Handbook Flashcards
What are the four sections of the handbook?
Doctrinal Foundation
Church Organization
God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation
Church Administration
What are the four sections of God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation?
Living the gospel of Jesus Christ
Caring for those in need
Inviting all to receive the gospel
Uniting families for eternity
Order in which to go to find answers to questions?
Words of Living Prophets
Immediate presiding authority
Which day is considered Sunday?
Whichever day the Sabbath is observed locally
Who calls stake presidents?
General Authorities and Area Seventies
What are the main key ways to live the gospel of Christ?
Faith in Christ
Daily repentance
Make covenants with God
Endure to the End
Learning and Teaching the Gospel to family and at church
Become Self reliant for ourselves and family spiritually and physically
Main ways we care for the needy?
Serving and Ministering to Individuals, Families, communities
Share Resources
Help others become self reliant
How can we invite all to receive the Gospel?
Participate as a missionary
Help new and returning members along the covenant path
How can we unite families for eternity?
Make covenants in the temple
Perform ordinances for our ancestors
Regular Temple Worship
What is the purpose of the church?
to enable individuals and families to assist God in fulfilling His work of salvation and exaltation
What does the church provide to accomplish it’s purpose?
Priesthood authority and keys.
Covenants and ordinances.
Prophetic direction.
Gospel learning and teaching support.
Service and leadership opportunities.
A community of Saints.
Where is the work of salvation and exaltation centered?
What does it mean to cleave to each other as husband and wife?
to be completely devoted and faithful to someone.
What is the first commandment to a husband and wife?
Multiply and Replenish.
What three P’s are fathers supposed to do?
Preside, Provide, and protect
What does it mean to preside in a family?
What key things does this include?
Responsibility to lead the family back to dwell in God’s presence
Serving, Teaching, Leading the family in regular prayer, gospel study, and other aspects of worship.
What are mothers primarily responsible to do?
Nourish, teach, and support
How are husband and wife to address their roles as parents?
“In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners”
What day of the week can family home evening be held?
Any day including the sabbath
What day of the week should leadership keep free of meetings for families?
What are the essential meetings in the wards?
Sacrament, Classes and Quorum meetings on Sundays
Where should one’s calling in the church fall in relative importance to family work etc?
the amount of time given to Church service should not detract from members’ ability to fulfill their responsibilities at home, at work, and elsewhere.
Which priesthood holds the right to the presidency?
What are the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood?
Ministering of Angels
Gospel of Repentance
Administering in outward ordinances, including baptism for the remission of sins.
Can counselors have priesthood keys?
No they have delegated authority to act for the president
What is an ordinance?
An ordinance is a sacred act performed by the authority of the priesthood.
In what order of priority should your own needs and family needs fall in respect to church callings?
do not neglect your own needs and the needs of your family. Seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help you balance and fulfill your responsibilities
What is the charge to those who are called to preside? What does Christ say about those who are called as chiefs?
Let him be your servant.
What should your focus be on in any calling in the church?
Eye single to the Glory of God
What should be the primary focus of councils in the church?
help members work together in seeking divine guidance about matters that will bless individuals and families
What is important for those you call to callings?
They are willing to serve, will humbly seek the Lord’s help, and are striving to be worthy.
What leadership in the church is not bound by geographic boundaries?
General church leadership including general authorities and general officers
What determines next prophet?
Most senior apostle
How is seniority in apostles calculated?
Time since called as an apostle
How many in presidency of seventy?
7 of them which preside over the seventy
One president over the 7 amongst them
What are the four primary responsibilities of a stake president?
He is the presiding high priest in the stake.
He leads God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the stake.
He is a common judge.
He oversees records, finances, and properties.
If a stake president is unsure if he can delegate a task to a counselor of his or he has to do that responsibility himself, who does he ask for guidance?
Area Presidency
Which individuals make up the stake high priests quorum?
Stake Presidency
Bishops and their counselors
High councilors
Functioning patriarchs
Which office ordinations does the Stake President oversee?
Elder and High Priest
Who oversees the conferral of the Melchizedek priesthood?
The stake president
What two committees does the stake president oversee?
high council and the stake council.
What committees does the Stake president assign his counselors to oversee?
Stake youth leadership committee
Stake young single adult committee
Stake single adult committee (where organized)
Who calls and sets apart the stake presidency?
Area Seventy
Who needs to approve the stake patriarch?
The quorum of the twelve apostles
Whose approval is needed before a bishop is called?
The first presidency
Who calls elders quorum presidents?
Stake President
Who should the stake president consult with prior to calling an elders quorum president?
The Bishop
Who has the responsibility of the stake relief society?
The Stake President
What organizations does the stake president assign his counselors to?
He assigns his counselors responsibility for the stake Young Men, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School organizations.
Who sets apart a district president?
The Mission President
Can a district president be just an elder?
Is there a high priest quorum in a district?
Who is the presiding high priest in a district?
The Mission President
Whose approval is needed to ordain an elder in a district?
The Mission President
What approval is needed to set apart a branch president?
The mission president needs to ok a district presidents selection for a branch president
Can a district president conduct a temple recommend interview?
Can a district president conduct a membership council?
Not without the permission of the mission president
How many High Priests are called to the stake high council?
Responsibility of high councilors assigned to elders quorums?
Learn of their needs.
Offer support.
Teach them their responsibilities, including those for missionary work (see 23.6.2) and temple and family history work (see 25.2.2).
Communicate information from the stake presidency.
Discuss how to help members of the quorum who need their next ordinance. This information is available to elders quorum leaders in LCR.
Requirements to be a Patriarch?
> 55 years old
Be Married when called
Who ordains a stake patriarch?
The Stake President. Cannot delegate this responsibility
How often do a stake president and Stake patriarch meet?
At least 2x a year
Does the Bishop and his counselors need to be high priests?
What are a bishops 5 key responsibilities?
He is the presiding high priest in the ward.
He is president of the Aaronic Priesthood.
He is a common judge.
He coordinates God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the ward, including caring for those in need.
He oversees records, finances, and the use of the meetinghouse.
to Whom is the bishops foremost responsibility?
to the rising generation in the ward (the children, youth, and young single adults).
Which organizations is the bishop responsible for?
Which ones does he assign his counselors to?
Bishop - Relief Society and Young Womens
Counselors - Sunday School and Primary
How often should a bishop meet with the Elders quorum and Relief Society president to oversee ministering?
At least Quarterly
What ordinances and blessings does the bishop direct in the ward?
The sacrament
Naming and blessing of children
Baptism and confirmation of 8-year-old children of record (for those with intellectual disabilities, see; for converts, see
Conferral of the Aaronic Priesthood and ordination to the offices of deacon, teacher, and priest
What councils does the bishop lead?
Ward and Youth Council
Who plans and presides at sacrament meeting?
Bishopric plans it.
highest presiding officer presides.
Who is president of the priests quorum?
Who is responsible for the teachers quorum?
1st counselor in bishopric
Who is responsible for the deacons quorum?
2nd counselor in the bishopric
Who is responsible to council with the young women’s president? Can he delegate this responsibility?
