Hamlet - Scene Quotes Act 4 Flashcards
‘o heavy deed!.. his liberty is full of threats to all’
Scene I
Considers the impact on himself and his politics
The burden and consequence of crime-no salvation
Only due to Claudius that hamlet stayed in Denmark - created his own enemy
’ Convocation of political worms ‘
Scene 3
His revelation about death - later with grave diggers
He blames death on politics - Claudius at fault
’ Man and wife is one flesh; and so, my mother’
Scene 3
Emasculates him as Claudius did to him in Act 1 scene2 -‘ unmanly grief ‘
’ Delicate and tender prince ‘
‘ O
From this time forth my thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth‘
Hamlet - soliloquy
Scene 4
New idol out of fortinbras -warlike figure reminds him of his father and the type of avenging son he was supposed to be
’ Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss’
Scene 5
Last moment of peace forshadowing the suffering about to be experienced by every character
’ We know what we are, but know not what we may be’
‘ before you tumbled me, you promised me to wed’
Scene 5
In her madness she confesses the depth of her relationship with hamlet ‘
’ To hell allegiance!…. Blackest devil!….. Profoundest pit!….. I dare damnation ‘
Scene 5
Avenging son, welcomes the devil and hell in order to pull off his revenge
Decisive and assertive
‘Rosemary….pansies…fennel…columbines….rue…herb-grace…I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died’
Scene 5
Flowers for infertility, remembrance thoughts repentance unhappy love and faithfullness
’ Your sisters Drown’d laertes’
‘ mermaid-like’
Scene 7
Description of death focused on appearance - objectified in death, softness and serenity