Hamlet Unit Flashcards
What are the elements of tragedy?
- Romance (gone wrong)
- Supernatural elements (witches, ghosts)
- Death or the isolation of the character
- Tragic hero (noble qualities and has a flaw in character (makes a mistake/shows bad judgement)
- Sad ending (death, downfall, destruction)
- Tragic error (disorder committed against laws of nature, etc.)
- Serious theme
- Conflict
What is the main conflict of Hamlet?
Man vs. man conflict: Prince Hamlet feels he needs to avenge the murder of his father to the murderer, King Claudius.
What is the climax of Hamlet?
Claudius leaves the play and goes to pray forgiveness for killing Prince Hamlet’s father. Prince Hamlet overhears this and wants to kill him, however, he thinks if he kills him while he is praying, Claudius will end up going to heaven.
What is a soliloquy?
An utterance or discourse by a person who is talking to himself or herself or is disregardful of or oblivious to any hearers present (often used as a device in drama to disclose a character’s innermost thoughts).
Who gave the first soliloquy in Hamlet?
Prince Hamlet gave the first soliloquy in Hamlet?
Is Hamlet a tragic hero?
Yes– he fulfills the three qualities: noble (from royalty), ill fated (Claudius must get rid of him), destined for doom (from his father’s death).