Handmaid’s Tale Vocab Set 3 Flashcards
Fruitful (adj)
(of a person) producing many offspring
Macabre (adj)
having death as a subject
Pious (adj)
having or expressing reverence for a god or gods
Jezebel (noun)
a scheming, shameless or wicked woman
Whim (noun)
an odd or sudden wish, desire, or change of mind.
Terse (adj)
neatly or effectively concise; brief and pithy, as language
Coup d’Etat (noun)
the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.
Perfunctory (adj)
done superficially, only as a matter of routine; careless or cursory
Precocious (adj)
characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity
Scruples (noun)
moral or ethical considerations or standards that act as a restraining force or inhibit certain actions