Hand Flashcards
- patho
- pathogens
- treatment
- infection of cuticle
- poor nail hygeine: biting nails, pulling hang nails
- Staph aureus and Strep Epidermidis.
- Also consider MRSA
- Bacterial superinfections with fungal onychomycosis is possible, esp. with pseudomonas
- With recurrent infection think of fungal origin like candida
- usually includes oral antibiotics +/- I&D
- marsupialization
- Patho
- Sxs
- Tx
Less common than paronychia
- infection locked in b/w fibrous septae of distal phalanx
- abscess confined to one or two septal compartments
- may “point” prior to spontaneously draining
- exquisitely painful
- I&D, marsupilization performed by hand surgeon because have to cut b/w bone and digital nerves
(Human vs. Animal Bites)
Human Bites
- AKA fight-bites
- commonly involve joint and or articular surface
- usually polymicrobial and require urgent I&D
- beware of occult extensor tendon injury
- examine hand in position it was injured
Animal bites
- Pasteurella multocida
- rapid onset of lymphangitis is common
- beware of retained FB (tooth fragments)
Ganglion Cysts
Grows out of joint, similar to a balloon on a stalk; Filled with synovial fluid
Largely cosmetic in nature
Commonly found over dorsal scapholunate joint, volar scapholunate joint, DIP joints
When over DIP joints AKA “mucus cysts” and can caues nail deformity and can spontaneously drain, leading to increased risk fo infection
Tx: Surgical excision may be warranted if painful, spontaneously draining, impairing ROM. Recurrence frequent.
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Autosomal dominant condition
Localized formation of fibrosis of palmar fascia on palm