Hamburger Unit 6.1 Review Flashcards
In many places, people came here several times a week to worship together. It was also used for town meetings - what was it?
Meeting Houses
One of the most important workers, the person who took care of the town’s shared property - what is that worker called?
What is the term for an open area of shared space where sheep and cattle grazed on the town shared property?
The person who makes sure the people obey the town’s laws - what is this worker called?
Another important worker was the leader of the town’s volunteer army - what is the term for a volunteer army?
Things such as grains, fruit, and vegetables traded by farmers in market towns for goods and services they required can be called what?
Farm Produce
Routes that linked Britain, the British Colonies, and Africa as three points of a route. Traders moved manufactured goods from Britain, raw materials from the 13 colonies, and West Indies, and enslaved people from Africa.
Triangular Trader Route
What is the term for goods brought into the Colonies from other countries; in most market towns these would be found at the general store?
What is the term for goods to be sold in other countries (most left the colonies aboard ships)?
What is the term for the main town for each county, or large part of the colony?
County Seat
To carry the produce to market towns, many Pennsylvanian farmers used coverage wagons so much larger than regular wagons that a European visitor called them “huge moving houses” - what was this type of wagon called?
What is the term for the person who made or repaired shoes?
What is the term for the person who shaped iron to make horseshoes, hinges, and nails?
What is the term for the person who moved in with the family of a skilled worker and helped in the family’s business in exchange for training in that profession?
What is the term for the building where grain was made into flour and meal?
What is the term for the building where logs lumber?