Haematological and Cardiovascular Revision Questions Flashcards
List 3 potential causes of chronic haemorrhage
Explain which type of regenerative anaemia does not lead to a loss in blood volume
Explain the pathophysiology of immune mediated haemolytic anaemia
List 4 potential causes of non-regnerative anaemia in the cat
Explain the significance of the following changes
Increase mean corpuscular volume (MCV) -
Presence of reticulocytes -
Inclusion bodies -
Explain the reasons for the following clinical signs that may be observed in an anaemic patient
Pale MM -
Tachycardia -
Jaundice -
Pale MM -
Tachycardia -
Jaundice -
Describe the ways in whihc suspected Von Willebrands disease may be diagnosed in a canine patient
Explain the aetiology of canine dialated cardiomyopathy
Explain why patients with DCM may die acutely
A small dog has been diagnosed with mitral valve endcardiosis.
Explain the reason for the following signs/findings
Exercise intolerance -
Cough -
Murmur -
Exercise intolerance -
Cough -
Murmur -
Explain the pathophysiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats
Explain the following diagnostic techniques that may be used to diagnose heart disease
Cardiac ultrasound -
NTproBNP test -
Cardiac ultrasound -
NTproBNP test -
Idiopathic pericardtis is common in which breed of dog?
Explain the pathophysiology of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a puppy
Explain briefly the role of the RAA System in maintaining blood pressure in the face of falling cardic output
Explain why the following types of drugs might be used to treat heart failure
Diuretics -
ACE inhibitors -
Diuretics -
ACE inhibitors -