Handbook of Japanese Verbs Flashcards
Vconj + ましょう
“I will,” “let’s~”
Expresses the first person’s volition, invitation or suggestion
Vconj + ます
“do/will do,” “there is/will be”
Expresses actions or states which regularly take place/exist or will take place/exist. Polite speech.
Vconj + ましょうか・ませんか
“Shall I~?” “Wouldn’t you~?”
A first person invitation or suggestion in the form of a question. The negative question ませんか is more polite than ましょうか
Vconj + なさい
Expresses a plain imperative, used, for example, by teachers or parents to their students or children.
“Would you please do~”
Expresses a polite imperative to superiors or customers.
“I’ll do~,” “I’d like to do~”
Expresses the speakers volition in the humble style. The verb いたす is the humble equivalent of する.
Vconj, Vconj+ます
“Do~ and do~”
By linking two or more verbs the sentence pattern expresses actions in succession.
Used as a noun
Vconj of regular verbs is used as a noun by itself. です May be added to adjectives to make the speech polite.
Vconj+に+motion verb
“Go/come/return/enter/leave to do something”
Can be used with 行く(go)来る(come)帰る(return)入る(enter)出る(leave) to express purpose when a person moves from one place to another
“While doing~”
Expresses simultaneous actions performed by one subject.
“Want to do~”
たい・たがる expresses a first/third desire to do sth. です may be added to the auxiliary たい to make speech polite
“Look like,” “feel like”
Expresses the speaker’s conjecture based on what she sees or feels. The copula だ may be replaced by です to make the speech polite.
“Thing”/”a way of,” “how to”
Creates compound nouns.
“Begin to”/”finish doing~”
Compound verbs used as auxiliaries .
Vconj+auxiliary verb
Other auxiliaries include つずける、忘れる、直す、すぎる
“Do/will do,” “there is/will be”
Expresses actions or states which regularly take place/exist or will take place/exist. This form is used for the plain style.
Expresses a person’s intention. つもり is a pseudo noun usually followed by a copula, だ/だった or です/でした.
“I expect that~” “It is expected that”
Expresses the speakers expectation will take place/took place. はず is a pseudo noun usually followed by a copula.
Expresses the speaker’s conjecture.
Expresses the speaker’s speculation or guess. かもしれません is the polite style.
“Must be” “there is no doubt that~”
Expresses the speaker’s guess with confidence. ちがいありません is the polite style.
“~ing” “to~” “that~”
Nominalizers which make a verb into a gerund, or a clause into a noun phrase. の Indicates concrete actions/events, while ことindicates abstract actions/events. They are so mistimes interchangeable.
“Can” “be able to”
Expresses potential and ability. Typically used in Aは~ことが出来る construction.
“There are times when~”
Expresses actions or events that occur sometimes.
“Decide to”
Expresses the speaker’s decision to do something
“It will be decided that~”
Expresses a decision made by others, rather than the speaker.