hamlet Flashcards
Hamlet struggles with thoughts of life and death, struggling to pick between which is better
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
take up arms against a sea of troubles
dull muddy mettled rascal
hazlitt states that hamlet is a character of refined thought and sentiment
hamlet while struggling with thoughts of inaction.
muddy mettled rascal
whats hecuba to him, or he to hecuba
mettle hot and full
hamlets mother is topic of obsession
rank sweat of an enseamed bed stew’d with corruption.
struggles with fillial piety, cant choose between roman or Christian cods. This shows the cutting of of religion henry 8th
‘revenge’ my ‘unnatural’ murder
‘doomed’ to ‘walk in the night’ and in the day, forced to ‘fast in fires’
ophelia is nothing more than a tool
fish monger
‘forty thousand brothers’ could not compare go his love
hold off the world a while, until I have caught her once more in mine arms
he treats ophelia badly but he clearly loves her
get thee to anunnery, why owuld she be a ‘breeder of sinners’
doubt that the ‘stars are fire’ doubt that the ‘sun doth move’, but never doubt i love’
freed through death ophelia
gertrude is implicit in knowing
thou turns’t my eyes into my very soul
black spots- moral awakening
o’er hasty marriage
great chain of being
tubb states that she is characterised as shallow by hamlet and his father
fortinbras is his foil
may my thoughts be bloody
full and hot mettle
medieval thinking
claudius’ attempts to insert himself as a father figure confirms to him his usurping nature
rank sweat of an enseamed be, stew’d with corruption.
hyperion to a satyr
Hamlet my son