Halloween Flashcards
Halloween from “All Hallows Evening”, the evening before the Feast of All Saints moved to Nov. 1st (8th century)
Feast of All Souls=Nov. 2nd 1000 CE
Day of the Dead
Samhain Nov. 1st
Samhain historical sources
Caesar - calculate time from sunset to sunset so Samhain = sunset on oct 31st to sunset on nov 1st
Pliny - druids gathering mistletoe on sixth day of moon
Other authors: festivals but undescribed
Coligny calendar 1st c CE: 62 lunar months + 2 dark and light halves of months (39-30 Days) ritual calendar: MAT and ANM (maith/anmaith, good/not good)
—trinox samoni, “three nights of Samhain”
—Sam = “summer” vs. Giamoni, which contains the prefix for “winter” but occur April/May
Medieval Irish literature
Four primary ancient Celtic festival days: imbolc, beltaine, lughnasadh, Samhain
Link to agricultural year
Plotting season
Anglo-Saxon literature
November as blod-monath
Feasting, stocks of good just gathered, but winter is coming
Irish: visitation season, time indoors, time of boundaries
Irish otherworld
Samhain: crossing the boundary between death and life
Fairy mounds
Modern interpretations
Souling in the 14th century
Guy Fawkes night November 5th
Jack o Lanterns - Stingy Jack
Apple bobbing, divination?
Halloween like Valentines
Malleus Maleficarum the “Hammer of Witches” 1486 (stereotypes)
Early depictions if male witches
Witch graves