Hand Everything Flashcards
What is best technique for operative fixation of phalanx fxs?
SAE question says lagging the fracture with screws is best treatment to chose in order to allow early ROM (better than pinning)
Dorsal PIP dislocations- how to determine stability and treatment.
What is MC block to reduction?
- MC block to reduction is volar plate
- Must address stability following reduction, if fracture -> can usually tell by % of articular surface involved:
- <20%: uniformly stable
- ~40% want to really carefully examine if stable
- > 60%: uniformly unstable
- Treatment:
- Simple dislocation (no fracture) that is stable and very, very small volar plate avulsion fractures of the base of the middle phalanx-> buddy tape and allow motion x 6 weeks
- < 40% Articular surface involved or simple dislocation that is unstable-> dorsal extension block splinting (30 degrees) with weekly incremental increase in extension x 4 wks, followed by 3 months buddy taping during during sports activities
- Dynamic ex-fix
- When involves >40% and there is comminuted, small pieces
- Fixation/Pinning
- Hemi-hamate arthroplasty (graft harvested from dorsal/distal surface). The graft will provide volar buttress to dorsal subluxation of the middle phalanx.
- If too comminuted for fixation
- Preferred for ulnar digits where you want to keep motion for power grip
- Arthrodesis
- Preferred for radial digits which act more as “posts” in their function of key pinch.
- If have to fuse RF -> 40 degrees is optimal to allow some power grip ability
- Acute unstable involvement of > 40% articular surface w/ comminution OR in chronic scenario ->
- Volar plate arthroplasty of PIPJ (-> must excise the collateral ligaments from the volar plate to allow smooth gliding and advancement of the volar plate to the dorsum of the middle phalanx under the extensor mechanism (SAE question)
Volar PIP dislocation - what can be injured, how do you treat?
- Think about central slip injury!!
- Treatment:
- Simple dislocation -> reduction and full time extension splinting x 6 weeks
PIPJ Arthritis treatment in young vs old person
- In a young, active person (typically PTOA or inflammatory dz) - CHOOSE ARTHRODESIS! (Arthroplasty will fail!)
* Fuse in ~40-55 degrees of flexion and as go more ulnar fuse in even more flexion to optimize function- In a older, less active patient WITHOUT rotational deformity with involvement of MF,RF,SF - ARTHROPLASTY (most helpful for pain, doesn’t give great ROM!). In IF consider arthrodesis still bc arthroplasty has higher failure for this digit!
- Look for presence of rotation deformity in question stem - this will tell you that there is insufficiency of the collateral ligaments
- Silicone implant with volar approach has best ROM and lowest revision rate
- In a older, less active patient WITHOUT rotational deformity with involvement of MF,RF,SF - ARTHROPLASTY (most helpful for pain, doesn’t give great ROM!). In IF consider arthrodesis still bc arthroplasty has higher failure for this digit!
DIP ARTHRITIS - what is seen and what is treatment
- Look for Mucoid cysts on dorsum of finger by DIPJ
- Treatment options:
- Surgical excision w/ removal of boney osteophytes
- Can also perform aspiration, drainage and injection of steroid
Shortening of MC fx -> each 2 mm of shortening results in….how much extensor lag? What else is effected?
- each 2 mm of shortening results in 7 degrees of extensor lag
- Will also so decrease in grip strength
5th MC neck treatment
- If no malrotation, and < 70 degree angular deformity: buddy tape and optional follow up
- 5th MC Neck fx (without rotational deformity) can be treated w/ buddy taping vs. splinting and optional follow up (2018 OITE Question!)
Base of 5th MC fx - what is mechanism for injury typically and what is deforming force?
- Injury usually due to punching
* Deforming force ECU
Gamekeepers thumb -
What is injured?
Where does the tear usually occur?
What other “lesion” can be associated with it?
- Due to injury of the PROPER AND ACCESSORY UCL
- Proper UCL is the primary restraint to radial deviation in MCPJ FLEXION
- Accessory UCL is the primary restraint to radial deviation in MCPJ EXTENSION (remember “Extension” and “Axcessory”…they kind of sound alike)
- **Note: the UCL typically tears from its DISTAL insertion (on the proximal phalanx..less common to tear off of the MC)
- STENER lesion - torn UCL w/ adductor aponeurosis interposed
- Factor most a/w re-displacement of DR fracture following closed reduction ->
initial displacement; most specifically loss of radial height!
What XR should be taken to determine if DRUJ injury following a DR fracture
- Must take a post-reduction true lateral XR of the carpus to assess DRUJ alignment
In splinting DR fracture what position should be avoided?
- AVOID THE COTTON-LODER position = extreme flexion/ulnar deviation -> a/w increased risk of acute carpal tunnel syndrome!!!
- Look for inability to actively oppose the thumb (along with the numb/tingles in median n. Distribution!)
After DR fracture, what can be given to avoid CRPS?
- Give Vit C (500 mg x 50d) to prevent CRPS
Op vs nonop DR fracture outcomes in Pts > 60 yo
- Fixation of DR fx (even unstable fx’s) in older population (>60 yo) vs non-op treatment shows essentially no difference in functional outcome at 1 year (those with fixation have better looking XRs but are roughly doing the same clinically)
- Fixation does provide better grip strength when compared to nonop
MC tendon rupture after DR fx treated with a volar plate ->
- Also, possible to have EPL rupture after a volar plate due to having a screw that is too long penetrating dorsal cortex.
- Should use a Flexed Wrist Tangential Axial (Skyline) XR to evaluate screws to make sure they aren’t too long!
- Note: a lateral and oblique XRs can miss this b/c it may just be behind Lister’s tubercle
- Also, possible to have EPL rupture after a volar plate due to having a screw that is too long penetrating dorsal cortex.