The Bishop
How often should the Bishop meet with youth of the ward?
His counselors?
At least 1x a year until they are 16 and then twice a year.
Before 16 someone from the bishopric meets with them twice a year.
To whom does the bishop delegate much of the temporal needs of the ward responsibility to?
Elders and Relief society presidents
Must a branch president be a high priest?
Does a branch president have to be married?
Can counselors in a branch presidency issue temple recommends?
Who sets apart the ward executive secretary?
Stake presidency
What are the responsibilities of a ward executive secretary?
Meet with the bishopric and prepare agendas as assigned.
Serve as a member of the ward council and attend ward council meetings. As directed by the bishopric, follow up on assignments made in these meetings.
Schedule appointments for the bishopric.
Schedule interviews for youth and adults who need to renew their temple recommends.
If assigned by the bishopric, coordinate the ward’s efforts to help members access Church magazines (see 38.8.7).
Help the bishopric with seminary and institute matters, such as helping ward members register for classes (see chapter 15).
Keep a current list of names and addresses of ward members who are in the military. Ensure that ward leaders are aware of these members (see 38.9.2). Inform the stake executive secretary when members plan to enter the military.
Forward messages received from Church employees and volunteers to the appropriate ward leaders, as instructed by the bishop (see 38.8.9).
Who sets apart assistant ward executive secretaries?
Stake presidency
Who sets apart ward clerks and assistant ward clerks?
Stake Presidency
What are the offices of the Melchizedek Priesthood?
Elder, high priest, patriarch, Seventy, and Apostle.
Which adult males with the melchizedek priesthood are not part of the elders quorum?
What quorum are they apart of?
high priests in the ward who are currently serving in a stake presidency, in a bishopric, on a high council, or as a patriarch.
These leaders are members of the stake high priests quorum.
What males under 18 go to elders quorum?
Prospective elders - Married men < 18 years old
What are the purposes of elders quorum?
Strengthen faith.
Build unity.
Strengthen families and homes.
Make plans to assist God in His work of salvation and exaltation.
To whom is the elders quorum president directly responsible?
The Stake President
What are the responsibilities of the Elders Quorum President?
Serve on the ward council.
Lead the quorum’s efforts to participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.
Organize and oversee the service of ministering brothers.
Under the bishop’s guidance, counsel with adult members of the ward. Only the bishop counsels ward members about matters of worthiness, abuse, and approval to use fast-offering funds.
With the Relief Society presidency, help lead efforts in the ward to invite all to receive the blessings of the gospel (see 8.2.3 and 9.2.3). Oversee the ward mission leader if one is called.
With the Relief Society presidency, help lead temple and family history work in the ward (see 8.2.4 and 9.2.4). Oversee the ward temple and family history leader if one is called.
Coordinate the elders quorum’s efforts to strengthen young adult brethren, both single and married. One counselor may be assigned to serve with young single adults (see
Meet with each quorum member individually at least once a year. Discuss priesthood duties and the well-being of the member and his family.
Teach quorum members their priesthood duties (see Doctrine and Covenants 107:89). This includes teaching them how to exercise their priesthood in performing ordinances and blessings.
Oversee and help improve teaching in the quorum (see chapter 17).
Plan and conduct quorum meetings.
Oversee elders quorum activities (see
Help young men and prospective elders prepare to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood (see 8.4).
Oversee quorum records, reports, and finances (see LCR.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). A secretary may help (see 8.3.4).
How often does the Elders Quorum Presidency meet?
Who approves the Elders Quorum Secretary?
The Bishop
What is the Relief Societies motto?
Charity never Faileth
Who are members of Relief Society under age 18?
Married Women < 18
How often does the Bishop meet with the relief society president?
At least monthly
Relief Society President Responsibilities?
Serve on the ward council.
Lead the Relief Society’s efforts to participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.
Organize and oversee the service of ministering sisters. Coordinate ministering assignments with the elders quorum presidency, meeting at least quarterly. Seek the bishop’s approval for ministering assignments. Hold ministering interviews at least quarterly. See chapter 21.
Under the bishop’s guidance, counsel with adult members of the ward.
With the elders quorum presidency, help lead efforts in the ward to invite all to receive the blessings of the gospel.
With the elders quorum presidency, help lead temple and family history work.
Coordinate the Relief Society’s efforts to strengthen young adult sisters in the ward, both single and married. One counselor may be assigned to serve with young single adults.
Meet with each member of Relief Society individually at least once a year.
Teach sisters their covenant responsibilities.
Oversee and help improve teaching in the Relief Society.
Plan and conduct Relief Society meetings.
Oversee Relief Society activities.
Help young women prepare to participate in Relief Society.
Oversee Relief Society records, reports, and finances.
How often should the relief society presidency meet with the elders quorum presidency to coordinate ministering?
At least Quarterly
How often should the relief society hold ministering interviews?
At what age can a young woman start to be a ministering sister?
At age 14
What is the Aaronic Quorum Theme?
“I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
“With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home.
“As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel.
“I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
“I will help prepare the world for the Savior’s return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.”
What are the duties of a deacon?
passing the sacrament and assisting the bishop in “administering all temporal things”
What additional duties does a teacher have on top of Deacon?
prepare the sacrament and serve as ministering brothers.
Additional duties of a priest?
baptize, and administer the sacrament,
How often should there be youth activities?
Ideally Weekly but at least Monthly
What are the annual meetings for aaronic priesthood?
Once yearly a youth with parents where 12 year olds get an emblem of belonging
Overnight camps
One activity focused on principles of the for strength of Youth
When do aaronic priesthood get emblems of belonging?
At age 12 at the annual meeting with parents and when they turn 18
What must the bishopric do before asking a young man to serve in a calling?
Ask the parents
Who are members of the ward’s youth council?
The bishopric.
One of the bishop’s assistants in the priests quorum, the teachers quorum president, and the deacons quorum president.
The Young Women class presidents (or the entire class presidency if the ward has just one Young Women class).
The Young Women president.
How many adult males at each quorum meeting or activity?
At least 2
If a young man is not ordained an elder by 19 which class does he go to?
Anyone who works with the Youth needs to complete what training? How often to renew?
The children and youth protection training at least every 3 years.
What book is given to a new aaronic priesthood member?
Personal Development: Youth Guidebook.
What is the Young Women theme?
“I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, with a divine nature and eternal destiny.
“As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I strive to become like Him. I seek and act upon personal revelation and minister to others in His holy name.
“I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places.
“As I strive to qualify for exaltation, I cherish the gift of repentance and seek to improve each day. With faith, I will strengthen my home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, and receive the ordinances and blessings of the holy temple.”
What is the primary theme?
“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children”
Who are called as nursery leaders?
At least two people should be called for each nursery class. If the nursery leaders are not husband and wife, they should be the same gender.
Age cutoffs for nursery?
18 months to 3 years
What are the classes in primary?
When do kids advance to YM/YW?
Children generally advance from Primary into Young Women or the deacons quorum in January of the year they turn 12.
When is the Primaries Sacrament presentation?
The annual children’s sacrament meeting presentation is held during the last few months of the year.
