Haematology Flashcards
Regarding RCs, define the following:
- Normocytic
- Microcytic
- Macrocytic
- Normocytic = RCs of normal sixe
- Microcytic = small RCs
- Macrocytic = large RCs
Regarding RCs, define the following:
- Normochromia
- Hypochromia
- Hyperchromia
- Normochromia = RCs that have 1/3 of diameter that is pale
This is normal as the biconcave disc of RCs has less Hb therefore is paler
- Hypochromia = RCs that have a larger area of central pallor than normal
Low Hb content = flatter cells therefore more of it is pale
- Hyperchromia = RCs that lack central palor
Abnormal shaped RCs therefore there is no colour difference
Define: Reticulocytosis
- Too many reticulocytes
- Detected using a stain in which living red cells are expose to methylene blue which precipitates as a network (aka reticulum)
- Allows the number of reticulocytes to be counted
Sickle cells
- Red cells that are sickle or cresent shaped
- Result from polymerisation of haemoglobin S when present in a high concentration
Regarding RCs, define the following:
- Rouleaux
- Agglutinates
- Howell-Jolly body
- Rouleaux = Neat stacks of red cells that resemble a pile of coins. Result from alterations in plasma proteins
- Agglutinates = Irregular clumps of red cells. Result from antibody on the surface of the red cells
- Howell-Jolly body = A nuclear remnant in a red cell. Commonest cause is lack of splenic function
Regarding WCs, define:
- Leucocytosis
- Leucopenia
- Lymphocytosis
- Lymphopenia
- Neutrophilia
- Neutropenia
- Eosinophilia
- Leucocytosis = too many WCs
- Leucopenia = too few WCs
- Lymphocytosis = too many lymphocytes
- Lymphopenia = too few lymphocytes
- Neutrophilia = too many neutrophils
- Neutropenia = too few neutrophils
- Eosinophilia = too many eosinophils
Regarding platelets, define:
- Thrombocytosis
- Thrombocytopaenia
- Thrombocytosis = too many platelets
- Thrombocytopaenia = too few platelets
Define - gaussian and non-gaussian distribution
- If data have a Gaussian distribution the mean plus and minus 2 standard deviations gives a 95% range.
- If data has a non-Gaussian distribution then mathematical transformation of the data is required before analysis.
Where do blood cells originate from?
Blood cells of all types (red cells, granulocytes, monocytes and platelets) originate in the bone marrow (however RBCs and WBCs are produced in two separate lineages)
From what kind of cells do all blood cells origiate from?
They are ultimately derived from pluripotent haemopoietic stem cells
The pluripotent stem cells gives rise to lymphoid stem cells and multipotent myeloid stem cells/precursors, from which red cells, granulocytes, monocytes and platelets are derived
What controls the production of RCs?
Red cells are produced under the influence of erythropoietin
Where is EPO synthesised and under what circumstances?
EPO is mainly synthesised in the kidney under reduced O2 supply
Name all the cells from which RCs (known as eyrthrocytes) originate
What is this process called?
Synthesis and matruation of RCs = erythropoesis
All RCs (erythrocytes) originate from multipotent myeloid stem cells which give rise to pro-erythroblasts. These then give rise to erthyroblasts then erythrocytes.
What is the average life span of a healthy RC?
The erythrocyte survives about 120 days in the blood stream
List the various functions of RCs
- The main function of red cells is oxygen transport by haemoglobin
- Other functions of haemoglobin include:
- Transport of carbon dioxide and of nitric oxide.
- Haemoglobin also acts as a _buffer _
Where are WCs produced and what controls their synthesis?
WCs (eg: granulocytes and monocytes) synthesis occurs in the bone marrow under the influence of various cytokines
Examples of cytokines includes - interleukins and colony stimulating factors
Name the cell types invovled in the synthesis of WCs
The multipotent haemopoietic stem cell can also give rise to a myeloblast, which in turn can give rise to granulocytes and monocytes
How do monocytes matrue? What cell types do they mature into?
Monocytes migrate to tissues where they develop into macrophages and other specialized cells that have a phagocytic and scavenging function
What other type of WCs arises from myeloblasts?
A myeloblast can also give rise to eosinophil granulocytes and basophil granulocytes
What are the main functins of basphils and eosinophils?
- Eosinophils = defence against parasitic infection
- Basophils = allergic responses
What protein contrls the production of platelets?
The production of platelets is under the influence of thrombopoietin
What precursor cells are involved in platelet production?
The multipotent haemopoietic stem cell can also give rise to megakaryocytes and then platelets
What is the average lifespan of platelets?
Platelets survive about 10 days in the circulation
What is the major role of platelets?
Platelets have a role in primary haemostasis
Platelets contribute phospholipid, which promotes blood coagulation
What type of stem cell gives rise to T and B cells
The lymphoid stem cell gives rise to T cells, B cells and natural killer cells
What are the 4 caveats for normal reference ranges?
- A value within the normal range may be abnormal for that individual
- A value outside the normal range may be normal for that individual
- Reference ranges for healthy and sick individuals usually overlap
- Some haematological variables are dependent on the precise instrument or methodology used
What are the normal ranges (for men and women) for the following counts:
- Hb
- MCV (mean cell volume)
- Platelets
- Male = 3.6-9.2 x 109/l
- Female = 3.5-10.8 x 109/l
- Male = 4.25-5.77 x 1012/l
- Female = 3.82-4.98 x 1012/l
- Hb
- Male = 13.5-16.9 g/dl
- Female = 11.5-14.8 g/dl
- 84-99 fl
- Platelet Count
- Male = 143-332 x 109/l
- Female = 169-358 x 109/l
Define Polycythaemia
Polycythaemia is the opposite of anaemia - i.e. increased levels (number) of RCs causing high Hb levels
List the 4 types (mechanisms) of polycythaemia, giving an example for each
- Physiological - found in newborn babies
- Appropriate EPO secretion - alitutude
- Inappropriate EPO secretion - EPO abuse (i.e. drug use in athletes)
- Intrinsic BM disease - polycythaemia vera
Define Anaemia
Anaemia = a reduction in the concentration of Hb in circulating blood below what is normal in a healthy individual of that gender and age (this is important as Hb levels vary according to F/M and age)
What are the 4 major mechanisms of anaemia?
