Haematology case studies Flashcards
What are the normal values for Hb, MCV, platelets?
Hb - males 13.5-18g/dl - females 11.5-16g/dl MCV 75-95 fl platelets - 150-450x10^9/L
What are the normal values for WBC, neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils?
WBC - 4 - 11x10^9/L Neutrophil - 2.5-7.5x10^9/L Lymphocytes - 1.5-3.5x10^9/L Eosinophils - 0.04-0.4x10^9/L Basophils - 0.01-0.1x10^9/L
What are the normal values for bleeding time, PT, APTT and TT?
Bleeding time - <10mins
PT <13 seconds
APTT <40 seconds
TT<11 seconds
Case 1:
- 5 yr old pallor and jaundice
- Hb =: 6.7g/dl, MCV = 104fl, WCC 9x10^9/L, platelets = 278x10^9/L
- blood film: spherocytes++, polychromasia
- direct coombs test = negative (+ve in autoimmune)
What is the diagnosis?
Which biochemical tests below is most useful in following
Hereditary spherocytosis
- macrocytic anaemia
Bilirubin - as it is a haemolytic process
What cell is elevated in a chronic asthma patient?
Case 2:
- 78 caucasian M, fatigue, weight loss and altered bowel habits
- Hb - 7.3g/dl, MCV- 65fl, WCC 6.7x10^9/L, plt- 492x10^9/L
What is the likely diagnosis and what would you recommend as the next management step?
likely iron deficiency anaemia which increases risk of bowel cancer
=> refer for colonoscopy and biopsy
Case 3:
- 2 yr old M, swollen, bruised elbow following a fall 4 hours ago
- well prior to the fall, apyrexial
- Hb - 13.7g/dl, WCC 8.7x10^9/L, plts- 279x10^9/L
- bleeding time = 8 mins
- APTT = 60s
- PT - 11.2s
- TT - 10s
What is the most likely underlying diagnosis ?
Haemophilia a
the APTT is abnormal = which is a measure of he intrinsic coagulation pathway
Haemophilia - joints tend to bleed
Case 4:
- 2 yr old F recurrent spontaneous nose bleeds
- otherwise well
- Hb - 13.7g/dl, WCC 8.7x10^9/L, plts - 279x10^9/L
- Bleeding time 15 mins
- PT - 11.2s
- APTT 60s
- TT 10s
What is the most likely underlying diagnosis ?
Von willebrands disease - low levels of vWb factor therefore you consequently have low levels of FVIII as it carries it
tend to get mucosal bleeds, don’t occur in haemophilia
Case 5:
- 23 M with painless cervical and mediastinal lymphadenopathy associated with fevers and night sweats
- FBC normal
- Lymph biopsy indicate hodgkin reinberg stem cells
What is the diagnosis and what is the prognosis with chemotherapy?
hodgkins lymphoma
- these cells have 2 nuclei = malignant cells
80% survival at 5 years - early stage is even better now
Case 6:
- 79 F severe back pain, confusion and constipation
- Hb - 8.7g/dl, WCC 9.2x10^9/L, Plt- 274x10^9/L
- Na - 143mM, Creat - 179microM, Ca0 3.7mM, K- 4.2mM, urea - 10.3mM, Alb 40g.L
- bone marrow aspirate showed lots of plasma cells
What is the underlying diagnosis?
What is the cause of the confusion and constipation?
multiple myeloma
Case 7:
- 19 M 2/52 hx enlarged cervical lymph node to 2cm in size, fatigue, occasional low grade fever
- Hb - 14.2g/dl, WCC 15x10^9/L, plt 465x10^/L
What would be the next management step and what could the diagnosis be?
send blood sample for paul bunnell test
- could be glandular fever caused by EBV
Case 8:
- 22 F easy bruising and increasing lethargy
- Hb 7g/dl, WCC 1.1x10^9/L, neutrophils 0.3x10^9/Lm plts 22x10^9/L
What is the most likely diagnosis?
idiopathic aplastic anaemia - extremely rare
Case 9:
- 55 M lethargy
- Hb 10.2g/dl, MCV 82fl, WCC 223x10^9/L, plts 658x10^9/L
- ctyogenetic analysis of the bone marrow => chr 9 and Chr22 are abnormal
What is the likely diagnosis?
Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Case 10:
- 57 M severe pneumonia and bruising
- within 3 hours admission, begins to bleed from around the IV cannula site
- Hb 7.1g/dl, WCC 22X10^9/L, plts 18x10^9/L
- PT 22s
- APTT 55s
- blood film - there are few platelets
What complication has developed in this patient?
In addition to antibiotics what blood products should this patient receive?
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- anaemia and thrombocytopenic
- microcoagulation triggered by infection=> fibrin formation => red cell fragments
red cells, platelets and cryoprecipitate transfusions
Case 11:
- 18 F afrocarribean origin has chest pains, breathlessness and profoundly hypoxic
- known to have longstanding anaemia
- Hb - 7.9g/dl, MCV - 89fl, WCC 9x10^9/L, plt 335x10^9/L
What medical emergecy is this patient likely to have ?
sickle chest crisis - needs an exchange transfusion
On a post mortem the spleen is taken out and found to be 5cm long what is the consequence of this abnormality?
likely infection - a normal spleen is 10-12 cm
Case 12:
- 40 F lethargy and bruising
- Hb 7.9g/dl, WCC 21x10^9/L, plts 57x10^9/L
- blood film shows auer rod
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute myeloid leukaemia - auer rods are pathopneumonic of AML
Case 13:
- 54 vegan, tiredness and SOB
- abnormal neutrophils
- Hb 8.1g/dl, MCV - 115fl, WCC 3x10^9/L, neutrophils 1x10^9/L, plts 110x10^9/L
What is the most likely diagnosis?
folate deficiency
- macrocytic anaemia= could also be a b12 deficiency
it isnt iron deficiency anaemia as this would give you a low MCV
Case 14:
- 67 M anaemia and abdominal pain
- blood film shows leucoerythroblastic picture
- bone marrow shows extensive fibrosis
- Hb 8.6g/dl, MCV 84fl, WCC 1.2x10^9/L, neutrophils 0.7x10^9/L, plts 36x10^9/L
What is the likely diagnosis?
- enlarged spleen and extramedullary fibrosis