What is the one time meeting held for Valient 10s t prepare for YM/YW? Who plans it?
the Primary presidency plans a Temple and Priesthood Preparation meeting each year. The bishopric gives direction. The meeting is for children in the Valiant 10 class.
Schedule for Primary?
When do primary kids start goals for the 4 areas of their life?
Beginning in the year they turn 8, children are encouraged to complete at least one goal in each of the four areas each year.
Who fills in when there isn’t a Primary president?
Relief Society President
Primary President Responsibilities?
Serve on the ward council. She serves as (1) a ward council member who helps address needs in the ward and find solutions and (2) a representative of the Primary. She helps the ward council know the name and home circumstances of each child in order to enhance ministering to children and families. See 29.2.5.
Regularly hold Primary presidency meetings and meet with the bishop or his assigned counselor.
Submit recommendations to the bishopric for adult men and women to serve in Primary.
Help the ward council know of children who will be eligible to be baptized in the next year (see
Help plan baptismal services for children of record when asked (see 18.7.2).
Plan and conduct the opening of Sunday Primary meetings.
Minister to individual children, teachers, and leaders in Primary.
Teach Primary leaders and teachers their responsibilities and support them in those responsibilities by orienting them to their callings (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2016], 38).
Help Primary leaders and teachers during class time, singing time, and transitions.
Visit Primary classes and arrange for teachers to attend teacher council meetings.
Help introduce the Children and Youth program to children turning 8 and to their parents. This could occur in their homes or their Primary class (see 12.5.7).
Oversee the records, reports, budget, and finances of Primary.
Primary Secretary Responsibilities?
Help the Primary presidency prepare agendas for presidency meetings. She attends these meetings, takes notes, and keeps track of assignments.
Work closely with teachers and leaders to keep accurate attendance records.
Using LCR, work with elders quorum and Relief Society secretaries to keep attendance records for adults serving in Primary.
Make sure the Primary presidency is aware of:
New children and visitors.
Children coming into nursery and children moving from nursery to the Sunbeam class.
Children who are eligible for baptism.
Children who will advance from Primary.
Assign children to give prayers, scriptures, and talks during the opening of Sunday Primary meetings (under the presidency’s direction). She also notifies parents.
Help the Primary presidency prepare a budget, account for expenses, and track Children and Youth materials.
What is required for each primary class teachers?
The two adults could be two women, two men, or a married couple. If this is not possible, leaders should combine classes.
They have taken the online training
How often do teachers and nursery leaders attend teacher council meetings?
Teachers and nursery leaders attend quarterly teacher council meetings
Who can take kids to the restroom during primary?
During Primary, a young child must be taken to the restroom by a parent or legal guardian. Leaders and teachers should not take children into the restroom.
Who cannot be acted out in role playing in the church?
Leaders and teachers should be careful when acting out sacred events in Primary. Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost are not portrayed. Children may portray the Savior only in a Nativity scene.
When do kids get a CTR ring?
At the beginning of CT4 class
When do primary kids get an emblem of belonging?
At the beginning of each year, the bishop, one of his counselors, or members of the Primary presidency may visit the home or Primary class of each child who will turn 8 during the year. They introduce children and their parents to the Children and Youth program. Each child receives the emblems of belonging and a copy of Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook.
Responsibilities of the Sunday School President
Serve on the ward council. He serves as (1) a member of the council who helps address needs in the ward and find solutions and (2) a representative of the Sunday School (see 29.2.5).
Oversee efforts to improve gospel learning and teaching at home and at church.
Organize Sunday School classes, with the bishopric’s approval (see 13.3). Recommend to the bishopric adult members to serve as Sunday School teachers.
Support, encourage, and instruct Sunday School teachers. Help them become more effective gospel teachers by following the principles in the scriptures and Teaching in the Savior’s Way. Encourage them to study Teaching in the Savior’s Way.
Lead teacher council meetings as guided by the bishop (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 38–39).
Encourage teachers to reach out to members who do not attend classes.
Work with teachers to keep attendance records. Report attendance quarterly to the ward clerk or in LCR or Member Tools. A secretary, if called, can help with this responsibility.
Age range for Young Single Adults?
Who determines whether single adult activities should take place at the ward or stake level?
Stake President
How often should a bishop meet with each single adult a year?
At what level is the young single adult committee organized? The single adult committee?
Young single adult committee is at the ward level
Single Adult Committee is at the stake level
When do single adults age out of being in a dedicated single adult ward?
Age 46. Then they go to the geographic ward.
Where is a stake president or bishop called from for a singles ward/stake?
From the geographic wards/stakes
At what point can someone going through a divorce participate in singles ward?
After the divorce decree is finalized.
How often and when are teacher council meetings held?
Quarterly during the 50 min class time on Sundays.
When are teacher council meetings for parents?
Not mandatory but may be held during the 50 min class time on Sundays
What are the ordinances of salvation and exhalation?
Confirmation and gift of the Holy Ghost
Conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordination to an office (for men)
Temple endowment
Temple sealing
What ordinances are done for a child if they die before age 8?
None unless they weren’t born in the covenant in which case they may be sealed.
What are the other ordinances and blessings besides those for salvation and exaltation?
Naming and blessing children
The sacrament
Conferral of the Aaronic Priesthood and ordination to an office (for young men and men)
Setting apart members to serve in callings
Consecrating oil
Administering to the sick
Blessings of comfort and counsel, including father’s blessings
Dedicating homes
Dedicating graves
Patriarchal blessings by ordained patriarchs
What is the level of worthiness required by a priesthood holder to perform ordinances and blessings?
Generally, the standard of worthiness is that associated with holding a temple recommend. However, as guided by the Spirit and the instructions in this chapter, bishops and stake presidents may allow fathers and husbands who hold the necessary priesthood office to perform or participate in some ordinances and blessings even if they are not fully temple worthy. A priesthood holder who has unresolved serious sins should not participate.
If there are only 2 or less people performing an ordinance where do they place their hands?
Both hands on the head.
Which people over 8 years old still get baptized by approval and under the keys of the bishop? Otherwise who has the keys?
The Bishop for those with intellectual disabilities whose baptism was delayed.
Otherwise it is the mission president.
Who holds the keys for approving the conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood?
The Stake President
Who holds the keys for approval for the Temple Endowment and Sealing?
Bishop and Stake President
Who holds the keys for approval for Naming and Blessing Children?
The Bishop
Who holds the keys for the administration of the sacrament?
The Bishop
What approval is needed for Consecrating oil? Blessing the sick? Comfort and Counsel blessing? Dedicating Homes?
Who has the keys for Dedicating Graves?
The Priesthood leader who presides over the service
Who holds the keys to give approval for patriarchal blessings?
The Bishop
What permission is needed for the blessing of a minor?
A child may be blessed when the bishop obtains verbal permission from the parents or guardians.
What permission is needed and what must be done for the baptism of a minor?
A child may be blessed when the bishop obtains verbal permission from the parents or guardians.
The person conducting it may want this permission in writing.
Parents/Guardians need to understand the doctrine taught and be willing to support the child in making and keeping the baptismal covenants.
