Handbook Flashcards
learning handbook questions for test
What is the line of dance?
an imaginary line drawn around the room in a counterclockwise direction
how many lines of dance are there?
four (like walls)
Name Alignments of room
- Line of Dance
- diagonal center
- center
- diagonal center against LOD
- Against LOD
- Diagonal Wall Against LOD
- Wall Diagonal Wall
How many dancing alignments are there?
16, eight facing and eight backing
Define Posture
Body in correct alignment
meaning the weight of the body is moved slightly forward and held over the balls of the feet with the knees held slightly flexed
What is the Rise and fall as man for left box turn?
- start rise at the end of 1
- rise on 2 and 3
- lower at the end of 3
- rise at end of 4
-Continue to rise on 5 and 6 - lower at the end of 6 and hold end position
Define Carriage
refers to how you carry yourself when in dance position
Describe Carriage
- stand erect with body muscles braced slightly upwards, with no chest lift, or bracing of the back muscles
- holding your body correctly, rise onto the balls of both feet
- lower the heels but still retain in the legs and body the same upward muscular tension felt in the toes
- tow tensions of the muscles (body+legs) should remain the same in all dances
Define Poise
position of the upper body in relation to the legs and feet
Define Sway
on the inclination of the body made into the center of a turn or away from the moving leg
-Other various purposes including maintaining balance, control, initiating movement increasing the speed of the movement or improving the aesthetics
Define Rise and Fall
Describes the change of height produced by the dancer during the execution of steps and figures
-The three parts of the body used are:
1. Foot
2. leg
3. body
What does “No Foot Rise” in Waltz refer to?
Indicates that the rise is felt late in the feet
Rise and fall in the foxtrot basic as man
- No rise on 1
-rise at end of 2
-up on 3 and 4 - lower at the end of 4
When in the smooth syllabus is the first intro of a pivot?
- A left (reverse) pivot is introduced for the first time in the social foundation as one of the options to left ad-lib
How to: left ad-lib with half turn potion - left foot forward pivoting a quarter to the left and continued with the normal quarter turn to left over steps 2,3, and 4
- A right (natural) pivot is introduced for the first time in social foundations as one of the options to the right ad-lib
How to: Right ad-lib with half turn option- left foot back pivoting a quarter to the right and continued with normal quarter turn to right over steps 2,3, and 4
-Tango a left pivot is first introduced to the lady on step 2 of the promenade basic turning left
Why is it important for the lady to have only a body rise when moving back in foxtrot?
If the lady used foot rise she would impede the man’s forward movement and impair the flow of dance
What is Contra Body Movement (CBM)?
The action of turning the opposite upper side of the body (hip and shoulder toward the direction of the moving foot and is used to commence all turning movements
What is Contra Body Movement Position (CBMP)?
The position attained when either foot is placed on or across the track of the other foot without the body turning
-it is technically a foot position
How many types of walks do we have in ballroom dancing?
- smooth walks
- tango walks
- Latin walks
Give three differences between a smooth walk and a tango walk
- smooth walk- feet always in contact with the floor (tango feet are picked up and placed)
- Tango walk is sharp and staccato
- tango walk the knees are slightly flexed
- tango walks have no rise and fall
Demonstrate five basic feet positions
First position: feet together and parallel
second: feet apart to the side
third: Heel of one step to the instep of the other
fourth: one goes either forward or back
fifth: one foot loosely crossed behind the other with toe turned out
What is the beat value of a “slow” and the beat value of quick in Foxtrot?
-Slow is two beats
- quick is one beat
Name the American-style Dance position holds
- There are 18 positions
1. closed
2. promenade
3. counter promednade
4. fallaway
5. counter fallaway
6. open position
7. open promenade position
8. open counter promenade position
9. apart
10. right side
11. left side
12. parallel
13. right parallel
14. left parallel
15. right open
16. left open
17. inverted promenade position
18. inverted counter promenade position
Define alignment
refers to the direction the foot or feet is pointing in relation to the room
-used in foxtrot,waltz,tango,v.waltz
Define alignment
where you are facing
Define direction
where you are moving
What is Astaire Styling
Upper body action in foxtrot danced primarily on side rock movements
-uses both normal sway and counter sway in its execution
How to Astaire Style (astaire rock in foxtrot)
(Lead)-step to the side with the left foot and sway to the right initially, continue to move the upper body from its normal sway to the right to a straightened position, and then counter-sway to the left, keeping feet apart to the side
(follow) - step to the side with the right foot and sway to the left initially, continue to move the upper boy from its normal sway to the left to a straightened position and then to a counter sway to the right feet apart to the side
Describe a forward walk
-Stand in the upright position with feet together with weight held slightly forward towards the balls of the feet
- swing left forward from hip with the ball of the foot in contact with the floor then with the heel lightly skimming the floor with the toe slightly raised, heel moves towards ventral balance, back heel will be released from the floor and at the extent of the stride (central balance) front knee straight and the back knee slightly flexed, front toe will then immediately lower as the weight of the body moves forward, back foot commences to move forward with first the toe, then ball of the foot skimming the floor until feet are level, back foot then continues forward into next step
Describe forward walk part 2
dancer standing in an upright position, the dancer will softly flex the knees, slightly lowering, and once lowered the body weight commences to shift in the direction of movement towards the limit of balance (slight over balance of forward keeping vertical body line) sift moving left together with body weight until reaching center of balance, once reached pushing action through muscles of standing leg will be created, moving leg will relax to allow the body weight to be transferred over it, moving leg will now become new standing leg + new moving leg is brought under the body, body weight now fully transferred towards the front part of the new standing leg
Describe a back walk
Stand in an upright position with feet together with weight held forward over the balls, move yhe foot back with the ball of the foot then the toe skimming the floor, lower again onto the ball of the foot, as soon as the back foot moves past the front heel, the front toe will be equally divided between the ball of the back foot and heel of the front foot, back knee will be slightly flexed, front knee straight, front foot then commences to move back first with heel and then ball of foot skimming the floor until feet are level when back heel will lower MOST IMPORTANT THAT YHE BACK HEEL LOWERS VERY SLOWLY AND CONTROL