Hag-Seed Quotes Flashcards
Revenge Quote
(pg. 111)
“This is his last chance…”
“This is his last chance. It’s his only chance. To vindicate himself, to restore his name, to rub their noses in it – the noses of his foes. If he misses it, his fortunes will ever after droop. They’ve been droopy enough as it is.”
Prison Motif Quote
(pg. 72)
“Oh, the actors…”
“Oh, the actors will relate to it, all right,” said Felix. “It’s about prisons.”
Grief Prison Quote
(pg. 47)
“He actually heard…”
“He actually heard a voice… This has gone way too far… Snap out of it Felix. Pull yourself together. Break out of your cell.”
Grief Prison Quote
(pg. 107)
“Fool, he tells himself…”
“Fool, he tells himself. She’s not here. She was never here. It was imagination and wishful thinking, nothing but that. Resign yourself. He can’t resign himself.”
Revenge Quote
(pg. 107)
“Lately his vengence…”
“Lately his vengeance has seemed so close.”
Revenge/ letting go Quote
(pg. 108)
“Better to abdicate…”
“Better to abdicate. Give up his plans for retribution, for restoration. Kiss his former self goodbye. Go quietly into the dark. What has he ever accomplished in his life, anyway, beyond a few gaudy hours, a few short-lived triumphs of no importance in the world where most people live? Why did he ever feel he was entitled to special consideration from the universe at large?”
Magic Quote
(pg. 115)
“Maybe the island…”
“Maybe the island really is magic,” he says. “Maybe it’s a kind of mirror: each one sees in it a reflection of his inner self. Maybe it brings out who you really are. Maybe it’s a place where you’re supposed to learn something. But what is each one of these people supposed to learn? And do they learn it?”
Magic and Control Quote
(pg. 275)
“The last three words…”
“The last three words in the play are ‘set me free,’ says Felix. “You don’t say ‘set me free’ unless you’re not free. Prospero is a prisoner inside the play he himself has composed. There you have it: the ninth prison is the play itself.”
Revenge Quote
(pg. 231)
“Don’t you feel sorry…”
“Don’t you feel sorry for them?” says 8Handz…
“…you’re right, [says Felix] that’s enough vengeance.”
Nature vs Nuture Quote
(pg. 205)
“Prisons are for…”
“Prisons are for incarceration and punishment, not for spurious attempts to educate those who cannot, by their very natures, be educated.”
Usurpation Quote
(pg. 205)
“All these men…”
“All of these men are thinking mostly about ruling and rulers. Who should rule, and how. Who should have power, how they should get it, and how they should use it.”
Marginalisation Prison Quote
(pg. 75)
“It’s the words that…”
“It’s the words that should concern you, he thinks at them. That’s the real danger. Words don’t show up on scanners.”
Marginalisation Prison Quote
(pg. 219)
“…they’re animals!…”
“…they’re animals!’ Sal almost shouts. ‘They should all be in cages! They should all be fucking dead!’”
Marginalisation Prison Quote
(pg. 199)
“…they have failed…”
“…they have failed to grasp the redemptive power of art. Worst of all: they think Shakespeare is a waste of time. They think he has nothing to teach.”
Nature vs Nurture Quote
(pg. 58)
“Watching the many faces…”
“Watching the many faces watching their own faces as they pretended to be someone else – Felix found that strangely moving. For once in their lives, they loved themselves.”
Theatre Motif Quote
(pg. 116)
“Is the Island magic?…”
“Is the Island magic? Felix asks himself. The Island is many things, but among them is something he hasn’t mentioned: the Island is a theatre. Prospero is a director. He’s putting on a play, within which there’s another play.”