What name may be used for baptism if a child is not yet fully adopted but goes by their stepfather’s surname?
What is recorded on the baptism and confirmation certificate?
What if it is the ordination to a priesthood office?
If a child goes by the surname of his or her stepfather, the child may be baptized and confirmed in that name.
This is true even if he or she has not been formally adopted.
However, the child’s legal name, as defined by local law or custom, should be recorded on the membership record and the baptism and confirmation certificate.
What permission is needed and what must be done for the ordination to a priesthood office of a minor?
A child may be blessed when the bishop obtains verbal permission from the parents or guardians.
Who presides over a baby blessing?
A member of the Bishopric
When do baby blessings typically take place?
The ward they reside in on a fast Sunday.
What is required to act as the voice in a baby blessing if the member is from another ward?
To act as voice in blessing a child, a person who is outside his own ward must show a current temple recommend to the presiding leader.
Steps of a baby blessing?
Addresses Heavenly Father as in prayer.
States that the blessing is being performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Gives the child a name.
Addresses the child.
Gives a blessing to the child as guided by the Spirit.
Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.
Steps of a baptismal service?
Prelude music
A brief welcome from the brother who is conducting the service
An opening hymn and prayer
One or two short messages on gospel subjects, such as baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost
A musical selection
The baptism
A time of reverence while those who participated in the baptism change into dry clothes (hymns or Primary songs may be played or sung during this time)
The confirmation of 8-year-old members of record; the confirmation of converts (see 18.8)
Bearing of testimonies by new converts, if desired
A closing hymn and prayer
Postlude music
Who presides over a baptism if it is a combined baptism across the stake?
A member of the stake presidency or an assigned high councilor conducts the service.
Who conducts baptism for converts?
Under the bishopric’s guidance, the ward mission leader (if one is called) or the member of the elders quorum presidency who leads missionary work in the ward plans and conducts baptismal services for converts.
Who can serve as witnesses at a baptism?
Baptized members.
Words of the baptismal Ordinance? Where in the Scriptures is this found?
Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
D&C 20:73
In addition to the one acting as the voice in the confirmation of the Holy Ghost who else needs to participate?
A member of the bishopric
When should men be ordained to the office of elder and have the Melchizedek priesthood conferred upon them?
by age 19 or before they leave home to attend college, serve a full-time mission, serve in the military, or accept full-time employment.
When are men ordained to be a high priest?
when they are called to a stake presidency, high council, or bishopric.
They may also be ordained at other times as determined by the stake president through prayerful consideration and inspiration.
When are young men ordained to the office of deacon/teacher/priest?
Deacon at the beginning of the year they turn 12
Teacher at the beginning of the year they turn 14
Priest at the beginning of the year they turn 16
Where is a man presented for sustaining into the Melchizedek priesthood? Aaronic?
Stake Conference for Melchizedek
Sacrament meeting for Aaronic
What is done if someone opposes the sustaining in church?
the presiding leader or another assigned priesthood leader meets with him or her in private after the meeting. The leader seeks to understand why the member is opposed. He learns if the member knows of conduct that could disqualify the person from being ordained to the priesthood office.
What is done if someone is ordained an elder or to some other position before sustaining?
The congregation ratifies the ordination at the next conference instead of sustained.
What is needed for someone to participate in an Aaronic priesthood ordination?
a person must be a priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder.
What is bestowed upon an individual getting an office in the Aaronic or Melchizedek priesthood?
Who gets keys?
Rights, Powers, and Authority
Only when ordaining a bishop, president of stake/temple/mission/district, Presidency of seventy, 12 apostles, Branch presidents, and quorum presidents are priesthood keys bestowed.
When setting apart for other callings not to be given keys what is said?
During the setting apart, the person is given (1) authority to act in the calling and (2) words of blessing as guided by the Spirit.
Should concentrated oil be eaten or applied to one’s body?
Should we showcase musical talent in sacrament meetings?
All music in Church meetings should be presented in the spirit of worship of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, not as a performance to showcase musical talent.
Ward Music Coordinator responsibilities?
Be a resource to the bishopric and other ward leaders on music matters. Attend ward council meeting as invited by the bishop to help coordinate music in the ward.
Work with the bishopric to plan music for sacrament meetings (see 19.3.1 and 19.3.2).
Recommend and supervise music training in the ward, if needed (see 19.6). Help members find opportunities to develop and use their musical talents in the ward.
As requested by the bishopric, recommend members to serve in ward music callings. Orient those who serve in these callings, offering support, instruction, and training as needed.
Serve in other ward music callings if others have not been called.
Consult with the stake music coordinator for training and support as needed.
When do members attend Youth Conference?
The year they turn 14.
How often should Youth conference be?
Yearly unless there is a FSY that year.
Who must approve overnight activities that have both young men and young women?
Bishop and Stake President
Who cannot be portrayed in church activities with plays?
God the Father, The Holy Ghost
In what instance can children portray Jesus for plays?
Only in the Nativity
When can youth start to attend overnight activities?
When they turn 12 with parental permission.
How far can you travel for activities without area authority approval?
Only a few hours.
Responsibilities of the Stake High Council Committee Chair from high council?
Maintaining a calendar of stake activities.
Supervising committee members in planning stake activities.
Recommending a detailed stake activities budget to the stake presidency before the beginning of each year. This budget does not include activities that are for individual stake organizations.
Serving as a resource to stake organization leaders when they plan activities.
Responsibilities of ministering brothers and sisters?
Help them strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Help them prepare to make and keep sacred covenants with God as they receive ordinances. As needed, help parents prepare their children to receive ordinances and keep covenants.
Discern needs and provide Christlike love, caring, and service. Offer help and comfort in times of spiritual or temporal need. Discuss needs during ministering interviews and at other times.
Help them become spiritually and temporally self-reliant.
How often are ministering interviews done?
Every quarter.
Purpose of Ministering Interviews
Counsel about the strengths, needs, and challenges of assigned individuals and families.
Discuss ways to help persons prepare to receive ordinances if needed.
Consider how the elders quorum, Relief Society, ward council, and others might help.
Minister to ministering brothers and sisters. Show love and appreciation. Teach and encourage them. Help them grow in their capacity to receive and act upon revelation in their service.
What is the place called where all the resources available to the church to help those with temporal needs?
The Lord’s Storehouse
What plan and what form should be used every time church assistance is considered for a member?
The Self-Reliance Plan - filled out be member getting assistance
The Bishop’s Guide to the Self-reliance plan - form by bishop
Who helps members fill out the self-reliance plan?
Bishop or relief society/elders quorum leader.
Who may a bishop consult with for emotional challenges?
Family Services
What is the purpose of church assistance?
To help members develop independence, not dependence.
What can fast offerings be used for?
Food, clothing, may also be used for housing, utilities, counseling, medical care, short-term skills training.
What should be done first when someone new moves into the ward and needs church assistance?
Call prior bishop to discuss the person’s situation.
Can fast offerings pay consumer debt or failed business/investments?
What ward assistance roles must the bishop do and not delegate to the elder’s quorum president/relief society president?
Determines the type, amount, and duration of any temporal assistance provided.
