Hairdressing Flashcards
GH4 Revision
What PPE should be available to the client?
Gown, cape and towel
What PPE should be used when assisting with colour services?
Gloves and apron. Masks and goggles may be needed when mixing chemicals.
How should chemicals be stored?
In a cool, dark low cupboard
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of substances hazardous to health
What does SHUD stand for?
Store, handle use and dispose
What is dermatitis?
Inflamation of the skin
How is contact dermatitis contracted?
From regular contact with irritants e.g Water, chemicals or detergents.
How do you remove foil packages and meshe
Remove carefully so as not to disturb areas that have not fully developed - unfold each package and rinse as you go along.
What would be the consequence if when removing colour foil packages are disturbed
Colour seepage or bleeding could occur.This would cause an uneven or patchy colour result.
Why is it important to position equipment for ease of use?
To provide an efficient method of working. This means that the stylist will have everything that they need within easy reach which will not only ensur ethe smooth running of the salon but the stylist will also be at a reduced risk of injury or fatigue.
What is the method for removing quasi and semi colour?
Add water, emusify by massaging the colour in on its self them thoroughly rinse.
What is the method for removing permanent colour?
Add water, emulsify by massaging the colour in on its self them thoroughly rinse. Follow by shampooing twice and conditioning with anti oxidant or pH balanced conditioner.
What does anti -oxidant conditioner do?
It stops the oxidation process/creeping oxidation.
What would be the consequence of not using ant oxidant conditioner post colour removal?
The oxidation process caused by permanent / quasi colouring and lightening will cause over processing leaving the hair dry and damaged.
What are the benefits of using ant oxidant/ pH balance conditioner post colour?
The oxidation process is stopped; the cuticle is closed and the hair is rehydrated.
What are the benfits of using shampoo designed for coloured hair?
They enhance the colour and help to prevent colour fade prolonging the life of the colour.
What is the name of the piece of eqipment used to add heat when developing colour?
What can be used to add heat to develop lightener?
Steamer - Moist heat will prevent the lightener from drying out giving a more even colour result.
What is the method fro remving cap highlights/low lights?
Rinse colour from the cap; apply conditioner and then ease the cap from the head to avoid discomfort to the client. Add water, shampoo twice and finsh by applying anti oxidant conditioner and a final rinse.
How can you avoid contracting contact dermatitis?
Rinse products from hands, dry thoroughly and apply non perfumed moisturiser. If necessary wear non latex gloves when removing colour.
What is it important to follow manufacturuer’s instructions?
To ensure that colours are accurately identified as well as measured and mixed correctly
Why should clients records be completed?
For future reference, to record services, products used and skin test results. This information is important incase of litigation (legal action being taken)
What does the DATA protection Act state with regards to the storing of client information?
Records should be kept secure, accurate and for only as long as necessary. Client information should not be passed on to anyone and should only be used by staff. They should be kept confidential. It is the clients right to access their records if they wish to do so.