result for bile esculin agar
(+) blackening of the slant or medium
brown black precipitate
Bile Esculin Agar
POS control
NEG control
S. agalactiae
E. coli
S. pyogenes
E. faecalis
POS control: E. faecalis
NEG control: E. coli
S. pyogenes
differentiates streptococcus pneumoniae from alpha hemolytic streptococci
bile esculin agar
butyrate disk
bile solubility test
Bile solubility Test
(+) lysed colonies
Bile solubility test
POS control
NEG control
S. agalactiae
E. coli
S. pneumoniae
E. faecalis
POS control: S. pneumoniae
NEG control: E. faecalis
Rapid test to detect enzyme butyrate esterase to aid identification of M. catarrhalis
Butyrate Disk
NEG control = N. gonorrhea
POS = M. catarhhalis
POS result for butyrate disk
blue w/in 5 mins
indigo to violet
Used to differentiate Grp B strep (S. agalactiae from other streptococcal spp.
L. monocytogenes is also positive
POS Control
NEG control
S. aureus
S. agalactiae
S. pyogenes
E. coli
POS Control: S. agalactiae
NEG control: S. pyogenes
differentiates microccal and staphylococcal species from streptococcal spp. (neg)
(+) bubbles, hydrogen peroxide
POS control
NEG control
S. aureus
S. agalactiae
S. pyogenes
E. coli
POS control: S. aureus
NEG control: S. pyogenes
Test used to isolate and purify p. aeruginosa
(+) growth
POS control
NEG control
E. faecalis
P. aeruginosa
E. coli
POS control: P. aeruginosa
NEG control: E. coli
Indicator of citrate test
bromthymol blue
(+) blue / growth
Citrate test
POS control
NEG control
E. aerogines
P. aeruginosa
K. pneumoniae
E. coli
POS control: E. aerogines, K. pneumoniae
NEG control: E. coli
Coagulase Test
POS control
NEG control
S. epidermidis
E. coli
S. aureus
POS control: S. aureus
NEG control: S. epidermidis
Differentiate decarboxylase producing enterbacteriaceae from other gram neg rods
decarboxylase test (moeller’s)
(+) purple
(-) yellow or no color change
POS Control for LOA
E. aerogenes
K. pneumoniae
E. cloaccae
Lysine: K. pneumoniae
Ornithine: E. aerogenes
Arginine: E. cloaccae
NEG Control for LOA
E. coli
P. vulgaris
C. freundii
Lysine: C. freundii
Ornithine: P. vulgaris
Arginine: E. coli
DNA hydrolysis pos result
colorless around the test organism
(-) medium remains green = no lysis of dna
DNA Hydrolysis
POS control
NEG control
S. epidermidis
E. coli
S. aureus
POS control: S. aureus
NEG control: E. coli
Test for enterbacteriaceae in which a positive result is black precipitate with no fluorescence
Esculin hydrolysis
(-) No blackening and fluorescence
Esculin Hydrolysis
POS control
NEG control
S. epidermidis
E. faecalis
E. coli
S. aureus
POS control: E. faecalis
NEG control: E. coli
Peptone medium with andrade’s indicator is used to differentiate: ____________
BHI with bromcresol purple indicator is used to differentiate _____________
a. streptococci and enterococci
b. enteric and coryneforms
Peptone medium with andrade’s indicator is used to differentiate: B
BHI with bromcresol purple indicator is used to differentiate: A
a. streptococci and enterococci
b. enteric and coryneforms
Peptone medium with andrade’s indicator
POS result
NEG result
(+) pink with or without gas
(-) no change in color medium (straw colored)
Andrade’s indicator
POS w/ gas
POS w/o gas
E. coli
S. sonnei
S. flexneri
POS w/ gas: E. coli
POS w/o gas: S. flexneri
BHI with bromcresol purple
POS result
NEG result
POS result: yellow
NEG result: no color change (purple)
BHI with bromcresol purple
E. coli
M. osteonsis
S. flexneri
PC with gas: E. coli
NC: Moraxella osteonsis
production of gelatinases capable of hydrolizing gelatin
presumptive for staph, entero and some gram pos bacilli
Gelatin Hydrolysis
(+) partial or total liquefaction within 4hrs at 4degrees
(-) complete solidification at 4C
Gelatin hydrolysis
E. coli
B. subtilis
B. cepacia
PC: B subtilis
NC: E. coli
growth at 42C
Pseudomonas (PC)
P. fluorescens (NC)
Hippurate Test
POS result
NEG result
deep purple
colorless to yellow pink
colorless to purple
