Hajj Flashcards
a journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons ; an act of worship and devotion.
pilgrimage which should be made at least once during a muslim’s life.
someone who has completed hajj
before entering you have to enter in a state called ihram.
- performing ritual washing
- praying
- ihram clothes
what do men wear?
two sheets of white cloth that they wrap around their body
what do women wear?
clothes of a single colour that cover the whole of their body.
On the first day of the Hajj, pilgrims walk around the Ka’aba seven times in an anti-clockwise direction while repeating prayer.
the black cube shaped building in the centre of the grand mosque in Makkah (mecca)
the black stone
this stone is revered by muslims as an ancient islamic relic. it is considered by some to be the only surviving stone from the original ka’aba.
what do they do when passing the stone?
if possible they touch the black stone or raise their hand to acknowledge it.
safa and marwah
the crowd then walks along a covered walkway linking the hills together they walk between the two hills seven times.
why did ibrahim have to leave?
ibrahim had to leave hajira and ishmael with some supplies after a while they ran out.
how did they get water?
ishmael stuck his foot on the ground, which caused water to gush up from the earth.
Zam zam well
The Zamzam Well is a well located within the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 20 m east of the Kaaba, the holiest place in Islam.
traveling to afrat
muslims then face a 13 mile walk or ride to afrat possibly in high temperatures they stop half way for the night at mina.
the night at mina
they pray and read the qur’an in tents provided.
at dawn pilgrims walk from mina to arafat where they spend the whole afternoon praying and standing to show their depth of faith.
The ninth of Dhul Hijjah is the main hajj day. This is when everyone arrives in the plains of Arafat and “stands before Allah” to repent and seek forgiveness for their past sins.
prophets mosques and burial place
The Prophet’s Mosque in Medina holds the Prophet Muhammad’s burial chamber.
Pilgrims spend the second night at Muzdalifah, where they collect small stones to use on the third day when they return to Mina.
They throw these stones at three pillars called Jamarat, which represent the Devil.
why do they throw stones?
Muslims believe that the Devil tried three times to persuade Ibrahim to disobey Allah when he ordered Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail. Muslims also make promises to fight the devil themselves and to strive against temptation.
when do they celebrate Eid ul-Adha?
At the end of the pilgrimage, Muslims celebrate the festival of Eid ul-Adha.
what does it remind them of?
This festival reminds them of Ibrahim’s obedience when he was told by Allah to sacrifice his son, Ismail. Muslims may sacrifice a sheep or a goat to symbolise the lamb provided by Allah for Ibrahim to sacrifice in place of Ismail.
how do they celebrate Eid al-Adha?
At Eid al-Adha, many Muslims make a special effort to pray and listen to a sermon at a mosque. They also wear new clothes, visit family members and friends
what do they sacrifice?
They sacrifice an animal in an act known as qurbani. This represents the animal that Ibrahim sacrificed in the place of his son.
how are women meant to cut there hair in Hajj?
A woman is simply to trim a fingertip’s length from the end of her hair. It must still be trimmed in order to leave the state of Ihram.
how are men meant to cut there hair in Hajj?
After performing all the rites of Hajj or Umrah, men should shave their head.
what are you called if you can’t make it to Hajj?
what are you meant to do if you can’t complete Hajj?
In case he did not make this condition and he was unable to complete his Hajj then, he may leave the state of Ihram but must sacrifice an animal.
why do muslims follow Muhhamad footsteps?
Even though Muhammad is not believed to be divine, he is a role model for all Muslims. Therefore, to go on pilgrimage Mecca and follow in his footsteps is very important to Muslims.
key belief
the pilgrimage to Mecca reminds Muslims of their key belief in the equality of all humankind before Allah, because each person takes part on exactly the same basis.
how does Hajj help disconnect from there life?
the Hajj prompts Muslims to reflect and think on their own lives. Modern lifestyles are hectic, but the Hajj gives Muslims the opportunity to switch off from work and trivial issues. It also allows Muslims to reconnect with what is really important and focus on spiritual matters.
what pillar is Hajj?
Hajj is the fifth of the Five Pillars of Islam