Approves fast-offering assistance (see 22.4 and 22.5) and bishops’ orders (see 22.13).
Ensures that the principles and policies for providing temporal assistance are followed (see 22.4 and 22.5).
Personally reviews members’ self-reliance plans. He assigns other ward leaders to follow up on those plans as needed. (See the Self-Reliance Plan and Bishop’s Guide to the Self-Reliance Plan.)
What is the 3-word acronym for sharing the gospel?
Love, Share, Invite
How often should a coordination meeting for sharing the gospel and strengthening new and returning members? Who leads this meeting?
Should be done weekly
Mission Leader
If one not called then the Elders Quorum president,
What is the role of the ward mission leader?
Coordinate the work of ward members and leaders, ward missionaries, and full-time missionaries. This may include coordinating teaching efforts, baptismal services, and efforts to strengthen new members. It can also include planning ways to help ward members share the gospel.
Lead weekly coordination meetings (see 23.4).
Attend ward council meetings when invited.
Help the ward council develop and implement the ward plan for sharing the gospel and strengthening new and returning members (see 23.6.6).
Seek opportunities to help full-time missionaries fulfill their purpose by sharing the gospel and building relationships with members. Where approved, this may include eating meals with members (preferably with part-member families and new and returning members when possible; see
Work with the ward temple and family history leader and consultants to help those who are learning the gospel, new members, and returning members engage in temple and family history work.
Age for senior missionaries?
Married or single sisters over age 40
Age for senior service missionaries?
Men and women age 26 and older
Under whose direction do senior service missionaries serve?
Under the direction of the stake president
How far in advance of an availability date can the stake president submit a recommendation for a young missionary? Senior missionary?
Young = 150 days
Senior = 9 months
How long after being confirmed a member of the church before serving a mission?
1 year
Who can be called as a ward temple and family history leader?
If one is not called who is by default the one in this position?
They must be a Melchizedek priesthood leader. If not called then it is a member of the elders quorum presidency.
How long after being rebaptized or getting off probation can a member serve as a temple worker?
No sooner than 5 years.
What are the 3 types of temple recommends? What is each one for?
1) Temple recommends for unendowed members. - for those being sealed to parents or doing baptisms/confirmations for the dead.
2) Temple recommend for living ordinances. for members receiving their own endowment or being sealed to a spouse.
3) Temple recommend for endowed members. for members who have previously been endowed.
Who does temple recommend interviews in a ward? In a branch?
In a ward, the bishop or an assigned counselor conducts temple recommend interviews and issues recommends to those who are worthy. In a branch, only the branch president conducts temple recommend interviews and issues recommends.
Which temple recommend interviews in a ward does a bishop have to do?
members who:
Are receiving their own endowment
Are being sealed to a spouse
In urgent cases his counselors can do these interviews.
For what ages does an unendowed member get a recommend to be sealed to parents?
Before 8 they don’t need a recommend to be sealed. After 20 they should get endowed first.
At what age can one get a recommend to do baptisms for the dead?
11 and older
What has to be true before one can get their own endowment?
They are at least 18 years old.
They have completed or are no longer attending high school, secondary school, or the equivalent.
One full year has passed since their confirmation.
They feel a desire to receive and honor temple covenants throughout their lives.
What are the three ordinances of the initiatory?
Washing, Anointing, and clothing
What are the 6 Sacred covenants of the Endowment?
Law of obedience
Law of Sacrifice
Law of the Gospel (Faith, Repentance, Covenants, Enduring to the end)
Two Great Commandments to Love God and Others
Law of Chastity
Law of Consecration
What are the rules for a person to get their endowment if their spouse is unendowed?
The unendowed spouse gives his or her consent.
The member, bishop, and stake president are confident that the responsibility assumed with temple covenants will not be a disruption to the marriage.
If a couple desires to have a temple sealer not assigned to their temple do the sealing what needs to be done?
Approval from the first presidency
If a member of record is not baptized due to intellectual disability and want to be present for a sealing of close family members what must be done?
Are at least 18 years old.
Are able to remain reverent during the ceremony.
Stake president writes a letter informing the temple of the situation.
What are the Ordinances of Salvation and Exaltation?
Confirmation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordination to an office (for men).
The temple endowment (including the initiatory).
Temple sealing.
When can ordinances for the dead be done?
30 days have passed
Close Relative (Undivorced spouse, Parent, Child, or sibling gives permission)
They are not under age 8 when they died (then just do sealing)
Presumed dead persons (Wait 110 years)
Excommunicated or those that withdrew their ordinances must have first presidency permission.
If none of the above then wait 110 years.
What ordinance is done for those who had their church membership withdrawn and were endowed members prior to this and are dead? If they have first presidency permission what is done to restore blessings?
Ordinance of Restoration of blessings.
What should be the focus of presidency and council meetings?
strengthening individuals and families.
What should sacrament meeting focus on?
The sacrament and building faith in Jesus Christ.
What should the presiding authority do if someone teaches incorrect doctrine in a meeting?
If that happens, the presiding officer should make a clarification without embarrassing anyone.
What is the balance of sunday meetings and family time?
meetings should not make it difficult for families to have time together on the Sabbath day.
Who plans and conducts sacrament meeting?
The Bishop. may delegate someone else to conduct
When do general officers of the church not sit on the stand?
General Officers are also invited to sit on the stand unless they are attending their home ward.
Who sit on the stand in addition to the bishopric?
Presiding authorities and visiting high councilors should be invited to sit on the stand.
What is the main focus of sacrament meeting?
The sacrament
Who presides at sacrament meeting if the whole bishopric is gone?
If the bishop and his counselors are not able to attend sacrament meeting, the stake president designates who presides. Normally he designates the elders quorum president. However, he could invite another Melchizedek Priesthood holder.
Who selects speakers for sacrament meeting?
The Bishopric
How many times a year is the primary to give a presentation in sacrament meeting?
Once a year
When should sacrament services not be held?
Sacrament services should not be held in conjunction with family reunions, vacations, or other activities that are not sponsored by the Church.
When are children usually named and blessed?
During a Fast and Testimony meeting.
How are we instructed to bear testimony in sacrament meeting?
To bear testimony means to declare gospel truths as inspired by the Holy Ghost. Testimonies should be brief so that many people can participate.
What is the purpose of ward conference?
At ward conference, stake leaders instruct, support, and minister to ward leaders and members. Ward members sustain general and local leaders.
how often is ward conference?
Once a year on a Sunday other than fast Sunday.
Who usually presides and who usually conducts at a ward conference?
Stake President Presides
Bishop conducts
Who presents the general, stake, and ward leaders at stake conference?
A member of the stake presidency or high councilor
Who usually speaks in ward conference?
The Bishop and Stake President
Who plans and conducts bishopric meetings?
The bishop
how often is bishopric meeting?
Usually weekly
What is the purpose of bishopric meeting?
Counsel together and make decisions about matters concerning the ward. Give special attention to the bishopric’s responsibility for Aaronic Priesthood holders and young women.
Who attends bishopric meeting?
The bishopric, ward clerk, and executive secretary. The bishop may invite others to attend as needed, such as the elders quorum and Relief Society presidents.