POS result: deep purple
NEG result: colorless or yellow pink
Test used to identify organisms that produce tryptophanase
POS result
NEG result
POS result: pink to wine colored ring
NEG result: no color change
Indole tests reagents
Kovac or Ehrlich
Hippurate Test
S. agalactiae
S. aureus
S. maltophilia
S. pyogenes
PC: S. agalactiae
NC: S. pyogenes
PC for Kovacs:
PC for ehrlich:
E. coli
H. aegypticus
H. influenzae
E. tarda
PC for Kovacs: E. coli
PC for ehrlich: H. influenzae
test that identifies catalase negative gram positive cocci using the cinnamaldehyde reagent
Litmus Milk
(+) red color (leucine aminopeptidase)
LAP Test
E. coli
E. faecalis
A. virdans
PC: E. faecalis
NC: Aerococcus viridans
Litmus Milk Medium
fermentation - gas production
A. P. aeruginosa
B. L. acidophillus
C. C perfringens
Litmus Milk Medium
Acid - clot formation
A. P. aeruginosa
B. L. acidophillus
C. C perfringens
Litmus Milk Medium
Peptonization - clearing
A. P. aeruginosa
B. L. acidophillus
C. C perfringens
bright red color indicative of mixed acid fermentation
red color indicative of acetoin production
negative result for MRVP
MR POS, VP NEG control
MR NEG, VP POS control
E. coli
S. sonnei
E. aerogenes
K. pneumoniae
MR POS, VP NEG control = E. coli
MR NEG, VP POS control = E. aerogenes
This test differentiates gram pos. cat pos cocci
Positive result for microdase test
blue to purple blue color
Microdase Test
S. aureus
E. coli
M. luteus
PC: M. luteus
NC: S. aureus
Semisolid Agar deep - for motility
POS result
NEG result
POS result: organisms spread from site of inoculation
NEG result: non-motile, remain at site of inoculation
PC for hanging drop and semisolid agar deep
E. coli
Used to determine if organism forms gas during glucose fermentation. Some lactobacillus and leuconostoc produce gas
MRS broth
(+) gas production
MRS broth
Growth, gas production:
Growth, no gas:
Growth, gas production: leuconostoc
Growth, no gas: lactobacillus
Identifies various genera of enterobateriaceae and verotoxin producing E. coli
MUG Test
(+) electric blue fluorescence
MUG Test
E. faecalis
E. coli
K. oxytica
K. pneumoniae
PC: E. coli
NC: K. pneumoniae
Determine whether an organism can reduce nitrite to gaseous nitrogen
Nitrite Reduction
(+) no color change within 2 mins
(-) red
Nitrite Reduction
P. vulgaris
P. mirabilis
A. baumanii
E. coli
PC: P. mirabilis
NC: A. baumanii
Tests whether an organism can produce B-galactosidase
Positive Result for ONPG
(-) colorless
S. pneumoniae
S. sonnei
S. typhimurium
PC: S. sonnei
NC: S. typhimurium
Positive result for optochin (zoi)
14mm or greater ZOI
S. pneumoniae
S. sonnei
S. pyogenes
S. typhimurium
PC: S. pneumoniae
NC: S. pyogenes
Positive result of oxidase test
dark purple color within 10 secs
Oxidase Test
S. pyogenes
S. aeruginosa
S. typhimurium
E. coli
PC: S. aeruginosa
NC: E. coli
Reagent of Phenyalalanine Deaminase
ferric chloride
Phenyalanine Deaminase
P. mirabilis
P. vulgaris
E. coli
PC: P. mirabilis
NC: E. coli
Test that differentiates group A streptococci and enterococci by the presence of L-pyrolidonyl arylamidase
PYR test
(+) bright red color, cinamaldehyde reagent
PYR Test PC (2)
S. pyogenes
E. coli
E. faecalis
S. aureus
S. pyogenes
E. faecalis
Differentiates E. faecalis (pos) and E. faecium (negative)
Pyruvate broth
Spot Indole
Pyruvate broth
Positive result for pyruvate
Blue to green
Green to yellow
Yellow to blue
green to yellow
PC control for pyruvate broth and salt tolerance
E. faecalis
NC for salt tolerance
S. bovis
Positive result for salt tolerane
purple to yellow
Determine the presence of the enzyme tryptophanase
Spot indole
(+) blue
PC for spot indole
E. coli
Proteus may be presumptively identified by the ability to hydrolyze ______
Urea Hyrdrolysis Christensen’s method
POS result
NEG result
POS result: light orange to magenta
NEG result: no color change
Urea Hydrolysis
P. vulgaris
K. pneumoniae
E. coli
PC: P. vulgaris
Weakly Pos: K. pneumoniae
NC: E. coli