Handout 4 Flashcards
Experiencing burnout is one factor in the life of being a travel writer: beating deadlines, grueling schedules of transportation during your travel, and packing and unpacking of luggage.
Surviving burnout
If you opt to do travel writing as a freelance job, rejection is a part of it. To survive, you need an accepting attitude whenever your stories or proposals get rejected by your employer.
Dealing with rejections
You may often experience that you can’t think of anything to write or all the things you’re writing are all wrong.
These experiences happen to all writers out there.
Experiencing the writer’s block
Being a travel writer lets you introduce places, people, food, and culture to readers. As a travel writer, you need to be careful in using words when describing them. You have the power to create stereotypes or destroy them.
Reflect on the words you use
Try to research further about the place to give your readers ideas about what’s special about it. You may research and observe the surroundings, talk, and listen to the locals, experiencing their daily lives, history, current events, the things locals are proud of, and their struggles.
Highlight the culture and history of the place
In this age where people mostly travel for the ‘gram,’ note that your advice and recommendations will affect people’s perception about the place of travel.
Recommend cautiously
Whenever you consider your travel writing impacts, you may feel pressure and may strive for perfection. This
may lead to burning out and being stuck. There’s no pertect writer, and writing is a continuous learning process.
Strive for honesty over perfection
is a part of travel writing that is mostly overlooked. Hundreds of thousands of individuals write about their travels sharing their experiences about the people they encounter.
are also an area in travel writing which is often problematic. Whether images, quotes, and other sourced materials, you need to give proper attribution to it.
Attribution and citation
A successful travel writer wears many hats. Meaning, he/she writes for various publications such as magazines,
newspapers. travel writing sites. and some have their travel blogs. You can also make travel writing as part of vour side hustles to make extra income
More hats, more hustle
There are many outlets where you can pitch your topics because there is a lot of online publishing. You can check several sites such as the BBC and Lonely Planet to pitch your topics or research different travel writing ideas.
Many places to pitch about
You need to develop your brand as a travel writer. You need to market your business and take advantage of all the digital tools available
Your travel blog as a business