Haemostasis Flashcards
What is Haemostasis?
Stop blood loss.
Facts about haemostasis:
1) Is it vital?
2) Is it an active or passive process?
3) Why is it a dynamic process?
1) Vital for life
2) Active process - it can activate or inhibit platelet activation.
3) Can induce thrombosis or thrombolysis
Role of platelets in haemostasis:
- In rest state
- In activated state (damaged vessels)
During rest state, platelets are non-adhesive and circulate singularly.
In response to damaged vessels, platelets are activated and aggregate (stabilised by fibrin) to prevent blood loss from severed vessel.
What is thrombosis:
What are its implications (i.e. negative effects):
Thrombosis - formation of a thrombus (blood clot).
Occlusive thrombosis can lead to MI and ischaemic stroke.
What is the vascular control of platelet function?
- NO and PGI (prostacyclin) released from vascular ECs can inhibit platelet activation at rest
- ECs release NO, EDHF and PGI to inhibit SMC contraction
- Platelets release thromboxane which promotes SMC contraction
Initial soft-platelet plug formation in Haemostasis:
1) Damaged vessel causes platelets to be exposed to collagen and vWF in ECM and is later exposed to thrombin
2) That causes activation of platelets allowing them to adhere to the ECM via adhesion molecules
3) Release mediators such as thromboxane - vasoconstriction and aggregation of platelets
4) Form soft-platelet plug and causes haemostasis (initial response)
The clotting cascade (secondary response to haemostasis):
This consists of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathway which both promote activation of FXa (prothrombinase) which converts prothrombin to thrombin.
1) TF-expressing cells (fibroblasts and monocytes) aren’t always found in vasculature but damaged vessel causes them to be found in the lumen.
2) These release clotting factors (serine proteases) which activate via sequential cascade.
3) TF released from ECs and extravascular space combines and activates FVII.
4) TF:FVIIa activates FX (to FXa) using calcium and PLD.
5) FXa combines with FVa - prothrombinase.
6) Prothrombinase converts prothrombin (FII) to thrombin (FIIa) using calcium and PLD.
7) Thrombin activates platelets and causes them to undergo morphological changes and activates 5 odd-numbered factors from FV: 5, 7, 8, 11, 13.
8) Thrombin causes FV to be released from α-granules of activated platelets and is expressed on cell surface as FVa. (PROPAGATION)
9) Thrombin cleaves vWF-FVIII on cell surface causing FVIII to be activated (FVIIIa). (PROPAGATION)
10) FVIIIa combines with FIXa (TF:VIIa and FXIa (activated by thrombin) activates FIX to FIXa) - forms tenase.
11) Tenase activates FX to FXa which combines with FVa to form more thrombin. (AMPLIFICATION)
12) Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen (FI) (expressed on GPIIa/b on platelets) to fibrin (FIa).
13) Using calcium, polymerisation of fibrin occurs.
14) Thrombin and FXIIIa (activated by thrombin) causes cross-linking of fibrin polymers to allow a stable irreversible clot to form. HAEMOSTASIS!
What type of patients are susceptible to arterial thrombosis:
Patients with atherosclerosis are more susceptible to thrombosis.
Risk factors of atherosclerosis:
- Poor diet
- Lack of exercise
Stable and Unstable Coronary Artery Disease:
- plaque formation occurs in major arteries
- has stable lipid-rich core
- has fibrous cap which restricts size plaque
- disruption of fibrous cap
- causes localised activation and aggregation of platelets
Complication of improper arterial and venous thrombus formation:
This can lead to formation of an embolus which circulates in blood and can block arteries in heart, brain or lungs, leading to MI, stroke or pulmonary embolism.
Virchow’s Triad (SHE):
1) Stasis of blood flow
2) Hypercoagulability
3) Endothelial Dysfunction
Low blood flow (common in veins) or endothelial dysfunction (common in arteries) or hypercoagulability (which some individuals are susceptible to) can lead to thrombus formation.
Arterial Thrombosis:
1) What condition is it usually associated with?
2) What sites are they found at?
3) White or Red clot
4) Complication
5) Treatment
1) Usually associated with atherosclerosis
2) Found at site of vascular injury/disturbed blood flow
3) White clot - major platelet component
4) Complication: MI and Stroke
5) Treatment: anti-platelet drug
Venous Thrombosis:
1) What sites are they found at?
