Hall Volatile Flashcards
At MAC 1 what each volatile effect on HR, SVR, CI?
Halothane, Iso, Des, Sevo
Halothane - - Decreased
Iso Increased Decreased -
Des Increased Decreased Decreased
Sevo Decreased Decreased Decreased
What is the relationship of context sensitive half time?
Between half time & duration.
What are the characteristics of volatile needed to calculate time constant?
Volatile time constant = Capacity/flow.
the capacity of tissue to hold the volatile relative to tissue blood flow. (capacity = brain/blood coefficient X volatile mass)
The capacity depends on size of tissue and affinity
What machine or patient’s respiration factors could effect emergence and delay it? and how to decrease it?
1) circuit.
2) gases can dissolve in the rubber & plastic of circuit.
3) soda lime of re-absorbent serve as a depository.
4) patient’s own exhaled gases (rebreathing).
By raising fresh gas to at least 5 L/min.
Alveolar partial pressure reduction of half time of the volatile anesthetics?
Its all the same for 50% reduction (~ 5 minutes) if duration is very brief. however the recovery time is more profound if longer periods.
for example after 1 hr of desflurane (blood : gas coefficient 0.45) -> a 95% reduction in alveolar % canbe reached within 5 minutes.
with sevo ((blood : gas coefficient 0.65) a 95% reduction requiers 18 minutes.
with iso (blood:gas coefficient 1.4) requiers >30 minutes to reach 95% reduction in alveolar %.
Ways to increase the rate of inhalation induction?
1) increase minute ventilation.
2) increasing inspired concentration. (turning up the dial above desired state concentration which is over pressurizing).
3) substituting a less soluble anesthetic such as sevo for iso.
4) Administering volatile at higher atmospheric presure (which decreases uptake and hence increase rate of rise Fa/Fi).
not giving intoropes cause it increases CO which increase uptake and slows induction (decreasing Fa/Fi ratio).
Whats the total washin of anesthesia circuit (the components of the circuit with anesthetic gases)?.
7 L and breaks down too; hose 2L, absorbent 2L, bag 3L.
Whats the % of recovered metabolites for each volatile
- Methoxyflurane
- Halothane
- Sevo
- Iso
- Des
- 50% (highest and results into fluoride ions which risk for RF)
- 20%
- 2% - 5%
- 0.2%
- 0.02%
Whats the effect of peripheral left - right AV shunt on induction?
It only fasten induction if intracardiac/pulmonary right - left shunt exist.
(the peripheral shunt such as AVF delivers volatile containing venous to lung which it offsets the dilutional effect of a right - left intracardiac/pulmonary shunt and speeds induction).
What factors increases compound A?
1) Baralyme insteaed soda lime.
2) high absorbent tempreture.
3) high sevo concentration.
4) closed circuit or low flows < 1L/min.
Which anesthetics are soluble in the rubber & plastic components in the machine?
methoxyflurane (worst), Iso & halothane.
What are agents that destroy sevoflurane? and there is one absorbent agent that is not?
Baralyme & soda lime, but not calcium hydroxide lime. it is therefore a flow of rate 2L/min is recommended when sevo administered.
Which volatile stored with preservative?
Halothane & methoxyflurane. (Halothane stored with thymol preventing it from spontaneous oxidation).
What are anesthesia machine to alveolar that effect partial pressure gradients?
- inspired anesthetics concentration.
- alveolar ventilation.
- characteristics of anesthesia breathing system.
What are factors that effect partial pressure gradients from alveoli uptake to pulmonary blood?
- blood:gas partition coefficient.
- CO
- Alveolar - venous partial pressure difference.
What are factors that effect partial pressure gradients from arterial uptake to brain?
- brain/blood partition coefficient
- cerebral blood flow
- Arterial - venous partial pressure difference.
Will lung dead space effect the influence of patital pressure gradient?
No because it dose not produce dilutional effect on the arterial partial pressure.
Factors do not effect MAC?
Gender, thyroid function, Paco2 between 15-95 and Pao2 >38
Calculation of washin time for N2O for a given 6L?
calculated by time constant which is volume/(volumextime).
for 1 min= 63%
for 2 min= 84%
for 3 min= 95%
memorize this.
Which volatile that decreases arterial pressure by direct effect on heart instead SVR?
Halothane. it decreased CO/CI where others lowers BP through reduction of SVR.
Factors that effect inhalation induction (alveolar concentration of volatile)?
- inspired concentration of anesthetics (Fi)
- solubility of anesthetics (blood:gas coefficient)
- alveolar ventilation
- CO