Haematology/Lymphatic Lecture Flashcards
What is anaemia is characterised by?
Insufficient red blood cells or haemoglobin
Anaemia occurs due to one (or more) of the following three factors:
Blood loss
Deficient erythropoiesis
Excessive haemolysis
Blood loss can be characterised as:
Acute or Chronic
Compare and Contrast between Acute and chronic blood loss in anemia
Blood loss does not immediately result in anaemia
blood loss can result in anaemia either:
1. When the rate of RBC loss is greater than the ability of the body to replace them
2. When increased erythropoiesis results in depletion of iron stores
What are causes of Deficient erythropoiesis?
Iron deficiency anaemia
Anaemia of chronic disease
Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anaemia
Why can chronic diseases (infection, inflammation or cancers) cause anaemia?
Because of:
Slightly shortened RBC survival
Impaired erythropoiesis
Impaired intracellular iron metabolism
What is Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anaemia?
Results from Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency
Onset is insidious and may not cause symptoms until severe
Give examples of conditions arising from B12 deficiency
Peripheral neuropathy
Give examples of conditions arising from Folate deficiency
Diarrhoea Tongue inflammation (glossitis)
What is Haemolysis?
Premature destruction of RBCs
before the usual 120 days
Excessive Haemolysis is caused by which two factors?
- Intrinsic RBC disorders
e. g. sickle-cell disease, thalassemia
2.Extrinsic RBD disorders
immunological, infection, toxins, mechanical trauma
Describe the Signs and Symptoms of Anaemia.
Vague - Symptoms are anything to do with not getting enough Oxygen.
e.g. weakness fatigue drowsiness, angina, syncope, dyspnoea on exertion, vertigo, HA, tinnitus
What symptoms suggest blood loss anaemia?
What symptoms suggest haemolysis?
Dark urine (if no liver disease)
Diffuse, severe bone and chest pain may suggest
sickle-cell disease