2) White or Red clot
3) Complication
4) Treatment
1) Usually found at site of hypercoagulability, stasis/turbulent blood flow, vascular damage from surgery/trauma
2) Red clot - platelet, fibrin and RBC component
3) Complication: Pulmonary embolism
4) Treatment: anti-coagulant drug
Antiplatelet Drugs:
- Purpose of antiplatelet drugs:
- Types of antiplatelet drugs:
Purpose of antiplatelet drugs:
1) Reduces growth and risk of arterial thrombosis
2) Prevents activation and aggregation of platelets and hence thrombus formation
Types of antiplatelet drugs:
1) Aspirin
2) P2Y12 Receptor antagonist
3) GPIs (GPIIβ IIIα receptor antagonist)
Mechanism of Action:
PGI2 and Thromboxane:
Mechanism of action:
- Irreversibly inhibits COX enzyme (cardioprotective unlike other reversible NSAIDs) and hence prevents thromboxane production in platelets
- thromboxane is a potent platelet agonist and vasconstrictor - causes activation and aggregation of platelets and hence thrombus formation
PGI2 and Thromboxane:
PGI2 released from vascular ECs inhibits platelet activation but as aspirin targets COX it can inhibit PGI2 production. This is temporary as ECs can resynthesise COX-2.
Thromboxane production in platelets is inhibited. This is permanent as platelets have no nucleus so inhibits thrombus formation and can’t resynthesise COX-1.
Ratio of thromoxane:PGI2 is reduced.
P2Y12 Receptor Antagonist:
Mechanism of action:
Mechanism of action:
- inhibits ADP-induced platelet activation
- inhibits platelet aggregation and thrombus formation
(ends in -grel or grelor)
Mechanism of action:
Two types of GPIs:
Mechanism of action:
- competes for fibrinogen and vWF binding on GPIIβ IIIα receptor
- inhibits platelet aggregation
Two types of GPIs:
1) Ab fragments (Fab)
2) Small molecule inhibitors
- very potent and fast-acting
- high risk of bleeding (less often used)
- thrombocytopenia (low levels of platelets)
Summarise Use of Antiplatelet Drugs:
Is it used for primary, secondary or tertiary prevention?
How is it used?
Is it used for primary, secondary or tertiary prevention?
- Used for secondary prevention
- Less effective for primary prevention
How is it used?
- Dual anti-platelet therapy - give aspirin and P2Y12 inhibitors
- high risk of bleeding
- multiple pathways of platelet activation so limits its effect
Anticoagulant and Fibrinolytic Therapy:
What is it used to treat?
How does it treat this?
Examples of anticoagulants?
What are thrombolytics?
Coagulation cascade consist of two parts, what are they?
- used to treat venous thrombosis
- prevents clot formation but can’t dissolve existing clot - inhibits coagulation cascade
Examples of anticoagulants: Heparin, Warfarin, Thrombin and FXa inhibitors.
Thrombolytics - rapid removal of blood clots in coronary and cerebral artery.
Coagulation cascade consist of a cellular part and fibrinolytic system.
Cellular part - involves platelets.
Fibrinolytic system - Prevents overaction of the coagulation cascade.
- mechanism of action
- what is it used to treat?
- brief structure
- what are the two types and how do they differ?
- can directly and indirectly (antithrombin) inhibit serine protease factor 12, 11, 10, 9 and FIIa
- used for rapid treatment of venous thrombosis
- has a repeating sugar residue structure
There are two types:
1) Unfractionated form - High risk of HIT and bleeding
2) LMWH - Low risk
Factor Xa Inhibitors:
- mechanism of action
- how is it administered
- why is it better than heparin and LMWH
- Directly/indirectly inhibit factor Xa
- given through I.V. or oral
- safer to use; low risk of bleeding and HIT
Thrombin Inhibitors:
- mechanism of action
- how do they inhibit thrombin
- how is it administered
- inhibit thrombin (clot bound or free)
- block thrombin active site
- given i.v. or orally
How is inappropriate clot formation prevented?
1) ECs - NO and PGI
2) APC
4) Anti-thrombin
1) ECs release NO and PGI2 which inhibits platelet activation.
2) APC and Protein S inhibit FVa and FVIIIa so inhibit clot formation.
3) TFPI inhibits clot formation - inactivates and form a complex with FXa. This inhibits TF:FVIIa.
4) Antithrombin inhibits thrombin and factor 9, 10, 12.
Mechanism involved in clot limitation:
1) APC
2) tPA
ECs release thrombomodulin which activates inactive protein C to APC. APC and Protein S inhibit FVa and FVIIIa.
tPA (tissue plasminogen activator):
Damaged ECs stimulated by BK and thrombin release tPA which activates plasminogen and cleaves it to form plasmin.
Plasmin causes degradation of fibrin to fibrin degradation products and D-dimers.
tPA can be inhibited by PAI (plasminogen activator inhibitor) and APC inhibits PAI.
- mechanism of action
- what is it used to treat?
- what conditions can it treat?
- cons?
- activate plasminogen which breaks down fibrin clot.
- used to treat arterial thrombosis
- treats MI and stroke
CONS: High risk of haemorrhage