What are some matters the bishop can consider to include in bishopric meeting?
Coordinating God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the ward.
Strengthening individuals and families in the ward—especially youth and children.
Identifying members who could prepare to receive ordinances, including priesthood ordinations.
Identifying members to call to ward positions.
Identifying members who could be recommended to the stake president to serve as missionaries.
Reviewing instructions from the scriptures, Church leaders, and this handbook.
Other items may include ward organizations and programs, the ward budget, reports on assignments, and plans for upcoming meetings and activities.
How often should the ward council meet?
Usually weekly (but may meet less often).
If the bishop is gone from ward council what major decisions can be made?
No major decisions.
What is the purpose of the ward council meeting?
Help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the ward
Who attends the ward council meeting?
The bishopric, ward clerk, and ward executive secretary.
Presidents of the elders quorum, Relief Society, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School.
What are the main things that should be discussed in ward council?
Living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Helping all members build faith, receive saving ordinances, and keep their covenants.
Caring for those in need. Sharing resources and skills to bless individuals, families, and the community. Helping ward members become self-reliant. (See chapter 22.)
Inviting all to receive the gospel. Reviewing the progress of those who are learning about the gospel, as well as new and returning members. Discussing ways members can share the gospel with others. (See chapter 23.)
Uniting families for eternity. Reviewing the progress of members who are preparing to receive temple ordinances. Planning ways to help more members qualify for a temple recommend. Discussing ways members can participate in temple and family history work.
What should the ward council know about the youth in the ward?
The ward council should know the children and youth in the ward and their home circumstances. They pay particular attention to those who do not have gospel support at home.
Should most of the activities planned by the ward happen in the ward council meeting?
What is the purpose of ward youth council meeting?
Strengthen the youth in the ward. Help them participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation
Who attends the ward youth council meeting?
The bishopric.
One of the bishop’s assistants in the priests quorum and the teachers and deacons quorum presidents.
The Young Women class presidents (or the entire presidency if the ward has just one Young Women class).
The Young Women president.
The bishop may invite other youth leaders or advisers to attend as needed.
How often does the ward youth council meet?
Usually monthly.
Who conducts ward youth council meeting?
Bishop or one of the priest quorum assistants or president of oldest young women class.
What matters could be addressed in the ward youth council meeting?
God’s work of salvation and exaltation.
Needs of youth in the ward and ways to address them.
Efforts to reach out to youth who are less active or new members.
Activities, including opportunities to serve those in need. Most of the planning is done in quorum or class presidency meetings (see chapter 20).
Ministering (see chapter 21).
Orienting newly called quorum and class presidencies.
What is the time breakdown for Sunday meetings?
Sacrament 60 min
transition 10 min
50 min for classes
How are fifth Sunday lessons determined?
Fifth Sundays: meetings for youth and adults.
The bishopric determines the topic and assigns teachers (usually members of the ward or stake). They also determine whether youth and adults, male and female, meet separately or together.
What classes are done on 1st and 3rd Sundays?
Sunday School.
Elders/Relief Society is 2/4th Sundays.
Which Sundays only has Sacrament meeting.
The Sunday near Easter and Christmas.
Who schedules stake conference?
President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Who presides and who conducts at stake conference?
Area seventy or general authority presides at one and the stake president presides at the other.
What is the purpose of stake conference?
The primary purpose of stake conference is to strengthen members’ faith in Jesus Christ.
How often is there stake conference?
twice a year.
How often should the high council meet?
twice a month
How often should there be a stake council meeting?
How often is the Stake Bishops’ council meeting?
Atleast quarterly
Matters for discussion at bishops’ council?
Helping youth progress spiritually.
Using fast offerings to care for those in need. Helping members build self-reliance (see chapter 22, especially 22.11). Sharing information about resources available in the community.
Helping members repent and experience a change of heart (see chapter 32).
Managing Church finances (see chapter 34).
Should Husband and wife pray in same meeting?
Leaders should avoid always asking a husband and wife to pray in the same meeting.
Children who aren’t baptized can pray where in church meetings?
They may pray in primary
When should recordings of Church meetings be deleted?
Within 1 day after the meeting.
What callings can non-members have?
organist, music director, or a calling to help plan activities.
Who submits the recommendation for a bishop to the first presidency?
The Stake President
What kind of a man is required to be a bishop?
integrity, moral cleanliness, spiritual maturity, and faithfulness to the Savior.
What scripture should be prayerfully considered when recommending a bishop?
1 Timothy 3:2-7
What is the term interview used for in handbook?
refers to a meeting between a leader and an individual to determine whether the person should participate in an ordinance or receive a calling
How often should the Elders quorum president and relief society president meet with each quorum member?
Once a year
What should be discussed in meetings with youth?
Spiritual experiences that are building the youth’s testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the restored gospel.
How the youth is keeping his or her baptismal covenants.
The youth’s preparations to make and keep temple covenants.
The youth’s personal goals to become more like the Savior in all areas of life (see “Children and Youth”).
The importance of personal and family prayer and scripture study.
How to strengthen relationships with parents and other family members.
The principles in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices.
Ways the youth can participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation (see 1.2).
With a young man, his experiences fulfilling his priesthood duties and his preparation to be ordained to the next priesthood office.
The blessings of participating in seminary.
Preparing to serve a full-time mission (see 24.0 and 24.3). The Lord asks every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission. For Latter-day Saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility (see Doctrine and Covenants 36:1, 4–7). The Lord also welcomes worthy, able young women to serve missions if they desire. For young women, a mission is a powerful, but optional, opportunity. Preparing for a mission will bless a young woman whether she decides to serve as a missionary or not.
What is the churches stance on conversion or reparative therapy for sexual orientation or gender identity?
Opposses any of it that has any abuse practices
In what two ways do sins affect us generally?
Anguish in this life and make us unclean to dwell with God
Is repentance simply changing our behavior?
Repentance is more than changing behavior. It is turning away from sin and toward Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It leads to a change of heart and mind
What is the intention of restricting or withdrawing a persons church membership as part of the repentance process?
What are the 3 purposes?
Restricting or withdrawing a person’s membership is not intended to punish. Rather, these actions are sometimes necessary to help a person repent and experience a change of heart. They also give a person time to prepare spiritually to renew and keep his or her covenants again.
1) Help protect others
2) Help a person access the redeeming power of Jesus Christ through repentance
3) Protect the integrity of the Church
How do you know if someone has repented of sin?
D&C 58:43 “By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them”
What is the purpose of confession?
The purpose of confession is to encourage members to unburden themselves so they can fully seek the Lord’s help in changing and healing.
To whom are serious sins confessed?
Bishop or Stake President
Who should a youth counsel with in addition to Bishop/Stake President for a serious sin?
A youth who commits a serious sin is usually encouraged to counsel with his or her parents.
Before holding a membership council how does the Bishop/Stake President gather information needed?
Information from a member’s confession is often sufficient. Information may also come from a family member, another Church leader, a victim, or a participant in the sin.
What should a bishop or stake president do if they are gathering information for a membership council and find out law enforcement is actively investigating the member?
