hamlet lines Flashcards
I’ll call thee “King”, “Father” O, answer me!
I am thy father’s spirit. If thou didst ever thy dear father love- revenge his most foul and unnatural murder. The serpent that did sting thy father’s life, now wears his crown.
O, my prophetic soul! My uncle!
Upon my secure hour, thy uncle stole with juice of cursed hebona and in my ears did pour. Let not Denmark be a couch for damned incest. But taint not thy mind against thy mother. Leave her to heaven. Adieu. Remember me.
I have sworn’t.
Dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet’s transformation hath put him from th’ understanding of himself.
I doubt it is no other than his father’s death and our o’erhasty marriage.
Voltemand, what from our brother Norway?
“The the most beautified Ophelia, Never doubt I love. I have no art to reckon my groans, but that I love thee best, O most best, believe it. Adieu.
But how hath she received his love?
Be you and I behind an arras then.
We will try it.
But with much forcing of his disposition.
Sweet Gertrude, leave us for we have closely sent for Hamlet hither; that he may here affront Ophelia.
O what a noble mind is here o’erthrown! O, woe is me!
Love? His affections do not that way tend.
The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.
Away! (my own line)
O, my offense is rank. My fault is past. But, O, what form of prayer can serve my turn? I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder. Help, angels! Make assay. Bow, stubborn knees, and all may be well.
When he is about some act that has no relish of salvation in’t- his soul may be damned as hell, whereto it goes.
My words fly up, my thought remain below; words without thoughts never to heaven go.
O, vile king, give me my father!
I am guiltless of your father’s death and am in grief for it.
Hey non nonny, nonny, hey. Fare you well, my dove.
You must put me in your heart for friend, for we are allies, Hamlet doth put an attempt on my life.
It well appears. But tell me why you proceeded not against these feats.
Two reasons, the Queen his mother lives almost by his looks, I could not but by her. The other motive is that Hamlet is loved by many
If your lordship were at leisure, his Majesty bade me to you that he has laid a great wager on your head.
Hamlet, take this hand from me.