Haloalkanes And Haloarenes Flashcards
Name a chlorine containing antibiotic useful in treating typhoid fever
Chloroquine is used in treatment of
Name an anaesthetic for surgery
Certain fully chlorinated compounds are being considered as potential blood substitutes in surgery.
True or false
Certain fully fluorinated compounds are being considered as potential blood substitutes in surgery.
In the year 1937, Edward Davies Hughes and Sir Christopher Ingold proposed a mechanism for an
SN2 reaction.
Hughes worked under……… and earned a D.Sc. degree from the University of London.
…………… (1768-1851) developed the first prism that produced plane polarised light.
William Nicol
Statement 1: Russian chemist, Alexander Zaitsev (also pronounced as Saytzeff) who in 1875 formulated a rule which can be summarised as “in dehydrohalogenation reactions, the preferred product is that alkene which has the greater number of alkyl groups attached to the doubly bonded carbon atoms.”
Statement 2: Victor Grignard while attempting to find an efficient catalyst for the process of methylation, he noted that Zn in diethyl ether had been used for this purpose and wondered whether the Mg/ether combination might be successful.
Both statements are correct