When a Church leader is gathering information for a membership council, he should immediately stop if he learns that law enforcement is actively investigating the member. This is done to avoid possible claims that the leader may have obstructed justice.
When can confidential information about a person’s serious sin be shared?
That is when disclosure is necessary to prevent life-threatening harm or serious injury and there is not time to seek guidance. In such cases, the duty to protect others is more important than the duty of confidentiality. Leaders should contact civil authorities immediately.
What are the 3 levels of councils for serious sin that a bishop/stake president can hold with the member?
Personal counseling
Ward Membership Council
Stake Membership Council
What must be done prior to holding a membership council by the bishop?
He must receive approval from the stake president before holding a membership council.
What may be done before a membership council in terms of the members activity in the church?
Before holding the council, the bishop or stake president may determine that informal membership restrictions would be best for a time.
What are the sins that require a membership council?
Sexual assault conviction
Child or youth abuse
Abuse of a spouse or another adult (as outlined in
Predatory behavior (violent, sexual, or financial)
Child pornography (as outlined in 38.6.6)
Plural marriage
Serious sin while holding a prominent Church position
Most felony convictions
What happens to ones church membership if they murder someone?
murder is the deliberate, unjustified taking of human life.
Withdrawing a person’s Church membership is required.
What happens to church membership in cases of incest?
Withdrawing a person’s Church membership is almost always required.
What happens to church membership if someone enters into a pleural marriage knowingly?
Withdrawing a person’s Church membership is required if a person knowingly enters into plural marriage.
What are the prominent callings for which if they commit serious sins a membership council is required?
These include a General Authority, General Church Officer, Area Seventy, temple president or matron, mission president or his companion, stake president, patriarch, or bishop.
What is the handbooks definition of apostasy?
Repeatedly acting in clear and deliberate public opposition to the Church, its doctrine, its policies, or its leaders
Persisting in teaching as Church doctrine what is not Church doctrine after being corrected by the bishop or stake president
Showing a pattern of intentionally working to weaken the faith and activity of Church members
Continuing to follow the teachings of apostate sects after being corrected by the bishop or stake president
Formally joining another church and promoting its teachings (Total inactivity in the Church or attending another church does not by itself constitute apostasy. However, if a member formally joins another church and advocates its teachings, withdrawing his or her membership may be necessary.)
What is a membership council not used?
Inactivity in the Church
Not fulfilling Church duties
Not paying tithing
Sins of omission
Not complying with the Word of Wisdom
Using pornography, except for child pornography (as outlined in 38.6.6) or intensive or compulsive use of pornography that has caused significant harm to a member’s marriage or family (as outlined in 38.6.13).
How much questioning should be done by a bishop when asking about a serious sin someone has come in to confess?
Ask for only enough information to determine
(1) the member’s attitude toward the sinful behavior and
(2) the nature, frequency, and duration of the behavior.
Do not ask for details beyond what is necessary to understand the situation. Do not ask questions that arise from personal curiosity.
Ask how the conduct has affected others.
What should be included in personal counseling for serious sin?
Focus on positive conditions that deepen the member’s conversion and commitment to the Lord. Encourage the member to take specific actions to bring about the change of behavior and change of heart to repent. Invite him or her to draw close to the Savior, seeking His strength and to feel of His redeeming love.
Encourage uplifting activities such as praying, studying the scriptures, and attending Church meetings. Teach that family history and temple work can reduce the influence of the adversary. Encourage serving others and sharing the gospel.
Encourage making restitution to those harmed by sins and asking for forgiveness
Encourage turning away from bad influences. Help members take preventive action to resist specific temptations.
Recognize that you are an ecclesiastical leader, not a professional counselor. In addition to the counseling you provide, some members would benefit from behavioral counseling. Some suffer from mental illness. As needed, counsel members to seek help from qualified medical and mental health professionals (see 31.3.6).
Be prayerful and seek guidance from the Spirit before giving informal membership restrictions. Some members may benefit from exercising the privileges of Church membership more actively rather than having them restricted.
Follow up to give encouragement, fortify spiritual strength, and monitor progress.
What is usually sufficient for pornography use in terms of church discipline?
Personal counseling and informal membership restrictions are usually sufficient for helping a person repent of using pornography.
What is an informal membership restriction?
They are considered informal because they are not noted on a membership record.
What may be included in informal membership restrictions?
These could include (but are not limited to) suspending the privilege of serving in a Church calling, exercising the priesthood, or entering a temple. The leader could also restrict the person from giving a talk, lesson, or prayer in Church settings. If the leader suspends the right to enter a temple, he cancels the temple recommend
When is partaking of the sacrament considered a restriction?
Partaking of the sacrament is an important part of repentance. It should not be the first restriction given to a repentant person who has a broken heart and contrite spirit.
However, if a person has committed serious sins, a leader may suspend this privilege for a time.
When may high councilors be used in a membership council?
There are contested facts.
They would add value and balance.
The member requests their participation.
A member of the stake presidency or his family is involved
Under what circumstances does a bishop attend a stake membership council?
May be invited to attend a stake membership council for a ward member whose membership is being reviewed. His attendance must be approved by the stake president and the person.
What must be done prior to a bishop holding a membership council at the ward level?
Approval by the stake presidency.
Who holds membership councils on members who are endowed where the member may be excommunicated?
Stake President
Before a bishop can withdraw the church membership of an unendowed person who must approve?
The Stake President
in preparing for a membership council what is the first thing that is done?
Written notice delivered to the member in person or by mail
After giving written notice for a membership council what is done next?
Obtain statements from victims
Any communication with a victim for this purpose is made by his or her current bishop or stake president. If a victim provides a statement, this leader gives it to the bishop or stake president who holds the membership council.
Any inquiry about a victim who is under 18 is made through the child’s parents or legal guardians, unless doing so could put the victim at risk.
For which victims do church leaders not have authority to initiate contact?
Church leaders do not have authority to initiate contact with victims who are not members of the Church.
What is done just prior to the membership council?
the bishop or stake president tells the participants whom the council is for and what the reported misconduct is. If necessary, he explains the procedures of the council.
What are the steps to a membership council?
1) He invites someone to offer an opening prayer.
2) He states the reported misconduct. He gives the person (if present) an opportunity to confirm, deny, or clarify this statement.
3) If the member confirms the misconduct, the bishop or stake president proceeds to number 5 below. If the member denies it, the bishop or stake president presents information about it. This may include presenting reliable documents and reading aloud any written statements from victims (see 32.10.2). If he reads such a statement, he protects the identity of the victim.
4) If the member denies the misconduct, he or she may present information to the council. This could be written. Or the member may ask persons who could provide relevant information to speak to the council, one at a time. Such persons should be Church members unless the bishop or stake president has determined in advance that a nonmember may attend. They wait in a separate room until they are asked to speak. Each person leaves the council room when he or she is finished. They must be willing to comply with the respectful nature of the council, including its procedures and confidentiality. Members may not have legal counsel present. Nor may they have supporters beyond those referred to in the second paragraph in this section.
