Halfterm Project 1: Revision Cards Flashcards
What is the main key of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto?
D Major.
What is the modulation of the Brandenburg Concerto?
B Minor
What is the the texture of the Brandenburg Concerto?
Describe the Tempo, Metre and Rhythm of the Brandenburg Concerto?
Dotted rhythms. Allegro (quicker tempo).
Are there dynamics printed on the sheet music for the Brandenburg Concerto?
If the dynamics were printed for this piece, what would they be by listening to the set work?
Mezzo piano, Forte (loud) , Diminuendos, Crescendos (quiet and building up to loud), Pianissimo (very quitet/soft).
In Beethoven’s Piano Sonata no.8, what type of cadence is used?
Both perfect and imperfect cadence.
What is the main key of the piece?
C Minor.
Which keys are used as to modulate the melody?
A flat Major, B flat Major and E flat major.
What kind of pedal is used?
Dominant pedal.
What is the structure of the sonata?
Sonata form.
Describe the texture.
Homphonic - single Piano playing - solo.
Describe the use of rhythm.
Syncopation and Dotted rhythms.
What are the metres?
Mainly 4/4 and changes to 2/2.
What technique is used to alter (change) rhythms?
A motif.
Name 9 of the dynamics.
Forte, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte Piano, Crescendos, Staccato, Accents and Slurs.
What feeling is created by the dynamics?
An Exciting feeling is created.
What is the main key of Music for a while?
A Minor
What keys are used for modulation?
E Minor, G Major and C Major.
Name the two things that appear in bar 13.
Suspension and Trill from the soprano voice.
How many notes are passing chords made up of?
3 notes.
Name the Bass Pattern.
Bass Ostinato.
What is the form of Music for A while?
Ternary form.
What kind of cadence is used?
Perfect cadence.
What happens between bars 20 and 25?
Scale sequence in the vocals, a melisma and word painting ‘Drop’.
Describe the overall texture.
Melody dominated homophony.
Describe the metre and tempo.
4/4 (simple time). Largo (slow tempo). The tempo is not written.
Describe the dynamics.
Crescendos and there are no printed dynamics.
What is the main key of Killer Queen?
E flat major.
What is the dominant key?
B flat major.
What is the relative key in the intro and the chorus?
C Minor.
What is used between bars 5 and 6?
Harmonic pedal.
Give an example of an extended chord.
- Seventh chord.
2. Eleventh chord.
What happens in bar 20?
Circle of 5th chords - A, D minor, G7 and C.
How does Freddie Mercury get to a falsetto in his voice?
He sings two octaves from D above middle C, to a high F.
What is the structure of Killer Queen?
Modified strophic form.
Describe a part of the sonority.
In the guitar parts, there is a pitch bend at bar 30, a slide at bar 34, a palm mute at bar 69, and light distortion throughout.
What is the overall texture of the song?
Melody-dominated homophony.
Describe the Tempo, Metre and Rhythm.
The tempo is 112bpm. The metre is 12/8 (four groups of quavers in a bar) (compound time signature)). Syncopated rhythms.
What are the dynamics?
Mostly forte (loud) (volume for bands)). Fade out at the end.
In Defying Gravity, the five pitches are used at what bars?
Bars 32, 42 and 46.
What is a chord called when it is played once and then they stop?
Stab chords.
What are the first three chords?
D major, C# minor and C major.
Name the strucutre of Defying Gravity.
Homophonic/Melody-dominated homophony.
What effects does the guitar use?
Tremolo and overdrive.
Two leitmotif melodies are heard in which bars?
Bars 20 and 21.
What is the first chord of the perfect cadence in verse 2?
D Major.
Name the texture of the introduction.
Name the general metre.
Name the tempo in the verses.
Name the tempo in the bridge.
Name the tempo in the chorus.
Which bar is there a pause?
Bar 29.
Describe the pitch in the Ostinato rhythms.
Very high pitched three notes.
Name the rhythm of the melody and the rhythm in bar 60.
There is a Syncopated melody.
There is a Triplet in Bar 60.
What is the rhythmic pattern of the band parts?
Syncopated quaver patterns.
In what bar does the Drum Kit augment the rhythm?
Bar 75.
In what bar does the tempo have three beats in a bar?
Bar 101.
Describe the dynamics.
Crescendos, Accents and Staccato.
What is the main key of Star Wars Rebel Blockade Runner by John Williams?
B flat major.
What is the key signature?
A flat major.
What key is the pedal in?
C major.
What is the name of the harmony used on an interval of a fourth?
Quartal harmony.
What is the name of the form? - A-A-B-A
32 bar form.
Where does the Linking section appear in the piece?
Towards the end.
Are there chromatic notes used in this piece?
What kind of chords are played in bars 44 to 46?
Parallel chords and added cluster chords.
Describe how the brass section are playing.
They play with accents and have an opening leitmotif played in a high pitch.
What happens with the violins in bar 1?
Tremolos are played.
What happens with the strings in bar 33?
Describe the texture.
It is Melody-dominated homophony throughout.
What do the lower and upper brass imitate?
They imitate the main fanfare.
Name the Tempo, Metre and Rhythm.
The rhythm is made up of Triplet pedal ostinatos. The metre is 4/4. The tempo is 100 bpm.
What does the flute perform in bar 26?
Name the dynamics.
Fortissimo, Mezzo forte, Piano and a Leitmotif to return to fortissimo.
In ‘Release’ by Afro Celt Sound System, what technique is used in the instrumental solos?
What interval is part of the female vocal range?
At what point in the song is the progressive looping heard?
After the last break and then it comes in afer the outro.
What is the main key of the song?
C Minor.
What kind of harmonies are used.
African and Celtic Harmonies.
Describe the structure.
Modified strophic form.
Describe the texture.
A combination of Homophonic, Heterophonic and Monophonic.
Name the tempo, rhythm and metre.
The tempo is free tempo (100 bpm). There are Semi quaver and Syncopated rhythms, as well as a Swung Ostinato. There is no regular metre.
Describe the dynamics.
There are no offical dynamics notated/printed on the sheet music. However, there is mezzo forte.
How many loops are used and how many bars does it last for?
28 loops for 8 bars.
What is the name of the effect when there are conflicting rhythms played at the same time?
Poly rhythmic effect.
What type voice is ised in Ezperanza Spaldingm Samba Em Prelúdio?
Low pitched female voice.
What is the main key of the song?
B Minor.
What technique is ued to move away from the triad introduction?
Chord extensions.
Name the type of intervals used.
Diminished intervals.
Name four elements of the structure.
Four stanzas, split into two verses, 16 bar chord pattern anda linking section with a move into bossa nova style.
What is the Coda made up of?
Riffs played on guitar and bass.
What kind of chords are used to lend variation.
Chromatic chords.
Describe the form of the augmented duet.
Augmented notes create longer phrases. This is performed by the bass and voice.
Name the sequence that happens after the triad melody.
Descending sequence.
Describe the texture.
Monophonic introduction. Mainly melody and accompaniment in the female vocal and the guitar. Polyphonic duet. The indpendent bass and vocal lines are the counterpoint.
Name the Tempo, Metre and Rhythm.
The tempo is nova tempo (140 bpm). The metre is 4/4. The rhythm is Syncopation and triplets.
What are the tempos in the 3 bar introduction and Verse 1?
The introduction is 3 bars played in free time. Verse 1 slows down to Rubato.
Describe the sound of the metre.
It sounds like two minim beats in a bar instead of four crotchet beats. This is a feature of the bossa nova.
Name the dynamics.
There are no printed dynamics. There is Mezzo piano throughout.