pertains to how much a particular object is worth to a particular set of eyes.
a. Price
b. Value
c. Cost
d. Fundamentals
According to the CFA Institute, it is the estimation of an asset’s value based on variables perceived to be related to future investment returns, on comparisons with similar assets, or, when relevant, on
estimates of immediate liquidation proceeds
a. Valuation
b. Price Estimation
c. Fundamentals
d. Appraisal
Valuation places great emphasis on the ___ that are associated in the exercise.
a. Professional judgment
b. Human reasoning
c. Professional Skepticism
d. Due diligence
The value of a businesses can be basically linked to three major factors, except.
a. Current Operations
b. Future Prospects
c. Embedded Risks
d. None of the above
One major factor linked to the value of business that shows how is the operating performance of the
firm in the recent year.
a. Current Operations
b. Future Prospects
c. Embedded Risks
d. All of the above
One major factor linked to the value of business that reflects what is the long-term and strategic decision of the company.
a. Current Operations
b. Future Prospects
c. Embedded Risks
d. All of the above
One major factor linked to the value of business that shows what are the business risks involved in running the business
a. Current Operations
b. Future Prospects
c. Embedded Risks
d. All of the above
refers to the value of any asset based on the assumption assuming there is a hypothetically
complete understanding of its investment characteristics
a. Going concern value
b. Liquidation Value
c. Intrinsic Value
d. Fair Market Value
particularly relevant for companies who are experiencing severe financial distress.
a. Going concern value
b. Liquidation Value
c. Intrinsic Value
d. Fair Market Value
Value is determined under the going concem assumption.
a. Going concern value
b. Liquidation Value
c. Intrinsic Value
d. Fair Market Value
The price, expressed in terms of cash equivalents, at which property would change hands between a hypothetical willing and able buyer and a hypothetical willing and able seller, acting at arm’s length in an open and unrestricted market, when neither is under compulsion to buy or sell and when both have reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts.
a. Going concern value
b. Liquidation Value
c. Intrinsic Value
d. Fair Market Value
The relevance of valuation in ___ largely depends on the investment objectives of the investors or financial managers managing the investment portfolio.
a. Portfolio Management
b. Fundamental Management
c. Financial Management
d. Investment Management
These are persons who are interested in understanding and measuring the intrinsic value of a firm.
a. Fundamental Analysts
b. Activist Investors
c. Chartists
d. Information Traders
refer to the characteristics of an entity related to its financial strength, profitability or risk
a. Intrinsic Value
b. Fundamentals
c. Technical Characteristics
d. Financial Value
tend to look for companies with good growth prospects that have poor management.
a. Fundamental Analysts
b. Activist Investors
c. Chartists
d. Information Traders