5) The bishop or stake president may ask questions of the member in a polite and respectful way. He may also ask questions of other persons the member has asked to provide information. Counselors in the bishopric or stake presidency may also ask questions. Any questions should be brief and limited to the essential facts.
6) After all relevant information has been presented, the bishop or stake president excuses the member from the room. The clerk is also excused, unless the high council has participated in a stake membership council. If the member’s bishop is present for a stake membership council, he is excused. If the Relief Society president or the elders quorum president is attending to provide support, she or he is also excused.
7) The bishop or stake president asks for comments or insights from his counselors. If the high council has participated in a stake membership council, he asks for their comments and insights.
8) With his counselors, the bishop or stake president prayerfully seeks the Lord’s will about the matter. Only the stake president and his counselors or the bishop and his counselors should be in the room during this time. If a stake membership council includes the high council, the stake presidency usually goes to the stake president’s office.
9) The bishop or stake president tells his counselors of his decision and asks them to sustain it. If a stake membership council includes the high council, the stake presidency returns to the room and asks the high council to sustain it. If a counselor or high councilor has a different opinion, the bishop or stake president listens and seeks to resolve the differences. Responsibility for the decision rests with the presiding officer.
10) He invites the person back into the room. If the clerk was excused, he is also invited into the room. If the member’s bishop is present for a stake membership council, he is also invited into the room. If the Relief Society president or elders quorum president is attending to provide support, she or he is also welcomed back.
11) The bishop or stake president shares the council’s decision in a spirit of love. If the decision is to formally restrict the person’s Church membership privileges or withdraw membership, he explains the conditions (see 32.11.3 and 32.11.4). He also explains how to overcome the restrictions and gives other instruction and counsel. A bishop or stake president may adjourn a council for a time to seek more guidance or information before making a decision. In that case, he explains this.
12) He explains the person’s right to appeal (see 32.13).
13) He invites someone to offer a closing prayer.
What happens after a membership council if the member wasn’t present?
Whether the person is present or not, the bishop or stake president notifies him or her of the decision as explained in
What are the possible outcomes of a membership council?
1) Remains in good standing
2) Personal Counseling by bishop or stake president (May include informal membership restrictions)
3) Formal membership restriction
What does a formal membership restriction entail?
They may not enter a temple. However, they may continue wearing the temple garment if endowed. If the member has a temple recommend, the leader cancels it in LCR.
They may not exercise the priesthood.
They may not partake of the sacrament or participate in the sustaining of Church officers.
They may not give a talk, lesson, or prayer in Church settings. Nor may they serve in a Church calling.
What is the timeframe of a formal restriction?
What needs to happen after this time period is over?
The time of formal restriction is usually at least one year and may be longer. When the member makes specified progress in genuine repentance, the bishop or stake president holds another council to consider removing the restrictions
If someones membership is withdrawn do they pay tithing?
They may not pay tithes and offerings.
If someone’s membership is withdrawn how long before a restoration of blessings?
A previously endowed person is eligible to receive a restoration of blessings only with First Presidency approval and after at least one full year from readmission
Who is included in LDS church’s definition of incest?
As used here, child, grandchild, siblings, niece, and nephew include biological, adopted, step, or foster relationships.
Does the member get a copy of the membership report?
The bishop or stake president does not give the person a copy of the Report of Church Membership Council form.
How many days does a member have to appeal a decision of a membership council?
30 days.
What incidents resulting in formal membership restrictions or membership withdrawal require first presidency approval before readmittance into the church or removal of formal restrictions?
Sexual abuse of a child or youth, sexual exploitation of a child or youth, or serious physical or emotional abuse of a child or youth by an adult or by a youth who is several years older
Involvement with child pornography when there is a legal conviction
Apostasy (see for what constitutes apostasy)
Plural marriage
Committing a serious sin while holding a prominent Church position
Transgender—actions to intentionally transition away from a person’s biological sex at birth (see 38.6.23)
Embezzling Church funds or property
After the ordinance of restoration of blessings what priesthood office does one not return?
Brethren are restored to their former priesthood office, except the office of Seventy, bishop, or patriarch.
Who interviews a person after first presidency approval to consider restoration of blessings?
General Authority or the stake president to interview the person. If the person is worthy, this leader performs the ordinance to restore the person’s blessings.
When are offerings and tithes counted?
Contributions should be verified and recorded on the Sunday they are received. A member of the bishopric and a clerk, or two members of the bishopric, open each envelope together.
When should tithes and offerings be deposited?
Where a 24-hour bank depository is available, the bishopric member and another Melchizedek Priesthood holder deposit the funds in the bank on the same day the funds are opened and verified.
Where a 24-hour bank depository is not available and the bank is closed on Sunday, the bishop designates a Melchizedek Priesthood holder to make the deposit the next business day.
What approval is needed for fast offering money?
The stake president’s written approval is required before a bishop may use fast offerings or approve a bishop’s order for himself or his family. Written approval from a member of the Area Presidency is required before a bishop may use fast offerings or approve a bishop’s order for the stake president or his family. See for guidelines.
How are budgets allocated?
Budget funds are allocated quarterly based on attendance in the following categories:
Sacrament meeting
Young men
Young women
Primary children ages 7–10
Young single adults
What part of ward/stake funds can be retained?
As an exception, stakes and wards may retain some unspent funds if they are needed for specific activities that are planned for the next year, such as a youth conference.
Who are allowed to have firearms in lds churches?
Only law enforcement.
Minimum requirements for a stake?
Number of members (active and less active)
Number of active, full-tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders capable of serving in leadership positions
Number of participating adults
Number of participating youth (recommended, not required)
Number of wards
Minimiums for a ward?
Number of members (active and less active)
Number of active, full-tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders capable of serving in leadership positions
Number of participating adults
No minimum
Number of participating youth (recommended, not required)
No minimum
Whose consent is needed for the baptism of someone who is married?
A married person must have the consent of his or her spouse before being baptized.
Under what circumstances can a civil marriage be performed by a bishop?
A couple plans to be married in a temple, but temple marriages are not legally recognized.
A couple will be married in a temple, but a civil marriage will help parents or immediate family members feel included.
Access to a temple is not available for an extended period of time.
A couple is not planning to be married in a temple.
What day of the week should a civil marriage not be performed?
Civil marriages and related religious ceremonies should not be performed on the Sabbath.
When can a church officer perform a civil marriage if both the man and woman are not members?
A Church officer may not perform a marriage when neither the bride nor the groom is a member of the Church unless one or both of them have a baptismal date.
What are exceptions to abortion?
Pregnancy resulted from forcible rape or incest.
A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy.
A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.
What is the churches position on surgical sterilization?
The Church discourages surgical sterilization as an elective form of birth control. Surgical sterilization includes procedures such as vasectomies and tubal ligations.
What is the church’s position on donating or selling sperm/eggs?
Church discourages donating sperm or eggs.
What is the church’s position on artificial insemination with someone elses eggs/sperm?
The Church discourages artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization using sperm from anyone but the husband or an egg from anyone but the wife.
What is the Church’s position on surrogate motherhood?
the Church discourages surrogate motherhood.
What is needed to seal a child who was from a surrogate mother?
First presidency approval and then the sealing to take place.