Haematological malignancy Flashcards
What sort of information should you provide patients with myeloma and their family members/carers?
What is beta-2 microglobulin?
- beta-2 microglobulin tumour marker for multiple myeloma and lymphoma
- if raised in CSF, suggestive of brain or spinal cord mets
Also Known As - B2M, B2M, β2-Microglobulin, Thymotaxin
Formal Name - Beta2 Microglobulin, Serum, Urine, or CSF
What are the laboratory investigations for people with suspected myeloma?
Give some laboratory investigations to provide prognostic information regarding myeloma.
- immunophenotyping on bone marrow plasma cells
- immunohistochemistry on trephine biopsy
- serum free light chain assay and serum-free-light-chain ratio to assess prognosis
Give some imaging investigations for people with suspected myeloma.
- whole-body MRI 1st line imaging
Give some imaging options for people with newly diagnosed myeloma.
- to look for myeloma-related bone disease and extra-medullary plasmacytomas
What sort of services should hospitals treating myeloma but not receiving inpatient chemotherapy or a transplant offer?
What is the first line treatment of newly diagnosed myeloma?
- Bortezomib with dexamethasone OR with dexamethasone and thalidomide
(for those eligible for high dose chemotherapy with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation)
How do you manage acute renal disease caused by myeloma?
- Bortezomib and dexamethasone immediately
Give some ways of preventing bone disease in myeloma patients.
Give some ways of managing non-spinal bone disease in myeloma patients.
Give some ways of managing spinal bone disease in myeloma patients.
- Zoledronic acid OR disodium pamidronate CR sodium clodronate
What are some ways of preventing infection in myeloma patients?
- seasonal influenza vaccine
- extending pneumococcal vaccine to under 65’s
- IV immunoglobulin if hypogammaglobilinaemic
- prophylactic aciclovir
How can you manage peripheral neuropathy in myeloma patients?
- reduce dose
- reduce to weekly doses
- temporarily stop neuropathy-inducing myeloma tx
How can you manage fatigue in myeloma patients?
EPO analogues - only for symptomatic anaemia
What sort of monitoring is required for myeloma patients?
- serum immunoglobulins and serum protein electrophoresis
- serum-free-light-chain assay
- routine bloods
- bone profile
- whole body MRI
- whole body CT