- Reduced production of RBC/Hb in BM
- Loss of blood from the body
- Reduced survival of RBCs in circulation (haemolysis)
- Pooling of RBC in a large spleen
Define: MCH & MCHC (in relation to anaemia)
MCH - absolute amount of Hb in an individual RBC
MCHC - concentration of Hb in a red cell (this is related to the shape of the cell)
Anaemia is calssed on the basis of RC size - define the following:
- Microcytic
- Normocytic
- Macrocytic
- RC = small (known as microcytes)
- Cells are also hypochromic - appear pale
- Common causes inc. iron deficiency, ACD & thalassaemia
- RC = normal
- Common causes inc. blood loss, failure to produce RC, GI problems, pooling of cells in spleen
- RC = large
- Cells are also normochromic - appear normal
- Common causes inc. lack of Vit. B12 or folic acid (megaloblastic anaemia), liver disease, ethanol toxicity
Define haemolytic anaemia
Haemolytic anaemia is anaemia caused by shorted RC life span - it can be inherited or acquired and is due to either an intrinsic (inherent problem with the RC) or extrinsic (external factors acting on the RC) RC problem
What are the consequences of haemolysis?
Haemolysis (the destruction of RCs) has various potential clinical consequences:
- Anaemia
- Erythroid hyperplasia
- Increased folate demand
- Increased viral susceptibility (esp. B19)
- Increased propensity to gallstones
- Increased risk of iron overload
- Increased risk of developing osteoporosis
List the common inherited & acquired abnormalities found in haemolytic anaemia
Inherited - due to abnormalities in the:
- Cell membrane
- Haemoglobin
- Enzymes in the red cell
Acquired - due to extrinsic factors affecting the RC:
- Micro-organisms (infectious anaemia)
- Chemicals or drugs (iatrogenic)
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA)
Haemolytic anaemia can also be described as “intravascular” or “extravascular” - define these and give an example of each
Intravascular = within the circulation
- Autoimmune Anaemia
Extravascular = removal or descruction of RC by RE system (reticuloendothelial)
- Haemoglobinuria
- Idiopathic
- Infection (malaria)
List the various diagnosis points of haemolytic anaemias
- Unexplained anaemia, normochromic and normocytic/macrocytic
- Morphologically abnormal red cells:
- Spherocytes in hereditary spherocytosis and AIHA
- Heinz bodies in G6PD deficiency (clumps of denatured Hb due to oxidant damage)
- Increased red cell breakdown
- Jaundice, raised bilirubin
- Increase bone marrow activity
- Raised reticulocytes (immature RBC)
List the clinical features of haemolytic anaemia
Name a haemolytic anaemia due to:
- Issues in Hb
- Membrane defects
- Autoimmune destruction
- Infection
- Sickle Cell
- Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Autoimmune Hereditary Anaemia
- Malaria
Define the key clinical features of - Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Most common inherited haemolytic anaemia
- Due to a vertical disruption in the RC membrane
- Disrupted interactions between the cytoskeleton and bilayer
- Causes a change in RC appearance - mechanical abnormality resulting in osmotic changes
Define the key clinical features of - Hereditary Elliptocytosis
- Due to a horizontal disruption in the RC membrane
- Defects in the cytoskeleton
- Causes a change in RC appearance - mechanical abnormality resulting in osmotic changes
Define the key clinical features of - G6PD Deficiency
- This is an example of anaemia caused by disrupted metabolic pathways (in RCs)
- Inherited - X-linked
- Clinical Features (can be asymptomatic):
- Neonatal jaundice
- Acute haemolysis
- Chronic haemolytic anaemia
Define the key clinical features of - Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
- Another example of disrupted metabolic pathways
- Most common metabolic defect
- Pathophysiology - ATP depletion –> loss of ions –> dehydrated RCs –> death of RCs
- Clinical Features (often asymptomatic):
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Neonatal jaundice
- Splenomegaly
Outline normal iron absorption & homeostasis
- Iron is essential for haem-containing molecules
- Role - hold onto oxygen
- RDA - 20 mg (most is recycled)
- Major (normal) losses of iron - menstruation & desquamated cells (skin & gut)
- Dietary Sources - red meat, green vegetables etc.
- Only Fe2+ (ferrous iron) can be absorbed (most dietary sources are ferric - Fe3+)
- Abs of iron is affected by diet, intestinal acids and any iron deficiencies
- Abs of iron depends on specific proteins
- Ferroprotein = TM protein in duodenum that transports iron
- Hepcidin = inhibitor of ferroprotein
- Ferritin = storage protein of iron (within cells)
- Transferrin = ferritin binding protein
- Iron within the body is divided into pools
- Metabolic pool (Hb & myoglobin)
- Storage pool (ferritin)
Outline the role of transferrin
- Transferrin = glycoprotein, ferrtin BP
- Role = hold iron in the circulation (via ferritin)
- Required for the internalisation of iron into cells
- Clinical significance = can be used as a measure of [Fe]