Hands/Splinting Flashcards
Kleinert Protocol for a flexor tendon repair: 0-12 weeks?
0-4 weeks: active extension/passive flexion exercises AND dynamic splinting
6-8 weeks: light ADLs
8-12 weeks: strengthening and resistance activities
What is normal elbow ROM?
0-150 degrees
What does a positive Finkelstein’s test indicate?
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
How to perform the Finkelstein’s test?
Therapist grasps the thumb and ulnar deviates the hand sharply
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
inflammation of the abductor policis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis longus (EPL)
What does a positive Froment’s Test indicate?
an ulnar N. dysfunction
This will result in flexion of the thumb at the IP joint when paper is pulled
What does a positive Phalen’s Test indicate?
median nerve compression
how to perform the phalen’s test?
patient is asked to hold their wrist in complete and forced flexion (pushing the dorsal surfaces of both hands together) for 30–60 seconds
What position should an outrigger on a dynamic splint be positioned?
90 degrees perpendicular
What type of splint would be indicated for an Erb’s Palsy dx?
elbow lock splint
Erb’s Palsy clinical picture
arm limp into IR
atrophy/paralysis of biceps, deltoid, brachialis, and brachioradialis
Flexion of the PIP and hyperextension of the DIP is characteristic of a:
boutonniere deformity
Hyperextension of the PIP and flexion of the DIP is characteristic of a:
Swan neck deformity
What would a figure 8 splint typically be used for?
combined median N injury
When would a flail arm splint be used?
C5-T1 injury
When would a deltoid sling be indicated?
UE muscle weakness
These symptoms are indicative of what?
- Numbness/tingling in fingers and ½ ring finger
- Pain in proximal FA
- No symptoms at night
- Positive Tinel’s Sign
Pronator Teres Syndome
These symptoms are indicative of what?
- Symptoms at night
- Positive tinels at wrist
- Numbness/tingling in fingers and ½ of RF
Positive test at guyon’s canal is indicative of?
Ulnar N compression
These symptoms are indicative of what?
- postive tinels at elbow
- Numbness and tingling along Ulnar N distribution and pain in the elbow at end range EF
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Duran’s Protocol for Flexor Tendon Repair 0-4 weeks post op?
passive extension/flexion
Lengthening of the central slip of the Extensor Digitorum causes?
Boutonniere deformities
Rupture of the lateral slips of the Extensor Digitorum or FDS can result in ?
swan neck deformities
Thickening of the FDS can result in ?
trigger finger
?? is a flattening of the thenar eminence and is indicative of a median nerve palsy
Ape Hand
“???” is indicative of an ulnar nerve palsy
Claw hand
Buddy strap help provides ?? ROM to the affected finger
Shoulder surgery protocol 0-12 weeks?
0-6 weeks: PROM, AAROM, and AROM
6+ weeks: isometric then progress to isotonic exercises