Hand joint counts Flashcards
What are the specific Rx goals with hand Ra?
Local rest
ice or contreast baths (Except with raynuads)
Jt protection
What are 3 key points to Ax of disease activity in RA. What common sites do you find them in?
1) active joint count
2) vasculitis (inflam blood vessels in tips of fingers b/c smallest inflam cause black spots)
3) tenosynovitis (Synovitis - common extensor expansion, move wrist or fingers does not feel smooth w. movt)
What can cause tendon ruptures in Ra?
infiltration of adjacent synovuium (pannus)
Ischemia d/t presure by expansive synovium
Abrasion over roughened bony prom.
A pt is right handed and has early RA in this hand, will this hand be weaker, be at a greater risk for deformity and how would you measure ROM.
- handedness does not = deformity
- 50% will get deformity in 10yrs
- dominant hand 20% weaker (b/c of increased phsyical demand = jt inflam)
- measure on dorsum unless effusion, edema, jt contracture then lateral
What are the 5 major hand deformities in RA?
1) Boutonnieres
2) swan neck
3) ulnar drift
4) thumb deformity
5) wrist deformity
Describe the central mechanism to a BD
synovitis of PIPJ -> disrupts central slip-> stresses triangular lig -> lateral bands migrate volarly -> (Flexor @ PIPJ) -> ext force concentrated on distal phalanx = DIPJ hyperextension
- prox phalanx button holes dorsally through lateral bands
What can you use to Rx BD?
Anti B splint
(ABNS) blocks PIPJ Flexoin and flex
- work on active ext of PIPJ and active flex of DIPJ
What is a swan neck deformity?
chronic synovitis @ MCP ->triggers protective P. reflex -> intrinsic msucle (IM) spasm–> overactive IM overpower extrinsic flexors -> PIPJ hyperextension -> excessive MCP flexion cause lateral bands dorsally displaced -> DIPJ flexes in response to tension on FDP tendon
What test can you use to test for swan neck D. How do u know if its positive or not?
Bunnel littler test
- if you get more PIPJ flexoin when the MCP is in flexion vs hypextension means the jt was stiff and needs stretching
What gradinig system do you use for SND and what are the levels?
1 - no limitation of PIPJ motion in any MCPJ position
2 - limitiation in PIPJ motion with MCPJ in extension and radial devidation
3- limit. of PIPJ motion w. any MCPJ position
4 - fused - stiff PIPJ w. jt destruction on radiograph
what is a Rx techn. for a positive Bunnel littler test?
passive stretch interossei
(ext MCP and passive flex PIP hold for 30sec 2-3 reps 3 days a week)
- can also Rx with splint
what is the most common patho in RA: BD, SND, Unlar drift, ext tendon sublux. /
Ulnar drift deformity most common
What are the pathomechanics of Ulnar deviation (UD)
synovial prolif -> attenuation of radial collateral lig and sagittla band –> EDCulnarly displaced
- ulnar displacment force > in full ext/or flex >60
- asymmetry in slope of metacarpal hd (radial > ulnar)
whats the diff b/w the mechanics behind UD and UD volar subluxation ?
attenuation of collateral lig & volar plate - fail to restrain extrinsic flexor force created by FDS and FDP –> the > MCPJ flexion angle = > volar sublux so the proximal phalanx subluxs
- tight interossei make this worse by increasing the volar plate sublux
How do you test for UD ?
MCP radial collateral lig test
Extensor tendon subluxation test (look for the tendon to sublux to the ulnar side )