hand tools Flashcards
a good quality ball peen hammer is manufactured from
drop forged steel
the correct method striking a hammer is
perpendicular to surface struck
the point angle of a cold chisel is ground to
40-70 degrees
the head of a cold chisel should be ground to remove
hammer and chisels should be used only when
you have eye protection on
a center punch has the point ground to
90 degrees IP
scribers are used for?
to mark out lines on metal
ball peen hammar is classifed by its
what tool would you use for a straight edge?
steel rule
a drill point gauge pre set
59 degrees
a tool having a box end and open end is described as?
a combination wrench
a tool having a box end at each end is described as?
box end wrench
sizes of adjustable wrenches are described by?
total length
Sockets used for pneumatic ?
impact sockets
an allen wrench can best be described as what shape?
interlocking slip joint pliers are also known as ?
water pump pliers
pliers used around electrical features?
insulated handles
to produce a tapered pipe thread you would?
use a tapered pipe tap
what are reamers used for?
finish holes to precise diameter 5 tho
reamer should be turned back half a turn?
false should not be turned backwards will get stuck
What tool would you use cutting external threads?
adjustable die
drill bits for general use are sharpened to?
118 degrees
drill speeds follow the rule the smaller the drill bit?
the faster the rotation
drill bits come in the following size sets?
numbered, letter, /64 fraction and metric
to keep a tap straight in a hole you use?
machinist square off two sides
a prick punch is used to ?
mark hole center’s, reference points
a brooch is used for?
cutting key way
to drive a straight pin through a straight hole you use?
a pin punch
the cape chisel is used to cut?
narrow slots
a ratchet handle is used with?
what are pullers used for?
remove stubborn pulleys and bearings etc
number of teeth per inch in general applications is?
12-18 printed on a hack saw black is?
12inch length 18 teeth per inch
minimum number of teeth in contact with the work should be?
2 teeth
the component parts of file are
tang heal face and point
files are measured from ?
heal to point
a three face file has what profile?
pinning is the term used to?
to keep file clean
screw drivers are used when?
screws require turning
screw drivers are measured by the length of?
the length of the blade
clogged file can be cleaned by using a ?
file card
screw drivers are available in two kinds only?
a Philips head screw driver has a point to resembles a?
the larger the diameter the screw driver handle?
the more torque can be applied to the screw
what’s the end of a Robertson screw drive look like
a square
when using wrenches its always recommended to?
pull not push
how is is a vice measured?
the width of the jaw
to protect a work piece in a vice
use soft jaws
what’s the center drill used for?
to guide the drill point
to remove the reamer from the work piece it should be?
turned clockwise
how can hermaphrodite calipers be identified?
one leg with a hooked end
large water pump pliers can be used?
un finished packing nuts and pipe fitting fittings
what should pipe wrenches be used on?
pipes and pipe fittings
standard screw drivers will slip and cause damage if?
the blade is to narrow or wide, the temper has been drawn out, all of the above
to start a hack saw cut accurately
use a file to cut the v in it
the speed for sawing mild steel
50 strokes per minute
the pitch of a hack saw blade to cut a piece of aluminum is?
14 teeth per inch
the prefered hack saw blade for cutting thin wall tubing is?
32 teeth
a file that has no teeth on its edge is called?
a safe edge
a flat surface may be attained by the process of?
draw filing
files do not make good pry bars because?
their brittle
file handles are used to do what?
protect the user
hand reamers can be readily identified by?
the squares shank
coolant is used in reaming to?
to obtain a hole surface finish
stock allowance in inches should be between for reaming
2 and 5 thou
what material is used to make drill bits and reamers?
high speed steel
grinding wheels always have the speed rating marked on them?
When starting a bench grinder should always
stand to the side, check guard and tool rest maximum 1/8 minimum 1/16
A vice when used on a drill press is bolted or clamped?
CSx4 divided by diameter refers to
CS= cutting speed
3 basic drill presses
sensitive, column and radial arm
how would you change speed on sensitive drill press?
belts and pulleys
drill sleeves are tapered and used for?
to mount different size shanks in the drill
after making a cut in a shaft on a lathe and the taper is end to end why
offset tail stock
what is the best method of protection in a wet condition?
GFCI plug. SLE and IP question
when using a magnet drill in the over head position?
secure with a chain incase of power interruption SLE
excessive air pressure used in pneumatic air will cause?
damage to the tool and possible injury
when using a nibbler to fabricate machine guard?
cut to finish side
when making a guard with a nibbler what should be carefully considered?
cutting margin
C clamps are mostly used by machinist or ?
clamping work pieces on drill presses
what are pedestal grinders typically used for?
sharpening tools
two of the greatest safety hazards on a pedestal grinder is
loose clothing or long hair and tool rest out of adjustment
what would be the most likely cause of breaking a pilot drill?
low speed to much pressure
As a general rule the maximum depth of a endmill cut is ?
equal to one half the diameter of the end mill
the depth of the key seat is always measure by?
the flat
the compound rest may be rotatded
360 degrees
the chuck best suited for holding odd shaped things in a lathe?
4 jaw chuck
high speed steal has the highest
cutting material
ceramic cutting tools require
a very rigid set up
the amount of material left for finishing should be?
3 thou
if you wanna remove 50 thou from diameter of work piece but the cross dial reads radius?
set it to 25 thou indirect read
feed rate for a finishing cut should be?
highest feed rate for an acceptable surface
the advantages of boring
a bored hole runs true with the axis of the diameter at any diameter
when reaming on a Lathe
the tail stock must be accurately aligned or the hole will be over sized
morse tapers are identified by what?
a number
taper ratio
Is the length of the taper per every 1 mm in diameter
what is the length of the taper with a small diameter 2 in and large dia 3 inches and 2 inch taper per foot
answer is 4 inches
what is the small diameter of the taper, having a taper ratio of 1;20, length 400 mm and a large diameter 30 mm
10/ 400 divide by 20 = 20 which 30 - 20 = 10
what is the first thing you should do for health concerns on cutting fluid?
consult msds
the play between the table and the lead screw and table nut is known as?
back lash
Fast table movements are attained by?
rapid traverse
a steady rest should be used to?
support long shafts
the spindle and spindle speed levers are found in?
the head stock
the half nut lever on the lathe is used for?