Hands On Final Flashcards
add new user tfoster
useradd tfoster
how can you tell what directory you are in?
command to make a directory
create an alias called lof that will list the student home directory and the date
lof=”ls /home/student;date”
copy the vsftpd.conf file from the /etc into the student home directory
cp /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf /home/student
search for all the lines that contain the word “Allow” in the vsftpd.conf and direct the output into a file called Allows
grep “Allow” vsftpd.conf > Allows
set the permissions of the vsftpd.conf file to -rxwrxwrxw
chmod 777 vsftpd.conf
redirect the error message from ls /lowrider into a file called searching_lowrider
ls /lowrider 2>searching_lowrider
add a new group called brander_group
groupadd brander_group
change the group on vsftpd.conf to brander_group
chgrp brander_group vsftpd.conf
what is the group number of brander group?
cat /etc/group
using relative path change to etc directory
cd ../../etc
using absolute path change to student home directrory
cd /home/student
change to the bin directory
cd /bin
what is the user id number for student?
id student
find any files starting with vsftpd in the etc directory
find /etc -name vsftpd*
display the last 20 lines of the passwd file that contain “/bin/bash”
tail -20 /etc/passwd | grep “/bin/bash”
list all files including hidden files
ls -a
rename ronhoward file auntbee
mv ronhoward auntbee
delete the videos dirctory
rm -r Videos